Super tight edition.
Super tight edition.
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Pictured here is my future wife.
CLIMBanon is my wife
But that's forbidden love
want to suck his ____ so bad
Cheerleader skin line when?
Why do you think that?
The Bustiest
The Beautifulest
The Bestest
Tell me how to play Aurelion Sol
They'd be super tight!
>tfw adc is a shit role so you can't play second best bird
>got pointless SG legendary skin
Seriously, it's just her as a teenager and leading a team, it's not different enough.
>wants an equally pointless, but also pretty cheerleader skin
It'd be nice, but making simple costume swaps doesn't happen all that much anymore. That and Riot's stance on skins that flaunt the body.
The way things should've gone with Ahri's Legendary skin was food delivery. 100% Ahri would make an excellent delivery person with her speed and she'd always get a tip, charm or not. It'd be far more distinct from her usual self than SG, most importantly.
graves is so good hnngg
>unbelievably sexy
>insanely gorgeous
>body of a goddess
>poised and refined
>amazing fashion sense
>beautiful face
>loving, affectionate, and passionate
>gentle and caring, and affectionate.
>different forms keep the sex interesting
>powerful magic with versatile applications
>excellent aryan genes, highly fertile
I fear that Riot will never be able to outdo Elementalist Lux.
>akali will never make you cum only using her kegel muscles and not thrusting
I disagree since it's western school girls and specifically cheerleaders that get my motor running, not eastern ones.
>body of a goddess
her face is ugly af
What price range are we talking here? Or more importantly, what changes aside from the cheerleader costume?
This game makes me horny and it has to stop
But will that be pleasurable for her?
The only time I really like seeing Lux is her coming out of the jungle to nuke people, but
>implying this outweighs everything else
Game's still running, all that matters in the end.
Well I'd depend on the character, but I'd prefer a more expensive one so that we can get dialog where Dunkmaster Darius hits on all of them. As is his his right and privilege.
her face really is ugly but maybe thats just me since i have high standards atm
I'm not sure about mixing in the doggy elements, but a bone-themed Riven skin could be interesting. Make her some warrior shaman or just part of some tribe blessed with their magic.
she'd probably find a way to enjoy it. if she's been trained in all the ninja things she should be in tune with her body
You know, these are all all right by me. Really like the stark contrast to Janna and to a lesser extent Lulu's hairstyles.
Has Riot ever gone back and given a skin new interactions because of an new skin? I watch interaction videos, but I wouldn't remember for someone like Darius.
>keeping my stupid mistake where I put affectionate twice
gaaah ffs
I think it is definitely a case of that. E. Lux is definitely not the most beautiful, but even I see the charm in all her faces. Her base face goes from being the best as per the splash art, to low and even lower when it comes to the UI icons and then the actual character model.
Why is there a rebroadcast of EU LCS but not one of NA LCS?
character model faces are pretty bad for most champs desu. based on her splash, she looks gorgeous .
>Lux is betrothed to an eastern noble to help secure peace and prosperity through trade routes.
>She's off in a foreign lands waiting to meet her new husband discovers that she's going to be joining a harem
>Gets really upset thankfully there's been a girl who understands her and has quickly become her friend.
>Gradually Akali corrupts the young and innocent Lux making her more and more sexual and submissive all the while her husband to be makes calculated appearances to improve her disposition
>In the end Lux apologizes laying on the floor kissing her husbands to be feet begging for the mere chance to be in his presence. To receive his seed.
Why are white girls the best at being race mixed?
I don't think her base model face looks that bad at all. I mean at least not when compared to the travesty that's Lulu.
Say that again. I dare you.
She *is* that affectionate you know, not really a huge error because it's true.
If only the game ran on Source, then the in-game model would be just as good if not even better than the splash.
That too, but we were talking about Elementalist Lux base form's face.
>thinking a girl with the ability to shoot giant fucking lasers would ever be submissive.
Pick someone else
Maybe one day. I'm in no rush for LoL 2, we've got the hurdle of the new runes system to tackle first. Honestly, it could turn out really well and make it easier for new and old players to actually practice things, since motivation and time won't be lost doing as much IP grinding.
>Thinking ability has anything to do with personality
I had to like catch her face since she wants to keep looking around so it's a little weird looking, but it looks weird, but not ugly.
I came here looking for someone to play with, but after reading this i don't know anymore
Son of a bitch.
Well it was a corruption story.
