/tsg/ - The Sims General

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Strike a pose /tsg/

>the Sims Medieval
I bought this when it first came out but never got around to playing it... the CD's long-lost by now. I should see about grabbing or downloading it. I remember being super excited for some of the features but somehow completely forgetting about it. Or maybe it was because my computer hated it? Most games on my PC didn't want to cooperate. Either way, time to hunt it down.

As much as I like TSM, after last thread's OP image this one feels very LOW ENERGY

Sure is quiet tonight


Yeah, it's either a bit quiet or shitposting.

... so what is that black thing in the lawn and why is she so happy to see it?


It's one of those snake fireworks, I've been playing with seasons again. So comfy except for the stuttering every few seconds
What's he plannin' now?

I messed that up, forgot to end spoiler rip

post legitimately pure waifus

>snake fireworks
Oh my god, I forgot all about those. The Seasons festivals were a lot of fun. The City Living ones are kinda nice but they're nowhere near as comfy as the winter and autumn ones.

What's your criteria for 'pure'

answer the question

>What's he plannin' now?
The Norman and family of this universe continue to treat and take care of him. He's living mostly on his own now with a caretaker checking in with him three times a week.

All he can do for now is try to live and come to terms with the fact that another Norman has everything Norman himself destroyed.


muhhh dick



Hey, at least he can grow a nice garden. I always found gardening weirdly fun to maintain in Sims.

working on outfit mod and threw out the hat that had a custom model so now its just boring. time to work on easier parts

Update Blue and upload Kat!

your posts make me wish the vampire neighborhood was bigger so i could make an all-night full town

That's why I went with the eternal night mods, but you'd have to continually swap them in and out if you don't wanna always have it like I do. I do still miss Midnight Hollow a lot.

Midnight Hollow was the absolute bomb.

ahhh the one on the right
he's just so pretty

Rick looks so out of place here


The graveyard with the mark on the door, the dead-ish foliage, the abandoned train tracks and red water... it was all so great. I had such Makin' Magic vibes from it, pity Supernatural didn't quite measure up in terms of style and tone.

Thanks! I'm very fond of him.


oh no what is happening to my waifu

>cheap fridge smell
hate this moodlet, it's the dumbest shit in the world.

nipples for christ

It is quite silly

But really it only costs like 200 bucks extra for the decent fridge so I don't see why it's even a thing


what keeps you playing

He FELT out of place hehe

Rate my new waifu


go back to tumblr

But I just came here

TSM was too good for this world

I need to figure out how S4S does their thumbnail preview-ing for packages so I can use it as inspo to make that damn mod manager already.




>i wish they'd give me some trait chips besides cleaning and nannying

dead and boring

dead and loving it


Would you kiss her?

Yes, obviously



Gay wedding, so progressive

>No mention of the pets trailer

I mean /tsg/ sucks for discussing Sims but we have a few hours before XD and :) with Reddit images start.

>Todd & Tobby
>dog playing llama jenga
Also I hope that feature to colour dogs will also be used for humans.

Aw yiss
Can't wait for my waifu to get fucked by doggos

who gives a shit about dogs when you can have cute cats

>we have a few hours before XD and :) with Reddit images start.

I sincerely hope people would stop responding to this keylogger/virus/you're/wow queen/reddit is fine/discord is fine/not paying for cc is raping/sweetie/not him/painfully obvious samefag/waifu hating shitposter.

Says the only person that has responded to them

Welp. I guess he's here now.

for what purpose

Can't wait to take your money by being the first person on LL to make WW animations for dogs.

Because to catch them all is my real test

Unless you're mike or Amra, no one wants your janky shitty animations.


>gay wedding
>rainbow doggo
it just keeps getting better and better tbqh

You're gonna download them anyway and you know it.


I wonder if the color wheel will be only available for pets.

That and the way of applying 'marks' both looked really nice. I have a suspicion they're not going to be available for humans immediately but maybe later down the line? There's no way they can't expect for people to start screaming for a color wheel available to humans the moment they get one for pets.

Share sim pls.

There's an older version of her without skin details, custom tattoos and curly hair on the google drive. I've also made some tweaks but yeah, mostly the same.

Why the hell would they show a scene at the vet where the dog is being put down?

because you get to play vet

I'm never going to beable to turn on aging with pets
inb4 they can die from random causes like sickness

Why the hell would they show a scene of a gay wedding?

>sims 4
Since when?

Did you forget how progressive ts4 is? I mean they gave us traps

Vampire pets


Not surprised. That would take a crazy amount of effort to add it to everything they've ever made previously, plus the mess of adding it to custom cc.



Turn that frown upside-down!



W-well that's... uh
mildly horrifying

please love me

Is there a ww3 for sims3?
Are there animations for animals?
asking for a friend


i don't even want pets in ts4 tbqh, i felt ts4 kind of took a more modern approach without cars and more emphasis on cities and i think pets don't really fit the atmosphere

also the idea of the ww stuff is gross

Yeah, Oniki Kay's kinky world

I believe with Cats and Dogs there will be a new world though.. I'm assuming it's going to fit that atmosphere

>spend 2 minutes on ll
>"The horse cock goes straight through her body and out her mouth (in a non-gore manner)
i wonder when did this became normal...

eh, the other creators make a lot of shitty animations but there's a gold nugget once in a while.

>another interactive career instead of actual gameplay content

simply eric

great minds think alike

>tfw the stain and scrape 'rugs' somehow block Sims from using stuff they're under/by
What the fuck even. Time to bring those up in S4S and see if they're categorized wrong or something.

How is interactive careers not a gameplay element? Besides, the trailer showed more than being a vet, no?
In fact the official trailer barely even showcased the Vet career

because they're not fun. it's the date "do this action a bunch of times" thing put into a different location. if it was challenging through time restraints maybe it'd be good