PlayStation Vita General 3075 - Sweet Sample Edition

Previous Thread: >Vitagen Website (News, Translations, Guides, Wikis and more)


>Limited Run Games Releasing Physical Copy of Kemco RPG Asdivine Hearts Next Friday

>Itadaki Street: Dragon Quest & Final Fantasy 30 minutes Gameplay

>Velocity 2X: Critical Mass Edition Releasing Next Week in EU

>The Drop: New PlayStation Games for 8/22/2017

>The Bard’s Tale: Remastered and Resnarkled Out in NA

>Tokyo Clanpool ‘Ether Induction’ trailer

>Digimon Story: Cyber Sleuth Hacker’s Memory has a Digimon Market

>Persona 3:Dancing Moon Night and Persona 5:Dancing Star Night first screenshots

>Itadaki Street Dragon Quest and Final Fantasy 30th Anniversary character trailers



>PS+ Current Offerings

>PS Store Updates

>PS Store Weekly Sale

>PSN Friends List

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Why are we still here?

i want to die



>My vita triangle and square are not working anymore

Does vitagen subscribe to simplicity when it comes to organizing your skittles or do you partake in excessiveness?

Since it's just something from that portion it should easily be replaceable (see pic related). Look up a video guide of how to open your vita and order the replacement part online. Don't worry there are worse things that could happen.

When will you stop playing video games?

You got sampled

The problem is that i don't have any money and the only money I have is to buy V3

I can see all of Uni's uncovered private parts!

>the only money I have is to buy V3
Well you won't be playing it any time soon with busted buttons. Good luck on fixing it once you get enough money to buy the part. It could also just be a loose ribbon cable that needs to be reattached which means it should cost nothing to fix other than the time and effort of opening it.

It can't be helped

I always forget I own the first three games for PS3. I'll play and beat them, just not sure how rare the Vita versions will end up, and might want to actually play and own them someday. However I'm not sure if I want to pay $50 on Amazon/Ebay for a copy.

>tfw my 2k has been doing some weird drifting stuff on the left stick lately

I have two 1ks as back up, but I've gotten so used to the 2k ergonomics and thiness.

Wake up

Vitagen had a hard life
Let Vitagen rest in peace

Not now user
We can still have hope

peaceful rests are good

Why wasn't there a portable version for Armored Core Nexus?

This is it for me, Vitagen. See you later

This artwork is really cute.

I should get around to playing Fate/Extra one of these days.

I had a dream like that once

I slept all day, dammit!

Friendly reminder to always make sure lolis feel safe when you take care of them. Even if it's embarrassing at times.

I really miss this show. That and I Can't Understand What My Husband Is Saying were quality ONAs. I would unironically prefer them to continue that then continue Aho Girl despite being a bigger fan of the manga


I don't understand this gif

That's because it's not a gif

I wouldn't expect a loli to understand anything about motherhood.

I want to pat their heads very hard.


Atelier Lydie & Soeur
Will make Atelier great
I am sure
That this is Gust's fate

You can do that while I'm fucking them.

What is the fastest and easiest way to learn Japanese so I can play all the Japanese Vita games that will never make their way to the west?

Extella 2 news on 30th.

Can i have hope?

Only if XSEED isn't handling it

I would advise against it.

I gonna take that as no

I have no idea, I just wanted to post Umu

I have this for you
oh well

>physical extella still hasn't dropped below $15 before shipping
>still hasn't had a good digital sale price

There she goes again displaying her buttcrack

If you don't reply to this post, your vita will short circuit after your next sleep-wake cycle.


That's fucked up user.

Also please kill me while we're at it.

Don't be a rude cunt.

Download the Google Translate app and learn how to write the characters. You'll start remembering words and phrases better since you're writing them down as you translate them.

It won't help you construct grammatically correct sentences, but you'll be building a vocabulary of sorts, at least.

I'm burned out on Musou games now.

Still sad that CCC never got localized.

After some tests is just the triangle that is not working
If I try hard enough i know i can still play someting
>tfw no more VD

New ps1 classics fucking when

Never at this point

start with namasensei

and eventually download copies of genki and go through that and tae kim

What's funny is, I bought Extella for Nero because my friend shilled her to death, but I ended up liking Tamamo more. The thought of being cooked exquisite kaiseki ryouri everyday and playing with her warm fluffy tail at night.

Shin Yomawari in THREE DAYS

And I won't get to play it till a day late because I'll be flying to Japan

I hope you all removed your credit cards from your accounts. Probably wouldn't recommend changing passwords until Sony is confirmed back in control, though.

I never had a credit card tied to the account. I always tell Sony "no" when they ask

The hack is from a group who only really targets social media accounts like twitter, even with sony's proven-to-be-bad security I really doubt they actually did anything to hack them.

Quite a few twitter accounts have been hijacked lately, come to think of it

They should hack Hatsune Mikus Twitter. Nothing would much change since it's shitposting anyway.

Good thing I only use gift cards to buy stuff from the store.

I use PayPal but it requires the password every time and it's a different pw for every service so eh.

why the fuck is this allowed

It's a SNK boss what did you expect
Also he is not the final boss

Don't open this

Reminds me of Sayonara Umihara Kawase.

Haven't touched my Vita for anything besides remote play for the past few months.
Anything decent to get from the sale or should I just wait for Mary Skelter to come out?

Good night.

What region are you and what's on sale?

Canada. I thought there would be a bigger sale but it's only Utawa and Garou. Might pick up both.

Haven't played Garou, but it's probably solid game. Uta however I have experience. I recommend playing the first game or watching the first anime before playing it, it's not a must thing to do but it makes certain scenes more enjoyable. But otherwise I can highly recommend it if you're into VNs since that's what it mostly is.


Yeah, I've only seen the anime. I'll pick it up, thanks.

>Funny thing is that I've had an aversion to scythes ever since I accidentally hit Yumi while dealing with one of those annoying monkey enemies.
Oh believe me, I've done that. And she doesn't like getting hit. Best was the time when I removed all the walls and used hit everyone spell. Wondered what that dot was that moved fucking fast.

>I tend to like the weapon effects that inflict status conditions on enemies, like sleep and confusion.
Extremely useful.

>Some of them do, and some of them let you bring in equipment. Those will be the ones that you'll need well-forged weapons and whatnot.
Oh yeah. Those will take some time. Well, it's not like I don't need all the OP I can gather.

>I thought it was for one particular set of armor, but I can't remember. If you stock up on those forging books, it'll make that pretty easy.
Well, that's for later game anyway. The plat doesn't seem like the hardest but who knows what happens.

I finished that edit if you were still interested, nsfw obviously

Great. Hopefully you get into it, the next one is coming pretty soon and its length will be almost double what Uta2 was. My most hyped game series for the year really.


Anyone ready for the world to end tomorrow?

No, I need Uta3 in September so the world cannot end at the moment. Sorry about the inconvenience.



Don't do anything weird to her while I go to work.

Any good vita games with ero guro content?

Corpse Party is cool, but Blood Drive was pretty tame compared to the first one.

Maybe just a little touch
I'm sure nobody will notice




Why are green haired girls so perfect and pure?

It's a mystery
Their everlasting purity is an enigma to science itself

Wait a minute, is this a cropped porn?

Green is the perfect color for Vitagen.

I'm asleep.

Just like vitagen

We comfygen now.

I use green dungeon travelers. Everybody should use green dungeon travelers.

But I don't like monica

I'd travel her dungeon if you follow my meaning.

Okay you behaved well enough.