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>Patch 4.06 Notes
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howdy y'all
[5:35 a.m.]Gothic Dolly: "Move where, though?" The goth asked as she smushed Thea's asscheeks firmly around the pulsating penis now lodged firmly between them, Pandora loving how the curvy Miqo'tes buttcheeks squeezed so extremely tight around her erect member. The midlander hummed, tapping several slender digits over the other girls squishy rump.
I'm going on a raid with an elezen~!
> manly face and hands
> poorly shaven pits
> huge fake tits and bologna sized nipples.
is this what one of those female (male)'s look like?
I finally cleared O3S with only doing pugs, how long will it take to clear O4 only pugging or should I not even bother?
I main AST/WHM
raen > xaela
Neat, looking forward to it. Not as big a fan of the midlander as I am of smugcat, but it's a pretty good looking character for what it's worth.
Please no dolly posting.
Have you been to fanfest?
Don't come to Mateus.
fanfest wasn't bad
most of the xivg people looked like normal people
Congrats user! I feel like 4 should be puggable but it'll likely be a bit rough.. Cute butt
nope they never bring them to my country.
xaela > raen
It's rough getting people that are dedicated to hashing it out and actually learn an encounter these days. Most people quit after a few wipes if there's no improvement.
O4 is really rough on healers too, but don't give up. Have a sleeping Elezen to motivate you.
>tfw europoor from the frozen north
I know this feel.
lizards suck
Watch yourself, bitch.
It was an orange parse for when you cleared it, and a purple parse compared against the pool of parses that exist today. People only get better and more optimized.
Historical is exactly what it says on the tin: it's how high you placed in previous standings and it doesn't change. So if you clear before anyone else it would be 100% flat. That Hist% will stay 95 until you place higher in new parses, and the percentile in the parse itself will gradually decay. Look at the guys who cleared first: 100% and now they're fucking green/grey.
anynyan wanna hold and comfort a catboy
tfw lonely
Someone with the character name "Gothic Dolly" turns out, in an M. Night Shamalamadingdong-esque twist, to be a shit. QUELLE SURPRISE
Awesome, thanks for the explanation senpai
I miss her smile, her laugh, the sound of her voice. I'd give anything to have her back.
Come to Mateus if you want to, I'll run dungeons with you.
Just fap to smugcat's album.
That's the best kind of posting!
What's wrong catboyanon?
i yam having a ruff ruff bork time
perro caca
quick, someone send Gothic Dolly a tell and let them know they're being talked about here.
Watch yourself, bitch.
wtb DRG waifu on balmung, still.
Post more midlanders.
This person seems like they need help.
Hey hey.
post more of that goth bitch
not this one you ugly
I'm a midlander with ears
>post more of that goth bitch
If you're talking about the goth bitch I think you're talking about then fuck yes post more of her.
I just saw them running around with busy status so gl!
Are you the same catboy who is always asking for a jerk off buddy, if so I can't help you with that unfortunately but I hope your night gets better!
Yes, her.
>tfw no catgirl gf
i thought being aura male would land me one...
Goth BRD's small-chested and someone here requested paizuri of them. It looks bad and I don't like the angle.
That said I'm working on a lewd mini-comic of smugc@ and the frightened-elf together in a week or two
maybe i can be your catgirl gf...
Only if I like the smell of your farts
ok pst
no you are ew
Wow. Rude.
And I'm a Paladin.
That hair must clip with everything.
>small chest
Gee user, I wonder why you can get a gf....
Should have gone lala !
i eat lots of eggs and broccoli...
This dumb glam is really growing on me. I'm glad I didn't stick with the slutty pirate one.
I'm sure you'll find someone, user. Don't lose hope!
I'm a cat and I'm posting
I can't believe one of the nicest looking cats in this general married a giant blueberry
Like this. GlOJ1
all of the day
cats every day
C@ post?
C@ post.
i wonder how close to the edge stratos is right now
will that river come out or will it just be a trickle
I fucking wish I could clear O3S in a pug. Every group falls apart at the library
can you not be gross and try and taint one of my favourite songs, thank you
That handle can't NOT have been designed like that on purpose
you idle in the quicksand with "close to the edge" in your search info, what do you think people are going to think?
>stratos will never cum with you
ty im happy now
that's an incredibly classic progressive rock song, not my fault degenerates twist it and make it weird...
Sometimes elves get lonely alone in the forest. How else do you expect them to comfort themselves?
>Enter the Waking Sands
I don't like the insane wankery around hurr a million time signature changes but overall it's a great genre and I love it when it's done well
Why are you ellipsising...
Yep and you'll be doing that a whole lot more later on too. I must spend so much time at that fucking loading screen.
Watch yourself, bitch.
>great genre
>ever done well
What music do true patricians listen to then?
harsh noise
but seriously: youtube.com
For whatever reason these tracks and the FFT/Parasite Eve/Xenogears/Valis III/Guardian Heroes osts are the only ways I can get through PoTD
>not youtube.com
shit taste
my boi
I want to /pet the smugc@
Good smugc@, /pet/pet.
>your heart sucks my soul
I dunno why but that name is really funny