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>Heroes FAQ and links
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How to build Valter?
Yo the SOLAR ECLIPSE is HAPPENING and you are SHITPOSTING on /feg/, very sad
shag the sheep
i want to make her cum with my hands and mouth and dick
>not early thread
Now, how long until early thread-kun shows up and shits up the general for the day?
Time to promote the meme man
Yeah man, I'm totally going to watch the eclipse from a different part of the world.
Speak for yourself, there's no god damned eclipse here
Where is she, IS?
Please feg, I need answer
>Saber and Atlas get to spitroast this every night
She's in Radiant Dawn for the Nintendo Wii
Waiting for it to come out so I can look at it, damage my eyes, then file for disability so I can get a monthly orb tugboat
>not fury
Why take away his one purpose of being a blue Michalis?
i would go with +def and Ignis
Tell me the banes too, duh
He's not going to be doing much damage aside from his special anyways, might as well go full def. Mine is +def-atk.
What are the odds of finding 3 Off Banner Julias when pulling greens on Summer Nohrian Banner?
I clarify that this is NOT the Hero Fest 2 banner!
>people unironically believe this
He's literally Minerva also
>wanting 10 damage a turn
Is Valter good? At least he's a good SI fodder but is he worth using and promoting to 5?
Felicia is the cutest! I love spending time with her! Seeing her pretty smile fills me with joy! I want to hold her in my arms and never let go! She is perfect in every single way to me! I love Felicia!
Do I give this bitch Wary Fighter or Quick Riposte? I intend her to tank on an Armour Emblem team.
Also is it worth keeping Svalinn Shield if I intend to do PvE stuff with her?
Reinforcements are artificially difficulty made to prop up overinflated artificial gameplay.
What A and B skills for Xander for infernal? Fury and QR?
I was wondering, is it worth it to 5* a Valter to pass on panic ploy to my Fae. or is it just a meme skill? I was thinking of giving it to Hector too but Fae is a more reliable Reinhardt counter, especially since my only Hector is -res. It would put a stop to any blade memes as well since I don't think any mage has more HP than Fae.
Rape Olivia!
Go with +def-hp then, he's only meant to damage things with ignis anyway (killer lance+QR)
I can't even imagine the day when a mage get a tome with same effect.
1 turn desperation would be a bitch to deal.
Should've mentioned she is +Atk/-Spd
Henry would not like if you did that sweetie.
He's got built in fury on a 16 my weapon + killer weapon status
He's definitely a good blue flier if you don't have Cordelia or Tana
Wary Fighter, she's not going to kill anything on retaliation unless heavily buffed and special active
Well that was annoying
It's fucking impossible to cheese this Infernal with Triangle Weapon memes
Severa is a sweet & cute girl made for hugs and should be treated with love & care, okay?
Jesus, +Atk/-Def Innes is something else
Reinhardt, more like Meme Hard.
Thanks guys
Go home MKV
Ride the Bike!
reminder that you are trash if you use dancer
How do I beat infernal without the best archer in the game? I only have a Neutral Klein
footfags stop
I want daddy Valter's juicy cum.
Do you have an Ike/Ryoma and a dooter/rein/strong blue mage?
So, Cancel Affinity is useless on Innes, right?
Anyone else actually considering quitting FEH? Between tempest, arena, arena assault, GHBs, gauntlets, leftover challenges, EXP/SP/HM farming, daily quests and monthly TT10 quests, this game is requiring way too much fucking time to keep on with everything.
That's my wife
Post the Cordy one and I'll tell you.
what are the odds that they release a flying healer? if they gave us one as a tempest reward i wouldn't even be mad
Is this babies first gookgrind? This is barely anything at all, you can do most of these quests within an hour.
You should quit now while you haven't invested too much
This game is going to be dead since its not casual friendly anymore
It's useless in general
>I have a klein.
I wonder how. Anyways, I noticed that a lot of units on this map are quite speedy, forcing you to take breakers or brave weapons.
It's quite annoying, but this time at least most of them were fliers. I can't imagine Camus on Infernal with all those horses.
This is nothing. Try playing Granblue Fantasy.
Subaki is ~perfect~. Fuck off Valter
What is Pebble Boy's best C Skill?
That's some real eye candy!
Yeah, I'm in the same boat. I'm a completionist, so I feel bummed if I don't get all daily quests done, and there's just too much shit going on right now. I'll just keep playing and hope that the game returns to its usual pace in september.
