/blaz/ - BlazBlue General

Previous timeloop >Console Lobby password is always vidya
PC Lobby Naming Convention: /Blaz/ (Region) (East/West)

- BBCF 2.0 is now out in arcades, featuring Jubei and a large amount of balance changes.
- BBCF 2.0 and Jubei release date for consoles set for August 31st.
- BlazBlue Cross Tag Battle (feat. P4A, UNIB and RWBY) coming in 2018, no platforms revealed.
- Central Fiction is now available on PS3, PS4 and PC (Steam).
- XBlaze Code Embryo, XBlaze Lost Memories, Calamity Trigger, Continuum Shift Extend, and Chronophantasma Extend are also available on Steam.
- Blazblue Variable Heart, a new manga starring Mai, is currently being published.

- BlazBlue Character Selector
- BBCF Character info
pastebin.com/zVa2p4Q3 (embed) (embed)
- Match Videos
pastebin.com/e119EKtk (embed) (embed)
- News, Guides, Combo Listings
- Story Stuff
- Other Media (Remix Heart, Variable Heart, Soundtracks, Bururaji, etc)
pastebin.com/eJRLZkYz (embed) (embed)
-Frame data/hitbox viewer
-Spectator's Guide to BlazBlue
-Discord Links
pastebin.com/UM1rb5SJ (embed) (embed)
-CF2 Patch Notes Translation

Play Ruby

Most recent tier list for anyone interested. List is based off of high level arcade gameplay so it's pretty accurate


>still posting user's tier list

does she have any good guessies?

We'll see. She'll probably a mid tier character.

Why was Rachel so nerfed? And why is Ragna in 2.0 considered fish?

>Ragna in 2.0 considered fish
Wait wat? Who said this?



I want porn. Porn with Mai.

Only if it's gay after he gains his dick back

Kajun dlc

Me too. That's why I commission Mai porn.


In game Lambda's and Nu's boobs are just the perfect size.


dunno why but I was expecting them to have dick bulges or something

>This thread
Is this /v/?

Is Amane an okay choice for an absolute beginner at fighting games? There doesn't seem to be a lot of info on him in the pastebin but maybe I'm looking in the wrong places.

Amane's fairly hard to learn, and there's probably better characters for someone completely new, but if you like him, you should play him, user.

Fuck no.

If you aren't familiar with fighting games in general he will probably be a hard character for you to learn to play since he has a unique playstyle and can struggle under pressure. But if he's the character you want to play then you should give him a try.

Thanks for the input! I do plan on learning him either way, I was just wondering what I would be getting myself into. He and Hibiki were the characters I liked the look/feel of the most, would Hibiki be more beginner friendly?


Are you willing to take responsibility?

I don't play Hibiki but as far as I know he is fairly simple and beginner friendly.

By a long shot, go for it.


In the end, it doesn't really /matter/ who you pick to learn the game with, because you're going to learn that character anyway and learn how to deal with scenarios in ways only that character can do it.

Team Remix Heart is my favorite part of Blazblue.

what kind of faggot calls himself darkskinloliahego and then has a whiny 12 year old boy voice

>tfw when you want rachel to step on your dick but she's too complicated to play so you play Platinum instead but are still really into it.

Have any characters drastically changed in tier placement from when they were first introduced to the current version of the game?

Do you mean throughout the entire franchise or just comparing their introduction to the current version, because there was that whole dark era for Rachel and my friend swears she wasn't that good in CP either


hakumen was the 2nd worst character in ct above tager iirc

>2nd day in the lab
>Clear Susano's Hard and Expert challenges

Not gonna lie, feeling pretty good about that. I like how the Hard and Expert challenges are extensions on the Normal versions instead of separate combos. Now on to practical combos.

His challenges are the easiest

Sounds like I made the right choice.

Es' are easier.

Play Weiss


carl is so SICK

love how HYPE he is

shitty kitty

*puts down snowflake*

buying her game


i have both generals open and i got really confused
someone make an airdashers general so i stop getting confused

you can keep asking this as much as you want

it's not gonna happen


will the general die before jubei is out?

It'll be more alive than ever thanks to all the Jubeifags we'll get.
If not by all the hype, then by all the whining about how he's trash.



Will this be still true after the patch?


I wish Naoto players would stop bitching about his execution all the time. You don't see players of other more difficult characters ever do it.

Lobby up



Anyone here knows how the patch affected her?

It barely affects her. Nobody plays her. Also Nu got more buffs so Nu is a better character now.

I can't keep up with all these autistic combos. I work hard and practice a few combos to get better and then I get worse at every other combo. This is way too much muscle memory for me to keep track of. I need a character with very low execution requirements.


