/scg/edg/ Star Elite: Citizen Dangerous General #191

All Cultists must hang - Edition.

ED info:
Be aware, Thargs are currently grabbing ships out of witchspace and giving out complementary rectal probings, it is advised you shoot the fuck out of

them whenever possible, or just go with it if that's your thing, I ain't tellin you how to live. Apparently the Ayylmaos are rumbling again, inquire

within if this means goddamned thing or if its just Braben trying to scare up some more money.

Open Beta for 2.4 is up soon, you should be able to access it through launcher if you're a PC player.

Announcement vid /w contribution from our lord braben: youtube.com/watch?v=PX49v8zYutI

>Frontier Official YT

Star Citizen Information:

>3.0 is opposite day slenderman, getting farther away everytime you look at it.

It is the standing Recommendation of /scg/ that if your game package contains an Aurora MR, Aurora ES or Mustang Alpha you would be well served to upgrade it to an Aurora LN. It's only like ten bucks and provides a significant increase in firepower and survivability without any real downsides.
Be aware, this is the gateway drug to wasting your life savings on spaceship jpegs.


>Star Citizen Official YT
>SC Official Twitch streams.
Official Channel for major events/streams - /starcitizen
Community Channel where Hobo Santa broadcasts weekly shows and pontificates for the cult - /cigcommunity

>Other games:

Above is a pastebin of games you can play while waiting for SC and E:D to become playable.
However these games are not the topic of this thread. This not /nmsg/ and NMS posts are off topic.

Old and Busted:

Other urls found in this thread:


So will those streamers be playing 3.0 build on the moon or 2.6.3?

second for smart was right all along


Hilarity being that sandi may end up making him right in the long term.
He was wrong at the beginning, and he couldn't tell you why he was right in a coherent way if his life depended on it, but if things go on as they are and this gets dragged out continously they way it is being dragged out now It will be nothing more than Scam Citizen and Doctor Shart will be right.

go back to rebbit mordakike

Your fascination for that woman is only making you look like an autist and damage any truth you spoke.
The problem is that they haven't done anything that isn't done by other companies like EA or Ubisoft, which we hoped them to avoid.
They have been wording their public announcement to (almost) always include the possibility of a delay. Only the SQ42 demo can be called a complete failure, the rest? Nothing you can do will change the FACT that the game isn't ready. They are the one entrusted to decide wether the game is stable enough.

IMO, they've been so transparent that the only ones to blame are the entitled idiots who believe the game should be done because they want it now.

>reminder that Derk Smart got a restraining order


stop worrying 3.0 soon

its NOT a scam yore all just shitposters

No, my monthly attempt to communicate on reddit is over, the cult is out in force and I'm yelling at people who don't even know I exist. I'm approaching salt toxicity am not going to argue with those faggots any further, I honestly don't know why I keep trying to reason with anyone on that shithole, just a slow learner I guess.

I've always been a somewhat fanatical supporter of SC, but desu the last couple years have made me so fucking salty about it that I half want it to crash and burn just to see the real "Chris, Sandi and CIG can do no wrong matter what!" cultists suffer through it.

I really really want to play SC as it was pitched in 2012-13-14, but the grinding wait is driving me nuts and the introduction of outright cynical, profit seeking deception is pushing me over the edge. It's like watching you favorite pet slowly die of cancer.

the only thing he was ever wrong about is how long the whales would be willing to continue to prop up the sinking ship with their life savings

>the only thing he was ever wrong about

I'm not threatening anyone or doxing anyone or being an actual IRL creep, Im being salty on the internet. And I'm not "fascinated" by Sandi, I fucking despise her because its is largely her decisions and her influence that is steering SC off its Idealistic course and down the road of money grubbing "eternal early access" scams. I am not DS with his repressed skelephilia, I want her gone, because a great many of these things are in fact her doing. She is damaging the thing I have looked forward to most for quite a while now, in pursuit of nothing more than money.

>entitled idiots who believe the game should be done because they want it now.
Strawman, thats not what I or anyone else critical of CIG has been saying. Delays are understandable, and expected in software dev. Deception about delays and manipulation of facts to hide delays for marketing reasons is not. I am not mad that the dev is slow, I am Mad that they continously lie about it to increase sales and that they interfere with actual development work to produce fabricated one off demos with no connection to actual gameplay to support those lies.