I've still got an hour and a half before it hits SC, so i'm good my dude. Grinding up some levels on Valter and chilling out on the porch.
But it's especially useless on greys, yeah? What's a good alternative B Skill for him? Vantage?
>hone cav'd Eldigan have 60 atk and 38 def
Damn. If I have spare Ike I will definitely Heavy blade him.
The most time consuming thing in this game is TT. All other shit can be done with an hour or 2, I have to study and go to work and have no problems with that.
Never spent a penny on the game too.
Serve him right. Fuck Gaius.
honestly when i try to come up with sets for valter I just end up with Flying Camus
Did Sakurafag complete this GHB yet?
Anyone else tired of this lazy piece of shit King Lima?
I say we take down all his statues!
Fuck off mongrels
This user gets it. It's like TT everyday.
>filler content
>freemium game
>rng gacha
>good skill locked behind paywall
>b-but another is so bad
/feg/ in the sunken place
Why don't you give Fae the atk ploy seal and hector the panic one?
I understand that the gacha business model is incredibly successful. But with the price ranges I seriously can't fathom how.
Like I have been trying to get Corrin since the start of the event now. And I've burned roughly 400 Orbs trying to do so. But all I've gotten for it are Cordelia and Nowi. Meaning that I failed to get her twice. And I am just about to run out of potential free orbs, so normally I'd imagine that this'd be one of those opportunities where you would pay money to help your game provided that you're inclined to pay for such things.
But then I look at the prices. And I need to pay over $80 for 140 orbs. And then I consider the fact that I've burned about 400 free orbs and done nothing but fail spectacularly with them. 140 orbs isn't even half of that and it'd still cost me $80. That's fucking ridiculous. I realize that the business model is incredibly successful. But with these price ranges I really have a hard time fathoming who the fuck actually pays for it.
Does anyone else find the GBA FE critical hit sound extremely satisfying?
>europoors don't even have eclipses
No Valter quests? Lame
>accidentally gave Armored Blow 1/2/3 to Rody
Yes and I am sad that the later games don't play such a satisfying sound
Fury + QR
>no quests
>no orbs
>no banner
>no free pull
Desire AI knows what you want, user
Which units want Killer Lance? I'm trying to get rid of a -atk Peri.
And I have 0 orbs
>free unit with good skills
>can get at least 1 copy even if you suck
I played final fantasy record keeper from launch up until about the FFXIV character releases all F2P. Heroes is nowhere near as unforgiving or linear. Just stop looking at tier lists and "optimal" all around builds and you'll be good. It's a fun gacha game and everything you've listed isn't even a big deal to a casual like myself..
It's getting easier and easier to get the unique rewards up to 40k points. With 4k points daily from just 40 stamina and the event lasting 10+ days there's no excuse for a player with the 40k bonus points.
Not a big deal and the rewards have gotten much better since launch. Sitting comfy at 80+ crests rank 18-19 with no 5* merges and a 4* Alphonse.
>Arena assault
You get feathers and daily rewards just for participating. So what if the 1-1000 rank includes 10k people tied for first?
>EXP/SP/HM Farming
Not an issue when there's chain quests and tempest trials to farm all 3.
>monthly tier 10 quests
You have an entire month to complete them and if you're smart you'll get at least 3 of the tier 10 quests done since you have to do tier 10 daily for the maximum shard rewards.
It's not the game's fault you're bad at managing your time. Grow up.
Yeah that's what keeps me away. Considering how many shit units you get, it's not worth it unless you really don't care and just wanna roll because. And even if you get the unit it might have shit IVs anyways
Fury vantage. Don't go Fury QR if you don't have a healer.
Fury + Vantage
I put Heavy Blade on my Eldigan and I thought I'd only end up using it for meme builds, but it's worked so well I haven't swapped him back to Fury since I put it on. If you somehow get your hands on a spare Ike it's a great build. If Eldie is +atk
Should I give my brave axe+ from Camilla to Cherche? Camilla has bad IVs while Cherche is +atk. I just feel like that darting blow will be wasted.
>But with these price ranges I really have a hard time fathoming who the fuck actually pays for it.
It's literally designed to take advantage of NEETs and gambling addicts. Someone posted a piechart that showed most people spend $15 or less on this game a month. The real money comes from whales.
Who wants the sacred seal Atk Ploy?