>Heroes FAQ and links
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>Links and Resources
>Heroes FAQ and links
>SoV Links
>Links and Resources
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God bless
My boys in Heroes when?
for a man of many words, I think you've said enough.
Dori is a-dori-ble!
Which FE character would you want in Poker Night at the Inventory 3?
Anyone else feel like they've been rolling more 3 stars ever since the swap? How long is the swap gonna last?
The outline on her hair's way too thick. Care to trim it down a bit?
Cecilia fucking blows, but she has a horse
These edits are shit.
Isn't the fact that you can transplant her face onto any other female and have it work proof positive of how horribly generic cuboon's Tana is?
>IS throws fags a bone with an actual 100% homosexual character
>people still try and meme every other male into being gay
> /feg - Fire Emblem General/
People whining about using cavalry/dancers/meta units to clear pve content in TWO hours lads
I'd let her suck my dick
i would probably marry her
Yes? Is this not Fire Emblem General?
Why do any of us post on /feg/?
make cortana
It proves how cute she is. Do you prefer Miyuu's style or something?
>Awakening shitfu.
Fuck off.
or conversly its proof how fucking shit everyone's art is and Cuboon's Tana makes it better
Birthday punches to Olivia's face!
Calling her shit, and telling her how ugly she is!
Making fun of her hideous artwork and design!
Cringing at her horrendous voice!
God, I hate her so much.
Making Tana and Cordelia participate in naked oil wrestling to decide which of them remains S+ tier!
not an argument
Stop putting this ugly girl's face on better girls.
I started playing after hero fest 1 and will never get a Hector should I just quit and kms?
Are you just realizing the issue with modern anime artstyles? This game has been out for 6 months with almost no new artist doing work.
it doesn't work, though
it doesn't even work when you transplant her head onto cuboon's other portraits (i.e. olwen's body language is all wrong for tana's :D!!!!! expression)
Fuck off with these shitty edits.
>Implying either of them are S+ tier
Bet you think Est is S tier too
You're right, Def Ploy makes Est into S++ tier!
Having anyone but Reinhardt in S+ tier is pretty silly
Are archers usable without a brave bow?
I'm leveling a jeorge and he seems very average so far.
Yes, user. Please elaborate to us on how you think Florina is S+++ tier
Est is S+ tier, you're right.
Bitches don't know about how meta Defense Ploy is.
>there are anons who can't appreciate cowtits
Firesweep bow is viable, and Clarisse can keep her bow if you're into that I guess but otherwise Brave Bow is the way to go.
Only viable archers are Bridelia, Klein, Innes, Takumi and maybe Leon
>Cordeliacucks are THIS mad after taking a step outside their cuckshed and seeing the superior unit and character
That's Rath's wife!
Leon is second best staright up
But she requires such little investment for how useful she is. Even something as common as a 3* Nino can be killed for the basic Blade tome and then she's done.
are you this upset that nobody fell for your autism in the last thread
One fucking job, ruined by earlyposters.
>Cordeliacucks on suicide watch
fuck off drill
I didn't even post in the last thread you sperg. I can't believe you NTR lovers are this insecure
If we could just ban the one or two autists who feel the need to make early threads to get a laugh out of breaking "rules" like a bunch of 11-year olds, I have a feeling this place would be so much better.
>a unit is good because they're easy to obtain
Look at who just woke up
Same here. Please have good stats. Don't even care if they aren't Armor/Bowknight. Just be good.
Europeans? They love NTR though don't kid yourself
Horse archers WHEN??
>being this triggered
First a letter now this.
>that sperg
One of the best laughs I got out of /feg/ in recent times.
And not just the first time it happened.
nobody takes you seriously autistic freak
Forgot to include
It's those dirty cat-posters.
IS will continue to reserve horse archers solely for the AI and have them irritatingly overlap the other enemy ranges forever.
>t. OP
If it was just a letter then the autist wouldn't have felt the need to change it even after everyone said no. It's clearly not just "a letter".
>tfw I was already done with this one and was saving it for tomorrow
Huh. I guess that's a thing.
You'll get her and only her for a long, long time
At least I don't have to worry about the real best Magvel girl coming under fire because of other healers
The post I replied to said he wants to see tears from people who invested in Cecilia. I said the investment is actually nothing at all.
The most important thing is a Blade tome available from a 3*.
But that would ruin the balance by making colorless rolls slightly less garbage
CYL horse archer Lyn with Murgleis soon, prepare your orbs.
They already went and made Selena a shitty mercenary, and as Severa her canon promote is Hero.
make cortana
>a unit is bad because they're easy to obtain
wow time to bench Nino
You wanna start something?
The more attention you bring to this, the more you let this autist win.
It means that if their base spread is decent for at least one thing, you can more easily get a stat spread for them to optimize it than with other stuff, as well as merge fodder to increase power quickly through stat gains, skill transfers and extra SP for learning skills. So yeah, availability does help a lot.
Care to make an imgur or something with all your edits? I saved all the ones I've seen so far, but I'd like to have them all for the sake of my autism.
I already did, but trying to work with her flat coloring style makes it look meh at best
>20 base attack
No thanks. Wolfguard pls.
Don't you dare! She's doing her best!
What a fucking retard, I wish she'd die and never breed to give birth to that edgy brat.
I like cats and I like fat cow udders
>muh Coyote
>0 orbs tonight
What number are you stuck at, bros? 14 here.
Just let people have their fun holy shit. I don't see you complaining about porn fanart which is never canon.
>IS throws fags a bone with an actual 100% homosexual character
You mean faglord #2568448654 ? Leon is a cool character but he's far from a flattering one for gay men.
>the Cordelia/Tana arguments have had me in the Damage Calc for the past while
They really are basically the exact same aside from the Prf, huh.
still would rather use Tana due to better art
Fucking Ueda.
Indeed, it was pretty great. Couldn't stop laughing for several minutes upon seeing it.
>2 hours left for BEST BOY GHB
post grindan music
Maybe some day, but this is just a quick little distraction that takes a few minutes per edit. Nothing really worth a full imgur album for.
Imposter you don't belong
>they toss Severa an axe but keep her stats exactly the same
I'd legitimately be pretty mad
I have cats and a dog, and sometimes I like flat, sometimes I like medium-big.
What's in the egg?
Fair enough. I ain't complaining either way. They're still worth a good laugh.