Be a Ford GT owner

>be a Ford GT owner
>drive my ford GT around
>see pic related
>involuntarily start crying, pissing and shitting my pants


faster around the track despite being 1/4 the price

>be Ford GT owner with competition package installed
>have nothing to worry about

and btw, Lamborghini has never ever won LeMans

>brunch so hard

*citation needed*

But it sounds much nicer and has a superior interior.

whats stopping KIA from designing a car that looks that amazing, throwing a 200hp v6 in it and selling it for $30K

I think a lot of people would buy it.

>yeah, I rather have a boutique car than a race car for the street with 0ver 50 years of racing heritage

said no one

Grand Tour did not test the competition package, you have nothing here

>be tasteless arab
>drive my Performante around
>pic related passes me
>involuntarily start crying, pissing and shitting my pants

They tried a similar strategy like 1-2 decades ago

>300k hyper-beetle
>still has fake exhausts

I dont care about what TGT says. I care about not paying half a million for a parts bin interior with a shitty sounding V6.

enjoy being slower lmao

were you living under a rock for the past year?
starts at 32k with a 255hp I4 or 38k with a 365hp V6

I live in one of the most crowded countries in Europe. I have next to no opportunity to go fast anyway.

opinion discarded, go prep the refugee bulls

t. John Tyronius Marquez

t. 70 mph highway limit and 56% white

t. El goblino atrocidades

imagine being this buttblasted

I am not american

t. American hat

a fucking LEAF

>the ABSOLUTE state of eurocuck cars


I am a greek

greeks are better than other humans


Its not "over 50 years of racing heritage" if they only raced for 8 years, and then did nothing.

meanwhile the GT doesn't feel the need to fake its exhaust tips

greeks = turks

> probably don’t have to submit metrics for my social media profile, or promise not to sell it for two years, to get one either

more like “link back to some racing we did over 50 years ago when we were pissed that our purchase of ferrari didn’t go through”


not the competition package

Those arent exotic designs tho, No one is going to mistake that for a McLaren or Koieneniienesieeg

>spins at 2mph