/ORG/ Off Road General

>where is my thread you fucking niggers????? edition
i cant leave this place alone for 30 fucking seconds you god damn faggots.

things that are encouraged ITT
>posting pics of sick rigs
>posting pics of your own shitty rig
>talking about why your rig sucks and so do you
>being mad jelly of other peoples rigs

things that are unwelcome ITT
>anyone who refuses to bow to the toyota land cruiser

Should I get a 4runner or a Tundra? I like that the Tundra has a v8 and isn't slow like the 4runner but I see the Tundra get alot of hate so that kinda makes me want the 4runner but I hate how slow the 4runner is.

depends on what your goals are for it. think about what you plan to do with it. do you have lots of people you plan to take with you? do you plan to put yourself in difficult offroad situations or mostly just fire roads? will this be your only car? do you need the utility of a pick up? will you be overlanding for extended periods of time with it?

there are too many variable and no one answer. we need to know more about your situation. no one can just blanket recommend you one or the other unless they are retarded.

Hey, I've got an 80's 2wd 1 ton dually truck, looking to improve the traction off road, just wondering if its worth getting a locker or not. Is there a factory option i could source from a junkyard? My other truck has a shitty Gov-lock and the rear kicks out sideways when it locks up, maybe a limited slip would be better? I cant find much locally for the GM 14 bolt FF other than the Detroit/Grizzly

tbf i have no idea why you would ever want to take a 2wd 1-ton dually into offroad situations. that said, a rear auto locker is pretty cheap and will drastically improve traction. no idea how the extra wheels will effect it though...may very well be a bad idea witha ll that extra pressure on the locker.

i realy like these threads

Get an FJ with a TRD supercharger.

sick truck OP.

pic is mine. it sucks because it's not running.

can't beat half doors

Its a work truck and I live out in the bush so it sees mud snow and rocks all the time. Some of the sites I work at barely have roads established, although I do a lot of highway driving when going to pickup supplies. Since duallys have a rep for getting stuck on wet grass I would like to make it a bit more capable, not trying to take it up a mountain.

Beach camping - this is THE rig


Desert fun

Its me, shitty Bronco 2 guy again.

Truck sat in pieces for 2 weeks while I was too broke to spend money on parts.

Replaced the water pump, had to get new bolts because the old ones were too rusty to put back in, new spark plugs, air filter and finished yanking out the air conditioning lines and condenser.

Valve covers, radiator fan and fan clutch are on order from rockauto.

Just found out that I cracked my radiator when putting it back in, smeared a huge gob of red RTV on the plastic and it seems to have stopped the dripping...

Still haven't gotten new tires, but once the engine is in better order and I do a brake job, I plan on taking it up to some BLM land and seeing just how bad it really is.

sup OJ

also that bronco is clean af. nice truck user.

Should I wash my truck after every mud outing? I kinda like how it looks but don't wanna invite rust

if you let the mud dry it doesn't matter, you're going to rust. wash the frame and panels while the mud is still wet or get rust.

Why does the drying matter?

water stays in contact longer, fractures in paint/sealant more likely to accept moisture and cause oxidation. rust.

Interesting. Btw, I'm talking about 1-3" deep slop, not "deep as your differential" slop

eh, i'm just thinking of panel spatter and the stuff that sticks to a frame, especially unboxed.