Takes balls and zero will to live to spin out an fwd accord at 200 km/h
Is there a better car culture than saudi arabian drifting?
Luis Sanders
Isaiah Turner
Adam Lopez
I like this because it's about doing dumb fucking dangerous shit and not showing off how rich you are
Oliver Rogers
Lmao that's a commodore, never knew the Arabs liked ripping skids in commos too
Andrew Russell
I'm constantly surprised and impressed that they haven't all killed themselves yet. If this was done in a first world country the police would surely be up everybody's asses though.
Bentley Lee
it aint
Jose White
It even says in the comments it's a chebby caprice '10-'14
With gm being gm it ain't surprising they parts binned the cluster and dash with the ve commy.
Jayden Wood
Glad there are still places out there with shit tier policing so you can do stuff like this.
Jeremiah Moore
Mason Collins
still my favorite vid