Did something happen recently? Derek is going more apeshit than usual on twitter.
Also I know the info for NMS 1.33 somehow got leaked; does anybody have it?

like I said, the only thing he was ever wrong about is how long the whales were willing to prop it up. thanks for providing backing evidence for me.

>the only thing he was ever wrong about

What was Derek ever right about?

3.0 within 2 months, hell only get worse the closer it is.

Also is fucking AC/SM dead? I literally cannot find a single person at all.

Using derek as a vehicle for shiatposting is beneath even channers.

Which is why it's mostly done by Goons.

Reading comprehension is not my strength today.

There has been nothing new to do in AC for 18 months. SM was good a for a couple weeks gaming, it was released with half its features missing and the promised expansions to it we're going to be in the 3.0 release that was gonna come right after it, guys!. It was a literal nothing burger. 2.6 is a nothing patch which has dragged on for most of a year, that last real content patch was 2.4 and that was a long fucking time ago. AC and SM have been totally dead for months, even battle royale can take ages to start now.

I kind of wish I still had enough confidence in CIG's overall ability to still believe the horrible delays are entirely scammy marketing decisions and not incompetence.

I mean personally I havent had many issues until the last couple weeks, its just as said in these few weeks i got 4 games all having 8 or less people.

1.33 is just bug fixes from what I recall of the list

I got ya, space-nigga

it would be extremely unfortunate if someone edited his post into a trump meme

>trump meme

That's so 2017.

>tfw deret smart is my useful idiot.
I'm not sure how I feel about this.

urge to trade stocks rising

I've been away for two years. What is going on with SC? Is it out soon? I've waited so long I'm basically a different person at this point since I backed it.


>is it out soon
they're releasing the alpha they should have released in 2015 this month

What's your reason, user?

god damn

To be fair we're getting a brand new iteration of planetary tech demonstrated last year and whole lot of other game mechanics.

I'd be surprised if it has actual missions and real gameplay.

I don't think I'm capable of caring less than a new """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""luxury"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" spacecraft from Origin thats $400.

Tell me about Kheetah. Why does he wear the mask?


Anyone going to Gamescom?

A few more jpgs were made flyable, they made ships slower for no good reason and they finally added shitty fps maps, that's about it since 2.0

>ITT: a bunch of entitled losers are impatient for a videogame so they decide to do the one thing losers everywhere excel at: blame and harass a woman

seriously click X in the upper right and GET LAID you will loosen up

>they made ships slower for no good reason
making combat fun and balanced is a pretty good reason

Too bad it's still neither of those

Did you get tired of anti-NMS shitposting already, plex?


Ok, if you like sliding around and mid-sized ships handling like something 10 times their size that's good for you, but in what way is combat balanced currently?

>clouds in the way of the eclipse

Can anything go right for /scg/? Or do we have eternal suffering, even in the real world?

>Ok, if you like


>but in what way is combat balanced currently?

Is it supposed to be?

use your AB and MavThruster Boost.

I think you meant (((Luxury))).

Making anything bigger than a Cutlass a sitting duck against fighters, and dogfighting a pure dps race instead of about how good a pilot you are while also causing all non combat flying to be a slow ass crawl at half the old cruise speeds was a great balancing job.

No man's sky general!

nihilist ayylium

Fuck off into your own general, it's already been decided that NMS isn't a focus of this one

>weight 4.70m
>height 226kg
really makes you think

I'm sure looking forward to flying the large industrial ships at like 100 m/s.
On that note, some of the capital ship stats were in the game files for a patch or two and it's disgusting.

Don't tell me what to do.

turreting is not skill
now you have to learn to actually maneuver

Or just fly a super hornet so I still get to turret everything down thanks to the current flight model being practically designed around maximizing the hornet's strengths and minimizing it's weaknesses.

Why's the Void so slow? I thought it was roughly freelancer or vanguard size.

no, the voids fuckheug, like three times the size of the tally. It's closer to the polaris in size and role than the retaliator.

>it's already been decided

Except that's fucking wrong. Also quit replying to obvious shitposts.

