gassy babes edition
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Operation Health - Patch 2.22 is live.
Hong Kong season has been delayed. Poland map has been potentially canceled. GROM operators will be released together with HK and SK operators.
Flawless victory:
/r6g/ - Rainbow Six General
>5 more days for more info
>8 more days to actually play any of the new shit
Yet another friendly reminder that the Polish map has not been officially confirmed as cancelled, and leakbro has previously reported it as "still in the works".
Does Jackal need a small boost?
Would you be opposed to seeing his gadget altered in a reinforcement?
Is he perfectly fine the way he is?
Are there other who should be changed before he is?
Jackals pings should probably come in waves of 5 seconds (so 6, or maybe just 5 total). It would force the Defender to keep moving but not enough to result in insta domes?
>Finally, we have decided to reduce the number of new maps to three this year (including the released map set in Spain) to truly prioritize our game’s health.
Sounds pretty canceled to me, unless we are talking 2018
15, unless you're a goy
We should be seeing an operator teaser today
Oh damn, you're right. Shit. I read that announcement page on at least three different occasions and somehow I still forgot that part.
But as you said, I'm holding onto hopes for a 2018 release. I'm sure they had a map concept in the works that they wouldn't want to go to waste.
I'm not waiting for the three operators
I can see how his gadget can be rather redundant at times with proper droning, I guess I'm just biased on the matter with how comfy I feel whenever I play him with his ACOG-no-recoil gun and a gadget that lets me "drone faster" as I traverse the map towards objective rather than painstakingly checking every room while in a state of vulnerability. I do agree that if there was a change to be made it would be making his pings slightly more frequent but otherwise I think he's still fine as it is.
You're either a good goy or a jew, I'd rather be a good goy.
Y3 is ded. Screencap this.
There are others that should be changed before him, mainly just because buffing his ability past where it is now could easily push him into overpowered territory.
Unless they were to rework him slightly rather than straight up buffing him, which isn't completely out of the question.
The only thing that we have hope for is they will add it as a Bonus in Mid Season, like "Hey we realized we GENUINELY FUCKED UP cutting a map LOL"
I think some user awhile back made comments about how easy it would be to make another Hereford styled kill house using layouts that already existed in the game across many maps for a "Best Of" style map
So maybe they found a way to do a quickie, or maybe we'll just get another small map like House that only needs to be balanced a little bit since you can't really balance a map like House
If you're suggesting it'd be better to get a map roughly as balanced as Hereford or House just for the sake of quantity, then no thanks. I'd rather get a delayed map release or lose a map entirely than get another shit map to worry about being in the rotation.
How come all of the defenders, with the exception of Jager, come equipped with SMGs and shotguns only? Just wondering.
>I'd rather be giving Ubisoft extra money
truly the worst kind of person
Balancing. Attackers get long range advantage while defenders get short range advantage
That is spicy I gotta put that shit on my doc
The balance is supposed to be Attackers have long-range, high recoil weapons (rifles), while defenders get the opposite (SMGs). All defenders get shotguns because they're short range, and they also can be used for making holes in the environment for defense purposes. Jaeger's gimmick is just that, having a long range weapon depsite being a defender. Not everyone has this, because it'd be too unbalancing.
>yfw you have to change from default headgear to get it to match default uniform
>Fun maps aren't actually fun
>Ubisoft forcing bad maps into ranked rotations is somehow the maps fault and not Ubisoft's fault
That p90 looks like a Wii
Problem i have with this is when some defender's weapons are more stable so recoil makes it easier to to tap fire and hit attackers so easier headshots or killing them with the low damage, compared to having trouble hitting defenders at long range since the recoil makes it harder to do follow up shots at long range.
I mean i love mute's MP5K but it does shit damage so even at close ranges an attacker rifle raw damage just kills me faster, kinda wished they buffed the rof of the thing
Revolver is second to none when you get a feel for its recoil give it a shot. If you're in a situation when your primary is empty and you need more ammo for multiple bad guys you're probably fucked anyways.
>Fun maps aren't actually fun
Gee user, my mistake, didn't realize poorly designed one-sided maps were "fun" now.
They should be taking the WORST maps like Favella out of the ranked rotation, and then having map voting (Halo, COD) in ranked play (ties broken by coin flip)... But at the very least, map voting if you aren't going to take them out.
I'll still vote for Favela
Can't wait to play de-dust2 forever
>plays tactical shoot
>doesn't like tactical scenarios
go play COD faggot
>option between two maps, and random veto
>somehow you will only play one map forever
if you don't know what the fuck is being talked about, don't comment.
>poor balance is just tacticool guys!
>You guys are shitters if you don't enjoy coin flips heavily determining your chance to win
Sorry user, I don't play games to willingly get fucked in the ass, unlike you, you raging faggot.
>real life is perfectly balanced
LOL go play COD if you want a video game idiot.
