>Patch 4.06 Notes
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>Patch 4.06 Notes
>Current Event
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first for reddit
bimbo still forcing himself
second for ippiki "green percentile" atros
berke "green my bean" oronir
xth for being in focus
lyse makes me so fucking horny every time shes on screen i just cant stop thinking about how much i want to caress her thighs and midriff holy FUCK
seriously her fuckin midriff is so perfect
Godspeed, bladec@
Are nudes allowed on Veeky Forums now or something?
I didn't mean to leave her there in the Copperbell Mines...
looking for straight catgirl/aura girl for relationship
Questioning c@s
Lyse should've kept her 2nd outfit
Am I alone I thinking the monk af3 isn't that great?
af1 and af2 were better imo
I guess you might say what was yours, is now mine.
male lizard?
im doing stormblood story right now, are you telling me her later outfit covers up her perfect tummy?
Well, fuck. At least I won't feel the urge to jerk off every time I do some main story quests at that point
Wonder how much your wife is crying when you're a male au ra and she can't get to you on Balmung
I love nothing more than dumb catboys.
where can I get the cool nude patch?
Damn I should really finishing leveling up Sam
AF3 a shit. AF2 top with AF1 boots/gloves/head.
>tfw you just want someone to love you for the heterosexual catboy you are.
yeah what are you?
Sorry, didn't realise you missed them so bury much.
It's fine she has an alt at least and she knows where to find me (she has a weird tracking sense about my general locations).
Well, you've seen the cinematic intro yeah?
AF2 + AF1 = Best combo
you'll find someone one day! catboys deserve hugs and pets
The bananahat waits in ambush for its prey
I'm enjoying them.
>heterosexual catboy
There's no such thing.
pick one
Her role felt like she was your best friend
Whats the best nude setup right now
Thanks guys, just trying to create the blandest generic looking soldier DRK.
>Questioning c@s
Does questioning of self count?
Oh yeah, that outfit. Thighs being covered up is a damn shame but at least there still good old exposed navel
is there a single catboy on gilgamesh you didn't drain yet?
I love you DA
Chocobo Acat please.
>catgirl(male) with catboy(male)
catboys are NOT for draining
i love seto
What are we questioning?
I am not sure!
Yeah but I felt her 2nd outfit was rather shortlived and should've been kept
Ok neko
the state of party finder pugs
No oredinary lady huh?
Are grammas okay ?
Come to Mateus for friends and video games!
I know who you are and i'm your jealous your static is actually good, I cant get higher than highblue/low purple number because mine fucking suck
Is user, right? Are you fags one step above neonazi racists?
yeah well the rest of my static is fine, i suck
two steps
oh neat a /v/ thread. thanks for bringing it to our attention, user.
Please don't make this a habit again. Please.
well you must do a good job sucking if they keep you around.. ˙͜ >˙
Too bad bard is just a lame archer and doesn't get to do real cool instrument stuff.
please suck me
>t. millennial libtard tranny
Come to Mateus for friends and video games
The only thing you get in this thread is ERP baiting, Mateus shilling, bimbo posting non stop for months, mentally ill spamming thread with pictures of live cats and stale memes, and either cumflation smol diapered discussing tripfags or tripfags who don't even deserve to be recognized trying to force themselves, with 1% game discussion. Enjoy.
definitely afatcat
Only shit about xivg is chemo posing his justice with his spam.
>tfw you're two weeks behind on Creation because you're too burned out to do anything besides log in and chat with your FC and your LSs
not like you need gear to do this piss easy content
We're so many steps above we look down, and we can nazi them any more.
I love this outfit but it makes me look like a whore
Why is Alphinaud so fucking sexy?
but you are a whore
Maybe one day. Then you can steal whiskers from cats to fix your guitar.
what a shame.
i will never stop
So nice to see our resident Mexican hasn't skipped this thread either!
Headpats smol loneliness
Video friends for come Mateus and games to
Shit, I was hedging my bets on the written exam being about fish.
>tfw DA hates me and wont respond to my love letters
you must be sending your letters to a different blue cat you betrayer
I mean if that's what you want.
How do you anons avoiding getting too attached to anyone in game?
I've been playing for a while now and I was getting kind of bored of the game but a couple people in my FC have started being uncharacteristically kind in the past few weeks inviting me to sub in for their static and just generally being nice. I know it probably won't last but its to the point where I log in and just hope they want to run something but I know it won't last.
But my retainer is you physically, it just cant talk to me ;_;
Flashing panties and tummy in battles
>tfw my super casual fc finally cleared o2s
>total tank drops: 2 (one taken by a pug when our OT was away)
>total healer drops: 1
at least my dragoon is 327 without having anything better than the o1s accessories and the 330 weapon
Yoshi P confirmed a hack.
He saved XIV but now he's going to let it stagnate to nothing. New FFXIV producer, when?