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How to build Valter?
what the fuck IS
this ghb is bullshit.. i just lost to the level 30 map using 4 5s level 40s
how the hell am i supposef to beat 8+ fucking units without losing a single unit..
so fucking stupid
dont have any SI units. and still cant even beat the level 30 map. i cant kill 10 fucking units without losing 1 its just not going to fucking happen. some has to take a hit at some point
>have never rolled a reinhardt
>can't even beat lunatic
Fuck this shitgame, I'm uninstalling
A happy Genny is a cute Genny!
Is this the thiccest unmerged Julia possible?
gb2 leddit queerturtle
people are beating this GHB with Olivia/Donnel/Alfonse/Stahl.
maybe try gitting gud.
Who is going to be my final flier?
Post barracks. I want to see what units you've got then laugh by comparing you to the people who did it with shitters.
I can't find the font and don't want to hack job it by writing it or editing in individual letters sorry.
>some has to take a hit at some point
What are brave bows?
>dont have any SI units
Maybe Sheeda or Paola, I think Sheeda would be better to take out green mages though.
I beated the hard ghb with 5*Hinoka/4*Cherche/4*Lilina/5*Roderick on my very first try and I started playing 2 weeks ago, also I found the last 3 chapters of lunatic birthright extremely difficoult.
You are bad af son.
git good
*blocks your path*
Still 1 round by thundercock lol
>Xander running into Corrin, ending the chapter instantly
Great chapter.
Your Julia is bad and you should feel bad.
>not even a breaker or QR
LMAO this is pathetic dood. Panic Ploy just for bladetomes won't help if you can't kill them. So sorry, find another niche build you retard. Understand that your "fun" build won't do shit against real threats. You'd be lucky for that shit to last a week. You're almost as inbred as Julia lol.
That's a cool build, user. Why Renewal?
Nice literal reddit post from the Battling Valter megathread
*unzips +Atk Rein*
sup ?
DID you figure it out by yourself? Show me your level 40, Stalh and Donnel.
My neutral DB2 Rein was enough for that fucker
>all merged and heavy SI'd units
>git gud
Oh yeah I forgot that existed.
I meant the chapter with thousands of flyers and tornadoes where the little dragon dies a stupid death, Camilla's rape tunnels and the last chapter+epilogue.
"Extra Help"
Tfw every Infernal video there uses Bridelia. I´m sorry I didn´t get best archer in the world back then. Do I really have to pay for that in every goddamn GHB? Horse Emblem is a bust here too because all of those panic ploys. Too bad I don´t have Reinhardt who works without buffs either.
Guess I´ll either mess around with my fliers some more, or wait for an actually doable strategy to show up.
my +Atk DB3 was overkill by a huge margin
I can't wait until we hit ?? health enemies!
any brave bow + archer works
generally Bridelia isn't that far ahead of every other archer that the strats stop working
Any good brave bow user will do.
you seem jealous of my (you)'s
I need the lewdest image you got
Am i the only one the notices valters dragon is ready to put somebody down, LOOK AT HIS EYES THAT REPTILE IS TAKING NO PRISONERS!
Not him, but I can show you mine. Beat Lunatic, but not Infernal.
Half of them are not optimized or well-built though. I'll appreciate any advice.
I beat it without archers , instead i had Rein and Celica. What you need is 2 nukes ( in my case Rein Celica ) 1 dancer ( 4* Olivia did just fine ) and 1 red sword with axebreaker that can also take down the red mage in the upper corner ( Ike for me )
It's ok to not have seasonal units because you'd need optimal ivs or cry forever about it.
t.not +spd sfemui
I stayed up to do this and had combat animations on. Hearing Valter proc Luna is terrifying.
>All those good units
>And hector
>But no Xander
it hurts
>Just use Rein and Celica
>Just use top tier units
Hmmm fuck off luckshitter
He did the trick for me
meh i have her +res -def
I am satisfied enough with her LnD build
Or you can whale. That might not really be worth it in case of Bridelia though, colorless is hell.
