>Final Fantasy Brave Exvius
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Brave Exvius General - /beg/
Finally. Now leave /ffg/ forever.
>Orlandeaufags are leaving the game and trying to destroy BE with it
This is exactly what we needed
Is her TMR any good?
Looking over it or a free unit I say yeah its good, would be a nice boost to a magic based unit
What units should I be re rolling for if I want to clear the main story content?
orlandeau fryevia and tilith
>not /xvi/ general
this is literally FF 16 at this point
Do not talk about Orlandeau that way faggot
Well we can hammer those details out as the general evolves.
>88k lapis
squall banner fucking when
>9999999k lapis
undertale banner when
>page 9
rip the dream
>185 lapis
living on the edge
suck my cock dude
i'd be impressed if you fuckers could actually get this to the bump limit
Cheesing Gilga, currently at 63%, expectations are good.
I'm at 22%, hype
based H
I'm using my own Noctis though, but grats nonetheless
shut up yams
What units should I use/look for for arena? I have two d.finas and two amelias. Should I throw them in a team with a marie? Also, how good is amelia when maxed out, she's my only physical damage dealer that I have anything invested into and I don't have a lot of crysts leftover from enchancing my first dfina.
yeah maybe
is ariana the meta now?
is ariana a FF character now?
>looking at invactive friends
>want to remove them but feel bad if they come back and theyre a low rank
send help
amelias good for the stop in arenas user and fina spams retaliate so i'd say youre pretty good atm
maybe yeah
I wouldn't.
>vaynefag not in here
thank fuck
Why not? What should I aim for?
I wonder if they're going to give her enhancements in the future; I think it'd be fair to make them powerful enhancements that cost a lot of crysts. Since she's free having to invest to make her viable would be cool.
suck my cock, dude
Arena gacha update when
Yet another 21O here..
>pulled a second 9s from the daily ticket
feels good
but congrats too
fuck you
2B > A2
Been swimming in 4*s lately.
>9S on saturday, then A2, another 9S today
feels good to be lucky
Time to go back to /ffg/ lads
stay awhile would ya
It's jsut a matter of time before you come home.
Same be bro!!!!!!!
6star checklist.
This isn't counting my numerous 5star base duplicates that I have no intention of leveling
>no Lightning
It's trash.
>6 star adam and eve
>2 CoD 2 cecil
>6 star gaffgarion
nigger what the fuck are you retarded
tfw no matter how hard I pull I cant get Light-kun
Ok I can explain the cods are for my invincible arena team, literally unkillable cancer both cods have landus TM to deal 4x999 with 100% ele resist and ailment resist with 5khp... need I explain the cecil and noct.
Nier is best game so yes, I will lvl up any unit no matter what tier from that game and gaff was a part of my first pulls when i was new and carried me so I felt like getting him to 6 for honors sake.
pray you dont see me in arena senpai.
>pray you dont see me in arena senpai
with aoe stop and a 100% dodge noctis, and ultima/alterna spam from my mages the arena AI usually don't stop me
Has best boy graced you with xer presence?
AAAAAAAAAAAAAAA but I don't have 2B
that he has :)
while thats true I know the only weakness of my team is un-aspected magic damage but Im happy knowing only a few will be able to kill me in any reasonable amount of turns.
so until I can max magic evade this will do.
I do.
dumb frogposter
You still get rekt by Stop.
Reposting question since old thread dead:
So, I got lucky and somehow pulled another A2 and now I'm not sure what to do.
Is a second A2 useful at all besides the second TMR? I read that people prefer a A2 friend since the chances are higher that it's stronger than a second one of your own units.
Do I just lvl her up anyway and use her as substitute if there is no friend A2?
yeah maybe
>Still no 9S
I'm starting to worry
i have a boi band
im not sure what to do with so many pods
This cannot continue...
This cannot continue...
This cannot continue...
fuse them into a 2B haha
yes. not rely on friend chainer is really a good thing.
i cant
my A2 killed her =c
Honestly at this point if you don't have two 9S you should start thinking about rerolling.
But the problem then is, who do I take with me as friend support? A chain finisher? Currently using DKC but only partially enhanced, dunno if there would be a better finisher?
Other party members beside the 2 A2 would be WoL - Refia - Noctis/Rikku/9S
yes thats pretty much it. more often that not you will need a good chain without a finisher, if you can take a friend finisher its really nice, a friend tank is also nice.
hell sometimes i chain with 5 just because its comfy and i dont need to do more that 7m damage a turn anyway for now.
Enchanted Maze worth it or not?
or just buy 2 of his TMR for 5$ each like I did.
Mostly for the XP and the LB pots. You won't get enough awakening materials to even feel a difference.
So it depends on your needs I guess. Personally I'll just keep tm farming.
> paying for injections
kill yourself
Finishers are mostly useless , because all the trails require 1-2 tanks or 1-2 supports you have no space usually for 2x chainers and a finisher.
Better than giving money to scumi tbqh
better to spend 10$ then to chase S9 and waste tickets and lapis on a shitty unit that has only a good TMR.
That's only for the hardest trials. More often than not a finisher will allow you to kill a boss fast enough so you don't have to care about mechanics
>b-but Aigaion and Malboro
>He doesn't buy 500 unit maga summon for 75$.
You get on average 5 5star bases and they give you as extra usually 3 to 5 more 5 star bases.
Best money I ever spend on a phone game.
People have no idea how fun the game is if you have some of the top units in the game.
75$ gets you a destroyed asshole if you give it to Gumi.
What if you get 3 Lightning and 2 Delita
This bosses usually die to 2 chainers anyway in 1 turn.
I have fully enhanced Firon,Luneth and olive with BiS gear and I cant remember when I used them the last time.
Enhance your Luneth and get him to 1000+ ATK, you'll notice the difference
Then he pulls you usually this extra 5 more 5 bases.
So at least you get 10 5 star bases in the end with your 75$ and pretty much every other unit and many units to fuse for TMR.