CLG edition
SPY - G2 2-3
CLG edition
SPY - G2 2-3
Other urls found in this thread:
First for LOL sucks
Makes me think when CLG is still the best NA has done internationally with four of the five members it currently has
Best boy
Best girl
Best star guardians
Best couple
>2 of the most boring teams in NA
>still more interesting than EU
I want to cuddle Koggles!
that doesnt actually look like her
best guy!!!
Ahri is fun!
That was fast
xth for Syndra
>Very unskileed
I'm browsing this thread at my grandmother's funeral could you please not?
>this guy smacks your highschool crush's ass in the hallway after he lead the football team to another victory
what do you do?
xth for breast metal waifu
CLG is the bloodiest team in the league statistically.
How could you consider one of the more boring teams, let alone the most
Someone needs to make
>The virgin caster
>The chad blaster
Or something like that
deformed hehe xd
Games over. CLG won
>Huhi locks Vel'Koz
inuyasha was overrated
ask him to hook me up with sloppy seconds. what else?
Who the fuck is going drafts for NV? Even if they were on the same level, NV should lose just based on draft
Just take a picture of Vedius and a picture of CaptainChad.
Rate this art piece.
Its Lulu so you can rate anywhere between 9 to 10.
I give it a 10/10
>virgindius vs captain chad
>people still play LoL
Please don't bother the autistic child. He just took his meds.
the fuck is this start
>mfw Vel'koz meta is hopefullly back
I think the ability to fuck with the enemy jungler like that is probably why red side is getting prioritized more
>losing the game in the first 2 minutes
nice once freeLG
lets go
Apollo is brutal
>Based rework team Alpha did my boy right
I'm browsing this thread at a party could you please not?
>4 bans
>still get pocket pick
Fuck Huhi has gotten so much better this split, best player on the tean right now
>inb4 he gets solo'd while I post this because he sucks against Cass
Holy that hook + trap synergy
holy fuck hakuho has landed every hook so far
Old Urgot was a meme champ with an unhealthy kit. Nu Urgot is a meme champ with a shitty kit.
Fuck, they're bullying them so hard
>constantly talks about stats because stats are objective and he cant be wrong
>afraid of critique
>voice that makes ears commit suicide
>doesnt look into the camera
>people mute him instantly when he casts, vedius doesnt complain, he understand he'd mute himself too
>has secretely peaked at silver 3 but does his best to hide this
Alpha caster:
>challenger tier, uses his observations as a caster to exploit weaknesses when facing them
>voice that makes panties of all women and most men drop within a 5 mile radius of any broadcast
>has a camera man follow him at all times who literally cannot film anything else
>people open multiple streams when he is casting just so they can hear him speak more
>talks about interesting things, knows what he talks about but even if he didnt his glorious voice would make it a pleasant experience
>prolonged exposure to his voice has been known to cure cancer
they didn't fix shit tho
he's still the weird as shit champion that doesn't fit, but at least he's now more Singed tier than Mordekaiser tier
this is why i ban thresh every game
>just dodge the hook xd
no, kill yourself.
this botlane is old draven passive tier bullying
why are aram accounts still a thing especially with ARURF it should be all champs active
Gotta remember to make an image out of this after the games
>realize that the only real damage you need is cleaver then you are golden for the rest of the game
>mfw Cleaver+ fulltank Urgod and steamrolling everyone
this shit is wack.All you need is Resist or HP on everyitem you buy and just let your 40% CDR+Shotgun legs scale you into the mid-late
holy fuck that trapollo and hookuho synergy
>We had to ban 5 mid-lane picks to get to Vel'koz
Worlds is going to be a shit show
cait needs more nerfs
Пиздeц, гниль c хapкaчa пpoтeклa cюдa.
>Going hunting with my dota friend
>I see a deer and move into some brush to take aim
>Dota friend screams in terror as I completely vanish from sight upon entering the bush
>He's so startled he falls over and scrapes his knee
>He starts to cry and bites a tree to heal himself
>Still playing League and not playing the new Quake.
What does it feel like to be living in the past with a game that's struggling to understand what to do with itself still after 5 years?
Come play Quake now, children. You're too old for casualdota.
>said nobody
nuUrgot isn't even that bad, it's just weird
That, and they didn't have to completely destroy oldUrgot to do that. This kit is so different it might as well have been for a new champion instead of killing an old one.
fuck off commie
Знaю хeймepoдayн тaм пoкaзывaлcя
Caitlyn and hook supports are like the biggest bullshit to lane against bottom
Absolutely infuriating to play against
hello hohol, what part of ukraine are you from?
you're not funny, just autistic and trying to force a meme
was in closed beta for new quake. game is next level garbage
how good would old draven passive be with DFT
>Having to dodge skillshots is too intensive for my tiny brain
i thought dota was the casual game since it has no skillshots and games are decided by dice rolls?
kill yourself nigger lover
>pro players can't dodge thresh hooks on demand
>you're an idiot if you can't
really made me think dude
>botlane carrying
>lira making omargod look like trash
>seraph proves to be crap again
>dodge 95% of hooks all game
>one lands
>you die and lose the game
yeah no
>was in closed beta for new quake. game is next level garbage
Dont talk like that because you arent skilled enough to handle it.
People have been playing quake for 15 years or more so ofc they're going to shit on you, especially because you play casualdota.
But once you learn how to play quake, the game is beautiful.
>seraph going to vicariously get revenge on clg for dumping him even though he's still getting shit on
LirA is so fucking good, imagine a world where TL trade Mickey to NV for high dollar reuniting the old Afreeca duo that beat the odds into playoffs off of their carries
Riot pls write the script, Seraph counts as NA now right?
ridiculously unfunny
its like watching some one whos sense of humor was sculpted by the internet.
ear rape + memes =/= funny
you stupid fucking autist
I think it's funny
Isn't that a shooter? no, thanks. go bother owg
Imagine a world were Lira goes to TSM and recplace Shitskeren
Yes she is user. Yes she is.
unironically miss old shen
his old projectile had such a satisfying animation for last hitting
Not every champ needs to be as busted relative to the other champions to win.
He has a strong kit, but you cant go full retard like other champs let you do.
>they didnt fix shit tho
And im glad that they left him in a niche state. There was no reason to bring him up to full meta status, then havr the pros
and meta slaves get him gutted, fucking over the people who actually play him.
>He has a strong kit
what a teamfight
Veeky Forums vs Veeky Forums up on euw
pass is vidya come join
this one game has already been more interesting than the entire eu series
>aphro killing his own adc
what a god
Does anyone have a mod tool to replace the new splash arts with the old ones? And the new icons with the old ones?
I fucking hate the new shy artwork. I literally dont want to log into the fucking game anymore because of the new client.
The old client I could replace shit and forget they went full retard with splash arts for a year.
Now you can't do that.
its because of Vel'koz mainly and not "Orianna game #108130810831083844575483828318901"
Star Guardian Syndra is a cute! has today been better for You user?
>aphro tries to W/Q but is too close to wall
>knocks cass over to stixxay