Can we all kek at americans retardness

Can we all kek at americans retardness

oh god gross I thought millionaires circumvented bullshit like that

>>b-but muh freedumbs!!!

top kek, as if the old countach wasn't enough

Yeah this is dumb.
t. American

The designers had to laugh so much by drawing these two craps

where else are you supposed to mount your rascal scooter?

What am I looking at?




Safety first

their bullshit has no limit


>buying a VW in the first place



No, you're supposed to be upset that we're making fun of you.
God, you're ruining this

Fuck you euroscum. These are important here in America. The average pedestrian weights around 300lbs so these bumpers protect the car if you drive in to them.

Clearly false flagging, American's don't walk anywhere so there are no pedestrians.

Shit you got me.

Don't forget about the porsha

tfw they even ruin their own cars

Yo Dawg so I heard you like big black safety bumpers so we put a bumper in front of your bumper so you can bump [...]

lol americans so stupid


>tfw armour piercing bumpers

woulnt you want some protection from the front of your car when you crash into somthing the size of a whale?

Better not take out your car at all.

Who the fuck cares?
Its like Veeky Forums everyday is all about perfomance and gives no shit about looks, and then, suddenly, goes apeshit about safety.

>imagine being this retarded
Holy shit you can’t make this shit up