Guild Wars 2 - /gw2g/

>What is Guild Wars 2?
Guild Wars 2 is an active free-to-play MMORPG from ArenaNet, the sequel to Guild Wars 1, with events taking place 250 years after its timeline.

This thread has botspam, he copies image files and names, identify yourself by using guildwars2 in your name and reply directly to the OP. Discord still recommended!

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>Denying people the chance to hear all of Michael Jackson's music because nobody will play Sonic 3 and Knuckles separately

you don't guard in any direction, blocking blocks all attacks except guard breaker attacks which glow red.

Rance should just be called Rance.

I always get these maps confused with eachother. they kind of just meld together after a while and look similar

Can you make a worse character?
Face, hair, skin, body, makeup, outfit
It's all trash tier

Here comes the dogfuckers.

Can't do it anymore in SWL

>lear still hasn't posted a pic of his face

with legion it's his ult, and he shreds pilots anyways, so that's the risk you take when fighting one. Virtually no one uses smart pistol.


That's fucking retarded.

Okay, where do I farm for good ones then?

Thought that monster effects that are activated when the monster is summoned are activated even if my opponent uses a bottomless trap hole because the card doesn't say that it negates the summon.

>an EPROM programer + EPROMS + cart shells for $30

find me that package ill order it right now.

No but there is a piece of gear that shows enemy HP instead of just a red bar. Not sure what the purpose was tho

Wow, the first two aren't as big as I thought they'd be and I already know about shmuplations.

I know that isn't your point, which is why I didn't respond to your point. I know you didn't know that it works, which is why I told you that it does. No need to be a salty little pussy about it.

Calm down no-fun autist. Also

>implying it's just one person

silver is trash, if you have more than half a brain you can get out of it easily

t. my main is only d5 but I elo boost accounts from bronze to plat

>literally acting smug about watching wrestling


In psychiatry/ology, every human behavior is in the DSM and there's always a new mindfuck and pill to dope it up with.
Shit's worse than Catholicism and Scientology combined, but with even more legal authority over people.

Son, all you need is a razor blade and a roll of electrical tape and you can replace batteries just fine.

There was that pretty cool femdrell CYOA a few weeks ago, though.
And it's fine if you like raptor posting. :^)

How do I make me adventurer into monarch?

Yeah, I wish the game played as good as it looks tho. At least it's waaayy better than the sequel.

he took CI

and fuck konami too, it's almost as bad

post butts

Cia, with Urbosa being second.

Kawasaki Superbike Challenge on the SNES

Follow up question, Blackguard worth using over say Berserker?

Grandia 2:
Skies of Arcadia:
Project S11:

>If you don't like it, don't do it.

Is this a ruse?

>implying Alisa stands a chance if Anelace shows up and bonds with Rean over Eight Leaves and Ka-Fai

>I'm not a cuck
if you still care about sc2 you are a cuck. if you ever cared about sc2 you are a cuck.

And that's one of the reasons sanic is a bad game

It's really fun and good, goldbro!

what key do you recommend for crouch?

Unless you like her, you're better off using those two.

You need a longer cable still but most of the chinkshit replacements include it.

OP needs to go oem BAM model if anything.

When I can't understand the point you're trying to get across, then yes I am affected by your grammar.

whatever is the speediest character is my favorite

Nerds with spooky skeleton bodies who think they're badass are even cringier than the fat nerds who think they're badass.

>my undoubtedly 100% pure white brother

Stop projecting

hi /dadg/
someone please convince me to pick up CC when it comes out on consoles next week
I'm losing my will to go back to DD for another run each and every day, there being such a huge gap in the releases really killed it

it's amazing how everyone with moustaches like that are fucking intolerable

Why do you start with 4? Why don't you want to play the actual (pre-2004) good games?

I don't really see the appeal to them beyond maybe scanlines for that nostalgic effect but if you want to use them go ahead.

Not him but why would I be buttblasted about C&D that did literally nothing because the game was already out? Not to mention it's still being maintained and updated.

Sadly one of several MM games that never came out.

How do I trick the desire sensor? I want 1 (ONE) Destruct Potion, fucking faggot brothers


I wonder if PUBG will be crossplay with PC? it might be a month or 2 before I get one, I still need a 4k TV, atleast they dropped in price alot

I have the wolf statue

I will never understand what people see in CD's gameplay. Can someone please educate me?

I like both, Terraria is a complete game and Starbound has actual mod support.

That would be Claudette.

Take a step back and think broader.

Midna get out imp fuckers

i dont

Do you think it's better to buff 436423 builds or just nerf an single overperforming one?

>Losing a 1v1 to a twitch drone
I feel so bad for that guy

Sure, I'll take a code op

Mozu is a girl?

bump from vitagen

Is there anywhere you can still get that? I thought they all got taken down?


>pc gaming

Watch Bruce Lee's movie "Game of Death". Then you'll understand.

>TLG > Ico > SOTC
You're somhow worse than OP

No, this is.

>Virus Chiaki clearly won the Hajimebowl
This is up to speculation, but i fix your statement to be more clear

Try not to feel bad, Zato.

What do you mean by lowball? Landfill games?

Why aren't you driving across the commonwealth /fog/?

Make money and schmooze with elites

>being this gay
>implying I'm gay

It's not better it makes it worse, user.

But then I don't understand the point of the comic. I'm seeing two scenarios that are the same only the first one it fits that a father is helping his son with his food.

If by active you mean "full of chinese aimboters with ocassional bulgarian/russian scum" then yes. Otherwise - fucking no.

I'm using AIX to play SP and sometimes making a LAN party but this requires friends

>download sexlab
>browse all the lewd content
>fap a bit
>give up installing and just open pornhub ?

Nah I know pushing down goes into reverse. I can gently move it with 2 fingers holding the sides and it'll register as reverse despite being in 6th.

Saw a lot on Assetto Corsa but heard it wasn't worth the price tag.

I wish they made a new Caesar or Pharaoh with a more modern engine.
I guess the genre is dead. Online game trash doesn't count, btw, if you intend to recommend anything like that.

character's what?

better do it soon, the market's going to crash hard. hope you didn't pay too much for your carts.

i HATE nintendo!
shut up bill everyone knows you ARE G A Y

It already exist OP

Bad thread

I'm so immersed right now.

nice try jimmy, we're not playing your dead content

I've leveled up and got two meat snails and have yet to get an invasion. Even if I do will I see a skull? NOPE!
Two days a month for something that "may" appear sure is great.


I don't know. Should you?

Please no. That'd be horrifying, and eventually annoying.

no womanlets allowed

How the fuck do you play a roguelike on a phone?

>equivalent to 1070
Not even close baby.
It is no more powerful than Rx460

Some gw2 regions are samey but only because its all one big area

Yeah I've seen a lot of people state that it's a disappointing ending zone