I drew hibana shes cool.
my neck hurts but I like the face
Great work user. Especially since she's horseface incarnate. Feel free to reupload with a /r6g/ watermark if you care about people stealing your shit.
wtf i love hibana now
jesus that's fucking not bad user, work on your fundamentals a bit more and you'll have a solid style to work with
Biggest complaint is that she doesn't look very Japanese, but it's not like that's true in game either desu
>Post operators that would have been better than what we got
Im all self taught not sure what you mean.
And thank you everyone
Nice tastes user my doc is pretty much the same. I really wish they had a few more options when it comes to colors, I'd love a red and white medical theme.
Who are these edgelords?
that scar look so tiny
>not using the hypochrondriac headgear
close but not 10/10
They're big guys 4u
I have it, but I switched for that sweet white 'trim'
Anyone got like...$20? I'll pay you back never.
sure dude just give me $19.99 plus tax and i'll give you $20
>logo on truck/humvee has a big ol' map of iraq on it
just look up "art/illustration fundamentals" and you should at least know what I'm talking about.
I was told there was a leak of the new ops. Is that true? Link please and thank you.
What am I converting that too? AUD is finicky.
there isn't much other than the info reddit already got, so good luck finding any more info until the 26th
You mean the one a week ago?
I'd kill for an op like vining in siege
>spanish legion looks like that
>you will never be an Veeky Forums spanish legionnaire
I hope they do more low-key alt uniforms, why are all the elite sets sorta retro-themed (I know Pulse's is a Taxi Driver ref but it still counts)?
They aren't sort of retro, they're all retro.
Pulse is Taxi Driver/Fury, Twitch is WW1/2, Kapkan is Cold War, Sledge is Falkland Islands, Thermite is 70s motorcop/riot police, and Rook is like 80s GIGN
Oh and BB is 'Nam
>Sledge elite
>Falkland Islands
People are still memeing this? It's WWII themed
is it possible to get the black ice skin for SAT and GEO weapons?
retro is basically their only option, because they seem to be allergic of standard tacticool look, and futuristic scifi shit is already slowly worming itself to the ops
No DLC operator other than Buck and Frost have Black ice.
Echo's MP5 would look amazing with it though
First off, stop using non-realistic skins
Second, was SAT or GEO in the game when black ice could be purchased?
The dudes in black look like grunts from a shitty scifi movie, and what the fuck is that crossbow?
First off: no
Second off: no.
Nope, Falklands
It'd be great if we got uniforms for ops that don't have any (purchasable via renown anyways)
Kapkan, Chanka, Glaz, Castle, Pulse, Thermite, Rook, Monty, IQ, Blitz, Frost, Buck, Valk, BB, Mira, Jackal all need some non-digital content/elite love.
Haven't they been adding uniforms to like three characters a season since they added uniforms?
>First off, stop using non-realistic skins
shut up you fucking autist. its a fucking game
Some of the alternate uniform camos/helmets are nice, like Mute's Gravel set
The guy at the back left looks like a lego figure.
>It's a waifushitter
Kill yourself. Really. You are disgusting
sumo wrestler elite skin for echo when?
Post local IQties
Are you really that boring user?
Nothing about that post indicates that user is a waifushitter.
The fuck are you talking about
Literally proving my point since their uniforms look nothing like Sledge's elite. Also, just look at Sledges gas mask. It doesn't look like a 1980s-esque gas mask at all.
Yeah, but they can totally pick it up now that they "fixed their hitboxes to have more artistic liberty to do so" since 2.2.1.
Do special forces actually, unironically use crossbows irl?
Ubisoft fucking around and not giving atleast basic camo reskins for EVERY operator is actually a fucking embarrassment.
Remember that time the Navy Seals got AOR1, and then it got taken away the next patch, and we haven't seen it since?
>tfw about to detonate breach charge but get shot through barricade/wall
It's literally a cold war era gas mask. And the uniforms are much more similar than to anything they used in WW2.
>Nope, Falklands
Except it isn't. The British soldiers in the Falklands wore a uniform with an early version of DPM camo or one of its variations (P60, P68, P84) which was developed around the 1960's. Sledge is wearing a camo known as "windproof" pattern which is a variation of a "brushstroke" pattern used in the early 40's and is supposed to have large splotches and faint brush strokes over it. Unfortunately, Ubisoft left off the brushstrokes, but it's clearly not DPM and some variation of the brushstroke/windproof pattern, making his skin WW2 themed. Furthermore, he's wearing what appears to be a Denison smock, which was a uniform being widely issued from 1942 onward until around the late 50's, and not a Falklands era uniform.
I was really happy to see AOR1 only to have it torn from me the next patch. What the fuck Ubi?
>Navy seals
>ubisoft fixes their mistake
>lol syke
Found Turkish Caveira and Pulse while trying to look up info about that image.