Hips edition
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Warframe Raid Schoolbus: Hide your power lvl and follow the rules: discord.gg
DPS calculator and weapon build planner: github.com
DPS calculator and build planner No.2: warframe-builder.com
Top guns: docs.google.com
Frames and Modding: pastebin.com
Tierqueer Filters: git.io
CURRENT UPDATE: Chains of Harrow (Update 21.5.0)
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/wfg/ - Warframe General
1st for lewds
2nd for orokang cock biscuits
Doesn't Nova Prime have a slightly chubbier belly compared to her normal counterpart? Makes her look slightly pregnant.
Reminder that CHRIS is a faggot scalie.
Why not post some lewd frames, then?
Because we have a proper /aco/ thread for that.
I just want lewd frames, not flat-out porn and stories like what's on /aco/.
Oh fuck, never expected to see such a bug in this game. Bought Skana from Darvo just for lols and got Skana Prime instead.
>inb4 someone actually falls for this
Prove it
If any of you actually falls for this I'll punch BOTH of you in the face.
what about cute frames?
shut up chris, you are a youtuber now. Trying to please us won't change that.
No. They're exactly the same. I just checked.
>People within the WF universe reliably classify Warframes as either male or female.
>They differ on whether Equinox splits into male and female
>But they all agree on one thing
>Nezha is the cutest _boy
He was replying to me, I'm not the clueless guy who don't know what CB is
why not getting PS to 180%, so you can stop worrying about status and slap another 90% instead of that volcanic edge
I wish chroma had a thicker tail.
>>They differ on whether Equinox splits into male and female
Wasn't it confirmed that Equinox was female in all forms?
What's /wfg/'s opinion of animu frames?
How's Hydroid now?
Pretty autistic t b h
But there's always a bigger, more autistic fish in the sea
>Wasn't it confirmed that Equinox was female in all forms?
>Sergal frames
Good god.
I'll stay over here with my animu waifu frames, thanks.
i looked up what eff means but im still not sure.
is it effective health or power effectivity?
and what are some easily accessible useful meele mods?
Because wasting a slot on a frame will have a much higher impact compared to having 8% total damage on your weapon.
Total damage difference between 185% with 3x90% and 155% with 2x90% + 1x60% is less than 25%.
155% already overkills everything up to armored enemy level 300 or so.
>a she but has a masculine form
lmao right?
>no hooves
>8% total damage
"8% less", but you get the idea.
Any improvement suggestion to my Nyx build?
Obviously I'd switch out Enemy Radar for Corrosive Projection when playing the respective content
>They differ on whether Equinox splits into male and female
literally stated by the devs to be female in both
I like having natural talent, and I don't use vitality. It doesn't do much for her anway. You might occasionally get one shot if you're the host and not quick about your absorb but once shield gating becomes a thing that won't be an issue any more.
Also max your mods you fucking autist.
It's okay. Pic related is what I use myself.
She's always female, but has a feminine and masculine form.
You know, like those feminine penises you guys are always going on about
Post Warframes
>constitution over streamline
>rush for a barely noticeable movement speed bonus in absorb
>lighting dash
Meh. I bet you use the parkour helmet too.
Alright, /wfg/, it's time for another lesson!
A feminine penis is called "clitoris".
Lesson's over!
Yeah for higher stuff I usually switch it out for Quick Thinking
And I don't see the point of investing 1kkk creds and 20k endo for a marginal gain
Maybe I'll max Flow and Continuity, but eh
Sprint speed mods for higher mobility in Assimilate, I guess?
Does anyone have a spare ignis wraith bp
>And I don't see the point of investing 1kkk creds and 20k endo for a marginal gain
The point is to grind more.
>Sprint speed mods for higher mobility in Assimilate, I guess?
It barely does anything, I think he just likes to go fast.
What are you saying user, DE always delivers on their promises!
Buy plat.
so what?
if you can't tell that's a man because someone else is telling you otherwise you are a retard friendo.
also equinox was called "bruceframe" and Steve laughed at that but to avoid the tumblrstorm they went with "it's a girl in both forms, i s-swear!".
newfags, damn it.
umbra in 1 hour, right?
Why platinum, of all things? Why not some rare resource that's actually applicable to a spacefaring culture?
Can I use a spear in this game
To be this young again...
Use Redirection instead of Vitality.
>constitution over streamline
Look to the left, friend. There's no reason for me to use Streamline and I like to have some duration on my Chaos anyway.
As for Rush and Dash - they are mods that help me relocate Nyx between using Absorbs. After playing with her for a while, I came to the conclusion "oh, I'll just use my melee to move around" idea is very clunky in reality, especially when it forces you to use crap like Tempo Royale or these blink hatchets.
So I decided to opt out for having good stats for both Chaos and Absorb (and Mind Control, I guess) paired with good mobility potential.