I think it looks decent, just worse than all the other forms, from in-game icons to the actual model. The skin's splashart face is tops though.
Even a group of people making a high-res mod for everything in the game would be a more realistic goal sadly. It's a shame EleLux got kneecapped to 30 MB of video memory like all of the other skins. If there was any one skin deserving of going over, she would be the one. Let me use my GTX 1070/1080's roomy 8 GB Riot, damn it.
lolking sucks
I mean, considering what the skin entails I think that's fair to say.
xth for Syndra
Who the best red head in league?!
All of them are breeedable!
There's a pretty nice new work of her SG form on Pixiv: pixiv.net
penta sona!
Even Annie?
Kat, obviously
Your standard for good is pretty low
Especially. Once she grows up.
>guy has ability to topple cities with a swing in his arm
How out of touch with humanity are you?
I want a red head gf
Wouldn't Morgana be the best wife? She has no in-laws, can cook, and after all the shit she's been through I bet she has very low expectations.
When is league finally getting its first real trap champion?
That is a shitty pic.
I went through like 10 pages of clicking signs. That's my sign that I'm done with Veeky Forums for the night.
I said it was nice. I rather like that they made her familiar-heavy and so I can appreciate a piece that incorporates them.
Well, there was that one chest-up, bare-breasts, disdainful look one. Oh and I do have a thing for seeing a girl masturbate, but the familiar in those were tacked on and this is a blue board.
So here we are user, a slow general with needless criticisms.
god lux is great
>replies to me with some shitty art
>gets cocky when I point out how shitty it is
>even "threatens" that he wanted to post nsfw art
How does this work
>Decide to play ARURF
>My team gets shit champs
>Enemy team gets good champs, including a D3 Zed OTP on Zed
Why the fuck aren't there bans? Doesn't make any fucking sense.
Why aren't there any sexy hispanic girls in league?
This is Riven. She is my cute and perfect wife and I love her. Please don't post mean or gross things about her, she's a nice girl.
Hopefully after the heat death of the universe.
There's no Mexico in Runeterra
Are you saying all the submissive anons here would turn dominant if they gained superpowers?
I agree that she could be among the best, but I'm not all too sure about no in-laws. Well, they'd probably have low expectations, too, so the element of surprise is on your side.
I said tell me how to goddamn play Aurelion Sol
I want a hipster mid to play, all my other hipster mids are meta now
Her family kicked her out and tried to kill her. While you might have to "deal" with them you won't have to live with them.
> Mess up and take Pantheon runes and thunderlords on Nunu
> We stomp
It's not that the Yeti knows the way, it's that every way works for the Yeti
You get level 3 and you roam.
redpill me on renekton, is strong in lane phase?
Who hyped for rework of best girl?
But I enjoyed breaking my Q button.
>nunu post 20 nerfs
literally unplayable, u get raped early game by everyone, riot literally destroyed nunu, we dont want him around
>rest time,gonna check lolg because leddit sucks
>try to find ANY interesting post
>cant,its all shitposting about waifus
This is one of the worst threads I have ever seen,and it gets to a point that its pretty pathetic to read all the shit you write about inexistent characters,like I dont mind it but you guys are like 12yo horny kids and as I said it gets pretty pathetic knowing most of you arent 12 nor have real autism
Maokai is fun
i dont think im going to like her new look
>maokai in normal games
are you new? is this the first time you've been early to a thread?
What the fuck are you asking noob,ofc he is strong in lane its one of his biggest strengths
They will ruin her, just like urgot
wait til you learn the cancer that is catalyst on Maokai.
Always heal never oom.
Not new,I swear that usually its not this bad,I know that there will always be idk how to call these kind of posters,waifu shitters I guess but its giving me aids rn its too much
you could go no runes or masteries, as long as you can secure every dragon and baron no one gives a fuck what you do
leaks say she's almost naked
What about the terrible lux fap fic?
>How does this work
Tell me. I have no idea how much twisting needs to be done to see that as cocky or threatening.
>enjoying Maokai
yep that checks out
Your worst enemy's about to leave you really fucked up or worse, dead. Which form do you choose to defend you?
Fire objectively has the sexiest hair so I'll say her
You just said "I wanted to post some nsfw art but this is a blue board" using different words as if it was a threat.
And you also said "pointless criticism" when I told you how bad of a pic it was as if I'm not allowed to say it.
what's in it /lolg/
DJ Sona