The 2015 leak Void was already relatively big and with the UK studio redoing the entire thing from scratch it's probably at least like 1,5 times its original size now.


Hello, Plaxinov.

>2 years later
>Derek Smart was right all along gaiz xDDD

>implying Roberts and Smart aren't the same person with a fight club psyche going on

Hello Homeless santa (Jared FuckFace) how does it feel to stream the exact same unplayable shit FOR THE SECOND YEAR IN A ROW, which you also wasted everybody's time with, including the poor twitch streamers who actually showed up?

I want to fuck my Anaconda

Ah the old let's put a strut right in the middle of the windscreen what could possibly go wrong with that.

It's ok, they fixed it

That's not very nice animu poster you should post nice things. Like diabetes inducing dogfighting music and space ships.

>find an obviously furry player faction in ED
>proceed to do stacked massacre missions in their system in open
>one time leaving the station
>three of them around
>see my obviously oddly FAST python
>they all jump the fuck out
>buffest ship is a T-9
>clear 120 million in their system against their faction so far

Jesus man this playerbase, they see a hollow square they are literally shitting themselves already. And I'm doing all this in open but the system has 2 civil wars going on and I'm pretty sure they can't find their own CZ because its literally the only one.

There are still joys in ED to be had


YOU WON'T HAVE MY SOUL!11!!11!11!!!

Yeah, see, that's the spirit.
You know you want more.

user, you are acting like a creep because you make up intents out of disconnected PR failures, soon you'll be saying he's embezzle money for herself... That's what make you sound like a redpilled gamergate trying to make a bad name of any named women in the game industry.
Remove CR billshit release out of the equation and they'd be totally legit, you can't blame CIG if people are willing to pay (or you have to attack more retarded things in your life). CIG disclaimer are spotless nowadays.
If you don't want to be like a creep, attack CIG entire PR group for factual blunders, not assumed one, that will also set you apart from cultist.

>fabricated one off demos with no connection to actual gameplay to support those lies.
>no connection to actual gameplay
You already look like a retard just for not recognizing things like Homestead as gameplay, I hope you'll have the decency of admitting you were wrong when 3.0 release in 2018.

>this topic is now a derek smart general

Are goons even still interested in him anyway? He must have been banned 3 time already from Something Awful.
At this point even random troll would know enough of the meme to fake being Derek

I've never noticed the shit eating grin on the front of the Anaconda until now. It looks so fucking happy to be in space.

the best ships are the ones adapted from the earlier games

I want the imperial explorer

The best ships are always happy.

back to the trees with you.

I got to see a 75% eclipse, through a light clouds layer so I looked straight at it.

However, I feel your pain, the last three meteor showers were obscured by clouds as well.

It's funny because the 600 is Constellation-sized
I fucking hate whoever's in charge of their social media marketing campaigns

rip in piece constellation phoenix owners

a certain reptillian wearing some poor woman's skin

this ad campaign for the 600i is literally some facebook #justgirlythings tier shit

At least it's better than the "retweet this 2384348974 times and we'll post a sligthly less blurry image of this upcoming jpg" thing.

tfw "The Next Great Starship" was only there to (((try))) to make Sandi Gardiner look good on camera for the sake of her own portfolio of shit.

If it wasn't for the fucking cultists it would fail miserably cause no one with a spine would give a shit.

>CIG does really well at imitating marketing campaigns intended to appeal to vapid rich people by asking them for quotes about the product
>nobody can appreciate the satire

Maybe I could appreciate it more if they put as much effort into their "transparent" development as they do for their ship marketing campaigns.


>Homeless Santa trying so very VERY hard to make it seem this year will be "new and exciting".

Why do I do this to myself watching THIS?

Note that they aren't saying it's gonna be 2.6 they'll be streaming.
You wanna know how I fucking know this?
Cause if they actually were gonna stream 3.0 they would've "marketed" the SHIT out of that.

Is this the new merchandise tie-in? Will I get a free ship if I buy enough Radegast?


No man's sky is the most complete game in this general



go play minecraft since that's clearly what faggots like you want out of the game

What happens if you jump out of supercruise while inside a neutron star's jet? Anyone know?

u die