Git gud
Agreed, the only three units I miss are Xander, Rein, and Hinoka. Then I would finally unlock easy mode.
Is Rape okay with /feg/?
I said 2 nukes it doesn't have to be rein and celica, my bad for trying to help you.
>not having Reinhardt
There's literally no excuse, sweetie
Try Celica, Delthea, Azura, your other dancer. Put Bladememes on Doot and buffs on everyone else. AVOID THE PAIN THAT IS PANIC PLOY
Fighting him is pretty spooky, not gonna lie.
His voice is very good, and I hope Imari being called in to provide another voice means that Benny is coming soon.
So I know Reinhardt and Bridelia are two of the holy trinity but who's the third?
WHY IS VALTER SO CHARMING He was supposed to be a creep
Cheap imitation.
I have no idea how I beat this
I'll give you Celica since she's 5* exclusive in a color with a bloated 5* Pool, but Rein is a 4* unit. Odds are good you've pulled one or two if you ever were sniping for something else blue. I pulled 5 Rein just trying to get S. Robin. If you're new, Odin is a focus right now and blue has a lot of good SIs in it, as well as Tana on the SS banner.
The map with the tornadoes was actually one of the very few ones where the endless reinforcements made sense as well, I liked it.
ougi man isnt that good in reinforcement ghb content though ike is better with aether heavy blade in this map
>Give LnD 3 to my Summer Corrin
>5* an Eirika
>Give Brave Bow+ to my +Atk Summer Gaius
Which one is best ?
I do
Hey now. Don't be mean. I just want to share the build with as many people as possible. Lots of anons use leldit but that doesn't mean they like it.
For self-healing and for longer sustainability of the A and C skills. Glacies gives burst damage to kill foes that she tends to have trouble fighting and Sol/Noontime is pretty shit as they are based on the damage output like Glimmer and Astra.
>brave bow
You play easy mode
Rape is /ourartist/' fetish
Can't you like, do all 3? why does it matter whats best?
I used a Jeorge with Parthia as my archer.
Actually I really hate that Brave Bow is automatically the best weapon for every archer in the game, something should probably be done about brave weapons honestly.
Hoy>>>>>>>Ike in Arena
Has anyone even beat this without using either Reinhardt or a brave bow archer?
>brave bow
>brave axe
>brave tome
I have 20k feathers , it's what i do first.
Klein is 4*
Yes, and?
Someone is translating his stuff.
>all these angry shitters in the thread
What is it like having both no luck and no brain?
Good, now gtfo to reddit.
Seriously though, don't take it to heart, people here can be assholes at times. This is some cool build tbqh, but it seems like it's kind of a meme.
So which game is gonna get the good succ from Heroes after Sacred Stones?
>tfw have no good archer because I never roll grays orbs
And he can learn Bravebow and DB3 at 4*. There's no differences in 4* Klein
Why are you replying to yourself with copy pasta?
>no one has more than 20 speed
What a bunch of shitters
What are you even referring to? I've never heard of Extra Help before
>implying spd matters to brave users
He's quoting a reddit post
>4 Star Klein
>Reinhardt with Death Blow 2
You know what must be done.
4 star Gordins have worked for other anons.
>Vaike, Slaying Axe, Death Blow 3 fodder
>Gregor, Zanbato, Infantry March
>Miriel, Rauðrwolf, Res Ploy
>Have 1 good archer
>It's a Takumi I pulled in week 1.
I've got a Gordin for a Brave Bow but I've got literally nothing else to make that set and no feathers to make anyone 5*.
Give up on this shit build go back to plebbit get a clue.
Sounds cool. What units do you think would synergize with her well?
I just want a more unique build that can take advantage of her odd IVs. I have more memes upon my sleeve but is lacking some skill fodders.
Maybe a unique Tome called "Book Tome"
>no archer or dancer
>can't manage to find a way to clear this shit on Lunatic