Veeky Forums - terraria general

A solar eclipse is happening!


>For new players getting started


>Terraria Servers

>Soundtrack DL

>Terraria: Otherworld

>MODS - Inventory editors, world generators, trainers and more

>Mods List - Summaries of some recommended/popular mods

>TerraMap - map viewer

>TShock - Server client

>TEdit - World view/editor

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>Wave banks - music replacement

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>OP pasta. Please use the info from this link when creating new threads.

Old thread -

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>He doesn't use wings.

You're not a dirty fucking LEG are ya user?

class emblem or destroyer emblem?

>Vampire Knives
>Scourge of the Corruptor
>Paladins Hammer

What do I reforge my accessories? Damage or crit?

Are there any mods that add an autofisher or something? I don't want to break altars because fuck having to deal with even more corruption spread and fishing's boring as fuck

There's auto chests, but I don't think there's anything that gathers crates. You could use the battlerods, fargo, or luiafk. They all have things that allow you to fish with multiple lures which makes fishing for stuff a lot faster.

>wake up
>see it's dark outside despite being 10am
>check local news
>"a solar eclipse is happening"
>town is directly within totality zone
>didn't even know this world was even on hardmode yet

>get ravaged by mothras

Autochests itself does, it also lets you craft wooden crates into iron or gold ones using money. Crates shouldn't be a problem for you though with Battle Rods, make the crate pet and you'll be swimming in crates every time you go fishing.

Renard music

i usually play normal, but damn the eye shield is fun
sucks the rest of the expert trinkets are so lame

>17% damage reduction
now you listen here boyo

the renard music wasnt working with that wavebank link from last thread


Hey guys, I'm running my first modded expert play through which consists of Thorium and Spirit Mod. I just beat the brain and I need to prepare for skeletron, any tips?

Works just fine for me

this is fine

Equine tips.

does the magic storage crafting interface use the alchemy table chance to not consume potion materials?

How'd you get it working? when I click download, all I get is a URL

Install Boss Checklist and try to beat the bosses in the order shown by it.


>break a plantera bulb
>it ain't me starts playing

basically me during my first encounter with the jungle

You download that URL, faggot
I don't know why the faggot just puts URLs in there instead of just uploading it

I did that all the way across the surface crimson on my first expert game

>listening to some playlist on shuffle
>summon Skeletron in expert for the first time
>some song with Sinistar audio samples starts pumping through my headphones
>Skeletron starts spinning at me
Fuck I love when music just lines up for me like that in video games.

yeah the page just opens to a bunch of wingdings and shit, fuck it

And you download that, you fuck

I just realized that you can tell the real brain of cthulu by looking at the minimap. I feel like an idiot.

I've never had trouble figuring out which is the real one for some reason.

I wonder if a Night in the Woods wavebank could work. It'd be a lot more atmospheric than action, though.

Is pumpkin moon hard? Do I need an arena for it?

depends, what point of the game are you at and are you playing with mods?

it's the easiest way to make money lategame
arenas are helpful, you can just flatten an area and make a couple layers of platforms
as ranger I like to stealth and shoot to my sides with the vortex beater until the first bosses come, then I switch to sdmg. wave 14 or 15 I drink potions and switch from musket pouch to luminite bullets

No mods, expert, post-golem

like is saying, the only thing you really need for an arena is basically a flat area the size of your screen and a platform halfway up to land on. with wings it's pretty manageable

Would I be able to beat the Wall of Flesh on Expert with Meteor + Space Gun?

It's doable, but take along some beenades just in case.

>mfw i can't find the bound goblin despite it popping up on radar on multiple occasions
this shit pisses me the fuck off

Hunter potions highlight bound NPCs including the goblin.

thanks user, found it

What's a good compact fishing area? I don't want to have to go all over the map to fish so I'd like to build it all in one place

>The best pickaxe in pre-hardmode tying to the molten pickaxe is available to catch right at the beginning of the game
>Pray to RNG Jesus that you'll find a weapon that is more decent than the craftable weapons
>"Expert" mode just doubles every enemy's damage and health and makes bosses much more annoying to deal with
>Melee is extremely cancerous to play with because Re-Logic gave literally every single enemy in the game contact damage
>Even the squishy wizards take out 1/3 of your health if you touch them
>Have to wait 60 seconds to use a healing item no matter what item you consume, whether the strongest potion in the game or a mushroom
>Vampire Knives are the best weapon in the game merely because they heal without cooldown

>Even the squishy wizards take out 1/3 of your health if you touch them

They really don't. Get better armor and reforge everything to warding. Melee with fetid baghnakhs makes you almost invincible.

