League of legends general /lolg/

I love Lissandra!
So cute!

Someone tell Gumi Faggot to get off my dick, ty

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Best guy!
Liss is shit, SHIT!

league girls are all ugly
i said it

ur ugly
both inside and outside

xth for Syndra

no i'm beautiful and cute




>ywn get lulu into the world of showbizz where she finds out that due to her looks and cute voice she can make it big but her superiors exploit their authority and she has to fuck&suck her way to top then at the young age of 27000 years she starts to wonder if the fame was worth selling your soul for and she spirals out of control on a pixie dust addiction only to od several months later leaving behind a legacy of iconic hitsongs, movie appearances and a legion of fans big enough to inhabit a small country

why live?

>unbelievably sexy
>insanely handsome
>body of a god
>poised and refined
>amazing fashion sense
>chiseled face with the best stash
>charismatic, confident, and stylish
>cunning and witty, and confident
>sex with draven is always interesting
>does it all
>excellent noxian genes, highly virile
I fear that Riot will never be able to outdo primetime draven

Finally back to the place I belong: Bronzil's bronze 3.

Who else CLIMBING here?

noxus guys are the best!
draven is the best of the best!

dudes ugly as fuck there with zero style primetime worst draven

Which human league waifu has the tightest pussy? We still didn't come to a conclusion from last thread.

And not just tight, but the girl who had the strength and control to grip your dick almost to the point of death. The girl who could trap you inside her if she wanted

I still think it'd Akali
This is a very important question that must be answered

Kys Gumi


Shyvana, duh

kys bood "write me guro pls!!" shit
go back to circlejerking in the discord

Original is superior

914 KB PNG

>unbelievably sexy
>insanely gorgeous
>body of a goddess
>poised and refined
>amazing fashion sense
>beautiful face
>loving, affectionate, and passionate
>gentle and caring, and affectionate.
>different forms keep the sex interesting
>powerful magic with versatile applications
>excellent aryan genes, highly fertile
I fear that Riot will never be able to outdo Elementalist Lux.

you forgot the part where her nudes are leaked out and her reputation is ruined forever.

>some bond barbie
>the bigplayer himself

Lulu is my STAR!

Okay the fuck happened to my post gookmoot

>Gumi is the gurofag
>keeps saying im the gurofag

were you dropped as a baby?
wait, you don't need to answer that

Revert Ryze's rework


should i post the chatlogs?
wait, you don't need to answer that

I'm doing okay today, super emotional due to a recent break up but League is there for me right now.

>10 year old girl knowing how to use kegel muscles
yeah no. Go away pedos.

>tfw I can literally spam pepes while I FROG people with top tahm.

I'm ready.

Lulu is CUDDLY and ADORABLE and i LOVE her!

Star Guardian Syndra is a cute! Are you having a good day Syndra user? I just started uni again and my social anxiety is killing me

Kill yourself.

chatlogs of what

I see the dragonlady argument, but what about dracozyra?

everyone over the age of 13 will turn them off

So, if you play on NA is there any skill involved?

Because, clearly we can all see everyone from that side of the world is being born to be retarded.

>Elementalist lux is a blonde bimbo
regular lux maybe, but not elementalist.

If my husbando gets reworked, i'll consider it.

not at all my friend, eune silver requires more skill than na

Star guardian syndra is cute... but is she tight

can i report people for abusing ardent sensor?

I kinda slept all day because I stayed up all night. Good luck at uni.
fuck off

> EU

Didn't your best teams get beaten by a team we had in a relegation tourney?

no we like gumi here

omg this thread is crazy good keep it up lolbabs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thanks user. Sleeping is never a bad thing.
Star guardians are NOT for lewd.


>competitive borefest
not an argument
btw enjoy getting pounded by koreans no matter if you're na or eu faggot

If you play ranged tops, you should kill yourself. You worthless no dick roaches. You are an abomination, no one loves you. You should have never been born. Your parents put so much effort into creating you but all they got is a useless faggot in the vague outline of a human. I fucking love cucking scum like you out of a lane. I fucking love ganking you disgusting no friends shitters until you make the world a better place by tying a noose around your pathetic neck. I shit down your throats and you take it like bitches.

