Cats under car's hood

Today I found out my fucking cats sometimes get under the hood of my car and sleep there.
I need to stop them from getting inside otherwise they'll get themselves killed and fuck my car.
I'm thinking of covering the openings with aluminium foil (mainly the one with the exhaust pipe).
Any drawbacks of doing this? Like overheating or something?

Why cover it with something that's not gonna let air through? All you have to do is stop a cat from getting in, just make the holes smaller with some sort of mesh.

Hmm good ideia.
Maybe a plastic net would do?
Don't know if the temperatures are high enough to melt it.

chicken wire

why not do this.

the only aero mod for all cars up to amateur race cars that actually works.

actually never mind just get some chemical that rapells cats and put it under where you park your car or around it

Thanks for the tips.
Ill try to find both. Better safe then sorry.
Fucking cats

put mothballs around where you park and in the engine bay. this shit works for mice/rats that eat electrical wires also.

Knowing them as I know they would eat that shit.
They eat every crap they find.
Not the first time I've taken one of them to the veterinary to get shit out of they're stomachs.
Should have got a dog.

Cats are most comfortable when the temperature is above 80F/26C. Thats why they sit on car hoods and up in the engine and under the exhaust. If your retarded ass cat is house trained, just dont let it out till it warms up outside.

They're outside cats.
I'm not letting them in or they would shit up everything.
I've built a nice and warm shelter for them they even in hard rain they like to be outside.

G E T. A. D O G.



I found some cats lived under a few cars for years, but always managed to see them running around, so obviously they know when to get out from underneath.

I wouldn't worry about it at all

Just bang on the hood before you start it.

Why not find some way to let them stay under your hood without them getting hurt? This way when you go for a drive you can ride with your cats.

leave a bowl of antifreeze under you car when your not driving

Solution: Let cats die

Ill just leave the door open then.

>leave door open
Worse than cats are thieves. Just make enough noise before you start the car and the cats should have enough time to get out unless it is sickly and won't move. I lightly pat my fender as I walk up to the car.

If you suspect cats are actually under your hood, open the hood and inspect various places for evidence of pet hair. Also look at the insulation mat fastened to the underside of the hood. Some thin cats may squeeze into the tight space on top of the hard plastic shields on top of the engine. Their bodies then rub off hairs that will stick to the insulation mat. That will tell you where the cat(s) are resting under your hood.

Leave a dead cat under the hood in a spot where it won't damage anything as a warning to others

honk the horn before starting the engine

Your cats seem to be a bit retarded.
t. crazy cat man

t. cuck

The car is not on the street. It's on my garage.
Under the hood that shit is full of hair near the exaust pipe
I'm gonna buy the repellant.
Fuck those little devils.