Awn, come on, she's solid and has good oki. Nobody knwos anything about her changes really? 2 of my mains had Buffs already, so i need to know how will she handle this time

I don't think solid is the right word to describe lambda since you can beat her entire mixup by using an os and she doesn't have any reversies. Gimmicky is more like the right term to describe lambda.

platinum saved bb

So if the challenge mode stuff is not practical combos... is there a reason to do them at all? Why not just begin straight from real combos?

Real combos are usually optimized and more difficult. Challenge Mode lets you learn easy combos and get used to cancelling moves into others. It's a good way to get you familiar with who you're playing and having a follow-up regardless of whatever hit you're getting.

Because I needed the trophy.

meant for And really? I mean, she's not Carl tier or anything in the mixup department, and while she's a little gimmicky she can put more or less good pressure, right?

>Exceed Accels were a mistake

fffuck I can't do Nu-13's first "hard" challenge. After the gravity seed I can't make the standing D to hit before the opponent hits the ground.

It's not that hard it just takes a little practice.

Tell me /blaz/, what where your mains nest incarnations?
good ol' CS2

I'd say CS as well. He felt good but not as overtly cheap as CT, but still had good enough normals that he could be played aggressively and not so heavily zoning. If he hadn't been changed so much he might still be my main

CS2 I believe. I had the most fun in that version of the game, too bad I was too awful to make good use of her. But I never knew that.


As for Lambda buffs, her Spada leads to good meterless damage anywhere, her j.C has a bigger hitbox/is faster, her air drives have bigger hitboxes and are easier to combo.

So Jin's still gonna be good after 2.0 right? ;_;

Fucking obviously, he's Jin

Go watch Fenrich and shut your face forever.

Has there been a time when Jin's not top or bad?

Kinda off-topic but a lot of overlap between the two fanbases so I'll ask here.

How come there is no Type-Moon general in Veeky Forums?

I didn't play when she was supposedly completely broken, but her CF version is a huge improvement to CPEX although some of her hurtbox changes are mind-bogglingly stupid, but that's Arcsys balance in a nutshell.

Why did you ask the blazblue general and not one of the fate generals?

Because there are endless threads on /a/ anyway and it's not exclusively videogames

new hurtbox for comparison

Depends on what you mean by mind-bogglingly stupid. New version is a little less of a free poke, which is a good change.

but she was balanced around having that free poke. you wouldn't want Lambda to have a hurtbox on the entire path of her sword projectile would you? Koko is a setplay character who has no free reversal and very bad options for getting out of pressure, her trade-off for that is that she has strong pressure herself and she used to be able to use 3c to punish reckless use of reversals and my favorite unsafe fireballs, but now if you 3c through a fireball you both get counter-hit and if you try to 3c someone and they throw out a reversal you get hit in your ridiculously disjointed hurtbox.

Honestly how many characters have hurtboxes that extend that far off of their own body.

here's 2c's new hurtbox even if you think 3c used to be too free, i can't imagine anyone trying to say 2c was too safe before cf

Got it, it just a bit counter-intuitive how early you can (and must) do the gravity seed.

>having a hurtbox on the whole drive is the same as having a hurtbox on one normal
>Implying any character is balanced around one normal
kokonoe players everyone
>Honestly how many characters have hurtboxes that extend that far off of their own body.
a fucking shitton

>implying anyone ever said that
>implying characters aren't balanced around their normals

I really don't get why you are so defensive of Arcsys that you feel the need to pick a fight here, i'm not trying to shit on Blazblue as a game or anything i'm just commenting on a nerf i don't think was necessary.

>a fucking shit-ton

name 10 then, if theres so many characters that have disjointed hurtboxes that extend two full character lengths off of their body it shoudl be easy for you "a shitton" should easily be more than a third of the roster


nice try, you know there aren't many moves that are as long as kokonoe's 3c in the first place which is why you specified the length and 10 characters.
there's plenty normal moves that extend on the character's weapon and plenty of those are long moves, which is what you were bitching about. but lol, two character lengths. having a move that goes that far and not having a hitbox without being a special is the real bullshit and why it's gone.

and yet amane has longer range moves with no hurtbox to go with them.

>How many characters have hurtboxes that extend that far off their own body
>a fucking shitton
>there aren't even many characters with hiboxes that long

seems like some heavy backpedaling, and yes 10 is a ridiculous number because there aren't "a fucking shitton" of characters in kokonoe's situation that was my point.

Just compare it to similarly long pokes, Kokonoe's is still probably one of the best if not the best. But that faggot will still cry because is not outright full braindead retarded anymore.

Let's all forget the fact Amane's long "pokes" have a noticeable startup AND long ass recovery.

Why in the fuck can Naoto reach 11k damage with OD and Active Flow?