If I met one of you diseased overweight petulant children I'd break your spine over my knee and end your life like I would swat a mosquito. That's all you are, a minor annoyance that's too much of a fucking pansy ass baby to play a champion that was made for men with courage and bravery flowing through their veins.

Kill yourself ranged top players, I mean it. Everyone you know would love to see you gone. Don't even write a suicide note, no one will care enough about your boring life read it, there's no point. You'll pass quietly like a speck of dirt in the breeze while real men, the melee top laners, are out fucking the girl of your dreams before throwing her out like a stained rag. Every single one of you fucks is probably under 6 ft, balding and limp-dicked. No fucking life.

I fucking shit on your CS, I fucking shit on your team, I fucking shit on your towers, I fucking shit on your wards, I fucking shit on your objectives. I fucking shit down your useless fucking throats and all you can do is right click me and pray that I don't miss on your skull as I'm on my way to ramming my dick down your ADC and bitchslapping your nexus. I hate you, your team hates you, you hate you.

Kill yourself ranged top laners. Don't keep Satan waiting.


Im gonna add that next time, that is usually how it goes indeed

Post these chatlogs then

no but we like gumi here we dont like boodrum tho

I wanna build a poro farm with Lulu!

>people at riot like things I dont like

how do I make this stop lolg, Im sick and tired of it


Fertile demacians!

bomb the riot hq
assalam aleikum brother

t. Gumi

does rengar count
I mean in a way he's better than ranged tops since he can sit back when he doesnt want to trade then instantly be on his opponent and use everything


This is my religion.

dont you mean drug?

small asian company with $1.6 billion revenue


>magical girs not for lewd
Really nigga?

well what does it say you retarded gook

Anyone know what happened to pixelbutts? Havent seen him in a while.

>win game
>gain 63 Influence Points
>lose game
>gain 75 Influence Points



>lost at 20 minutes due to surrender vote
>won at 43 minutes


Hey /lolg/, it's me, your friendly neighborhood duo-man. I'm looking to play with bronze/silver players who want to reach gold. I have multiple accounts to accommodate your rank and position preference. IGN: Arrow of Agony (NA)

which one

what if I'm not always ranged

sorry officer, I was just trying to make you sleep better

do you just want to play some norms?

he dropped to bronze 3 and evolved into the climbanon

Can girls love girls?

I want to carry them to gold in Ranked solo/duo queue.

>accommodate your position preference

What if... we just fill a team with Asians?

do you have an account to do placements with?

And then fill their sleeping quarters with gas? Yeah cool, I like that idea.

absolutely degenerate, post more

I wanna TOUCH Lulu's EARS!

>pick Urgot
>Win lane lose game

hey guys i have 4 bans for inting and 1 for verbal abuse ask me anything

>get an autofill support
>doesnt ban blitz
>is last pick
>enemy picks blitz
>still picks janna
>get in game
>predictably at lvl 2, blits goes for the run in hook
>janna runs
>she always runs when he gets between casters and meele
>no whirlwind, slow or shield
>this keeps hapening
>lose lane since im zoned out of cs and xp
>jana proceeds to be useless, cosntatnly getting hooked, shit ults, missed whirlwinds
>next game im on the opposite side of the blitz/jana
>jana protects her adc
>whirlwinds blitz when he tires to get close

hihi ;)
If you mean do I have an unranked account, yes, but it was gold last season, so I don't know how that will affect queue restrictions.

no, it is forbidden


What's your real rank, why do you want to do this?

Ah, at last I truly see.
>can't build DMP on him

does lulu have intercourse with pix when shes bored

My main is currently gold 1, haven't played on it in a while. I like playing in low elo because it helps me focus on improving my play and I can lend a hand to people in the process.

warwick is a killing machine with the right items

>play this game after a month break
>tanks everywhere again
good to see this game doesn't change

tank meta is always around the corner familia

I want to EAT pasta with Syndraposter~