One half of those are wrong and the other half are not a even bad things.
git fucking gud my family f.a.m

Are the summoning banner things from thorium actually worth using or should I just stick with using a ranged weapon or whatever to help deal damage alongside my minions?

lord you suck at this game

Well, you are going to need one surface fishing area and one cavern fishing layer. You can change the biome you are in with certain blocks. This is harder in pre-hard mode, as you won't have the clentaminator to quickly change some blocks to one type.

Pretty sure you'll need 2 for each biome except honey, lava, and sky. One surface and one underground.

Probably quicker to just gen a bunch of small worlds and build a shack on the ocean. Go from spawn to ocean take the quest. Get your fish and hurry back b4 he dies. Assuming your not against it.
A day is 20ish minutes you can make a world and catch a fish in 10 - 15.

Just stock up on fish potions first. Also crate if you can

Honestly, mods are what keep me into this game, everything is extremely tedious and annoying.

This is like the quote "if you wish to make an apple pie from scratch, you must first invent the universe" except it's creating the world just to catch a fish.

the last thing terraria needs is more bloat


>mfw butterfly staff with life bloom armor
Jesus fucking christ that staff needs a nerf.

I'm beginning to think that fishing is a prerequisite to learning how to build.

is the staff good pre hardmode?

>is an item that is overpowered well into hardmode good in pre hardmode?

It killed the destroyer with the speed of the Daedalus cheesebow and is craftable all the way to max level in pre hardmode so yes, extremely so.

it's what i did my first run after expert was implemented, just make sure you have enough speed to stay back and a nice length bridgr


Crimson vs Corruption

Which do you prefer and why?

More content != bloat

where can I get Thorium

Just build user, I don't even like the combat or boss battles in this game. They're too basic too feel well designed, I just play the shit out of it for exploring and building.

Mod Browser

I would also like to know

>Removed Intellect due to being useless.

I'm dying like hell in the underground ocean biome. Any advices?

>the butterfly i caught turned into a shivertorn

>the bound goblin has a statue of himself next to him
>he's being slowly executed while his cold, stony likeness watches impassively
absolute madmen

Don't fuck with greek skeletons.

They really should rename Jester Arrows to Sonar Arrows. It's not like people are going to use them for anything else when they are such wonderful mining tools.

>underground ocean biome
t-the what

I assume he's talking thorium and means this

How so? I've never really touched them, I always use the stars for lanterns.

Thorium seems pretty cool, I might try it out. I assume I'll have to start a new character/world. Does multiplayer function normally as long as we both have the mod installed?

Thorium is pretty great, I consider it vanilla+. Some equipment bloat and currently there's a retardedly OP summoner weapon you can get before fighting a single boss that will last you all the way to moonlord pretty much, but aside from that it's solid and the new bosses and biome are great, the large amount of new gear means there's always something you can be making to progress too, you're never locked into the vanilla progression for gear with mandatory mining periods. Multiplayer works fine too, no stability issues with me and my buddy as we've been playing through it.

how play expert

game hard

>have a bunch of mods installed like calamity and tremor
>small world on normal
>Jungle is right between the sea and hallow
>finally reach plantera
>bulb no where to be found

Jesus christ

Shoot them at walls while mining, the sparks will briefly reveal a solid chunk of the ground. Useful for finding ore, cavern systems, heart crystals and underground houses.

>build butterfly staff + spirit trapper armor
>everything fucking dies
what the fuck i thought thorium was the balanced mod

The butterfly staff is pretty new and it came out of nowhere, so it's likely to get hit by huge nerf hammers soon enough.
I keep forgetting to make one holy fuck

Blame the Donator

Well shit, now I wanna make a new character and become the butterfly lord.
I'm not even finished with my combat fisherman run yet.

Wait until you try it with this armor
Each butterfly can proc that. If you don't get hit by a boss for like 5 seconds it'll fully heal you.

what should I build for another house
or should I expand on pic related

Your windows are all weird, neat walls though.

what furniture mod?

Comfy, but replace the stone on the bottom parts of the rooms with planked wall.

what's a good soundtrack replacer

terraria's ost is shit and im tired of hearing it

There's definitely room to finish up on top, I'm not a big fan of flat roofs.

Chad's furniture

Make your own

touhou wavebank

>World Shaper Soul from Fargo's
>Warning: Do not use smart cursor with walls while this is equipped
W-what happens?

Why don't you make a new world for testing and find out?

You'll destroy all the walls in the world at sanic speed. That warning is only there to prevent accidental fun.

Is this a good game to get if I just want to be a wizard

Should I jump into expert mode right away to get good faster or beat the game on normal first

There's not much good wizard stuff until mid-game sadly, unless you use mods.