Alternatives seem to be pretty irrelevant, to be honest. 250% range vs 235% won't make a difference - it isn't RJ/EV on Draco. Survivability mods aren't required. Strength isn't used. More duration isn't needed and will hurt Range. The only options left are using some augment or detection. But Mind Freak is the only real augment option and using it on 40% Strength is kinda meaningless. Detection is alright, I guess, but mobility is alrighter.
>Sprint speed mods for higher mobility in Assimilate, I guess?
*between* Assimilates. Sprint mods don't affect walking speed and in Assimilate you are limited to walking.
>do Kuva flood
>go afk to make breakfast
>come back 30 mins later
>random pub I was with taxi'd me to 3 kuva siphons and now another kuva flood
Yeah but higher eff means you can just spam the shit out of your 3 whenever it wears off after 23 seconds plus you get better mileage out of your 4
user, are you really this stupid?
>but higher eff
Look to the left.
Nextrusnxt, currently doing a mission rn so give me a sec
how do i take pictures like that?
>There's no reason for me to use Streamline
Yes there is, 1.0 drain/sec on absorb vs 1.3 drain/sec and more efficiency on all the other abilites isn't bad either.
And 23 vs 30 seconds on chaos isn't a big deal either as you cast it multiple times during that period anyway as new enemies appear that aren't yet affected, and efficiency helps here too.
user, pls.
Many people don't know that 175% efficiency is the max.
Anons, please don't make me call you stupid.
Check our absorb stats.
how can i make this less bad?
The pixels... they look...
IGN is Nextrusnxt
pm me
>/wfg/ now consists only of waifu posting
>take Gram
>put Gram in the airlock
>close inner hatch
>blow Gram into space
infographic nao
what melee weapon can you recommend?
>Unironically using the gram
How about you get a fucking stance to start with, Gram a shit weapon and you wasted a potato on it
Max Pressure point and get Drifting Contact
If you're MR3 just use the Galatine if you like heavy blades, but man you really need a stance on your melee.
user, pls. I don't have negative duration to stack efficiency over 175%.
arcane helmet?
you complaining?
or do you wanna talk about excal prime or some tier lists?
Thanks again
i havent dropped a stance for it yet, put the potato on it like 3 years ago.
ill try to get this drifting contract thing.
im mr5, dont really know which kind of melee weapon is the most fun to me yet.
Also with 1 drain/s you can absorb 297k damage, with 1.3 only 186k. I just checked.
You are losing out on more than ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND eHP by slotting constitution.
Cleaving Whirlwind is like 5 plat to buy
yea but he has 175% eff, thats the cap
Drop your IGN, i give you one for free.
Also keep trying different classes of melee weapons to see what you like most
some champions make good waifus, no surprise here
God damn it, is /wfg/ really this stupid or are you trolling me?
It's a TOGGLE ability, their drain depends on efficiency and duration.
Fleeting and Constitution does NOT get you to minimum drain, and drain/sec is what determines how much damage you can absorb and what the conversion rate is.
Fleeting and Streamline gets you to the cap, not fleeting and constitution, is that so hard to understand?
>find a good angle
>reduce the DoF to around a quarter bar
>have a animation you like
>wind the scene forward till you get a shot you like
>slightly adjust Dof and height to better fit the picture
>rotate camera slightly to match the frames stance
It takes time to figure out, I have about a decade of picture autism helping me.
my IGN is derbenji
Okay I'll try to make you understand.
Fleeting+Streamline nets you 190% Eff. Except Eff caps at 175%. So to get the cap you only need 15% more eff. A half ranked Streamline can achieve that, but the dude doesn't need that, since he is using a Arcane Helmet that gives him the 15% Eff he needs to cap Eff.
He has 175% Eff. That is the maximum. He has a Streamline build into his special helmet so to speak.
Do you understand that now?
Alright. I have not used the arcane helmet since 2014 because its design is an affront to my sensibilities, so I tend to forget it exists.
I didn't realize that user had chosen to wear that ugly thing to free up a mod slot only to put something as useless as constitution in it. That was my mistake. I am sorry.
It's fine there were only like a million replies pointing out that he has 175%
There's nothing shameful about being on the spectrum
>mallet vs sortie kela
Didnt he just publicly apologize on Twitter or some shit?
>being this passive aggressive when you were entirely in the wrong
It's still possible to not be at minimum drain with 175% if your duration is too low. Not that this applies here, I was clearly acting retarded.
why is she so perfect?
>there are people ITT who aren't a shield for the people
what are you? An environmental extremest or a jew? Probably both lol
Which one is better?
>a shield for the people
Since "the people" literally don't exist in the game there is no reason at all to fight for them.
The Loka Chick is hotter anyway. I especially hate the voice of the Merridian leader.
bottom one
Where is condition overload?
I don't wanna be a shield for genetically inferior lumps of random DNA that live 20 years tops
>release AOE taunt mod
>not modified by melee range mods
DE literally wants them to die