/owg/ - Overwatch General

yfw_overbuff_is_no_longer_just_an_overwatch_player_analysis_website_but_also_the_state_of_an_upcoming_D.Va_build edition

D.Va main thread theme: youtube.com/watch?v=qc23AOtotnM
Roadhog main thread theme: youtube.com/watch?v=R4V36Y3YkG4
Everyone elses thread theme: youtube.com/watch?v=vOEMEtnB5nw

> The new escort map Junkertown announced!
>Comes along with an in-game cinematic confirming Hog and Rats Mako and Hayseed skins as canon. The actual cinematic comes Wednesday.

>The Summer Games 2017 event is Live!
>last year's summer games items are back for regular pricing (1x), while new items are also available for event pricing (3x)
>the event ends on August 28th
>(the next arcade reset for those sweet, sweet lootboxes is in one day)

>Event item tracker

>DEATHMATCH has been added to the PTR
>includes both 6v6 TDM and 8-man FFA
>along with a new map built for FFA (it's bloo's family home)

>Latest comic

>Latest PC patch notes
PTR: playoverwatch.com/en-us/blog/20972920
Live: playoverwatch.com/en-us/game/patch-notes/pc

>Overwatch dev tracker

>Hero tips, tricks and basics

>Source / Quake mouse sensitivity converter

>Personal stats / leader boards

>Previous thread:

Other urls found in this thread:



I wanna be Mercy.
Or Pharah

oi mate i relaly enjoyed the didgeridoo on the junkers short


I want be Mercy so I can fuck Pharah

>bang on time
Good one. Keep up the good work

Excellent OP image.

I want to be Pharah, so I can be loved by mercy.

D.Va shitters on suicide watch.

>Good Dva's will save matrix for critical moments and ult deletion while abusing massive new burst potential to burst rocket + contact boop + melee to delete supports
>Dva went from A to S tier immediately


I wanna fuck Tracer!

You are playing the best hero to celebrate the incoming map, right?

Thank you!

I wanna breed Pharah.

For anyone who want's the OP base, or just a general idea of what the new D.Va will be like

> matrix nerf
good, she can finally choke on some damage

I want mercy to get raped and beaten to death by pharah's uncles, she's just too haram!

I dunno what it is about her but I kinda want to mount her aggressively to impregnate her artificial womb.

Get back in line nerd.

We all do

I wanna make children of justice with her

>good d.vas will now let supports die because they won't use DM to delete flanking tracer rounds.

>Those thread themes
Patrician taste in games, freind

Seriously, where on her mech would the missiles come from?

I want see his dick

>rockets on E

>D.va might actually be fun to play for once
>at the same time, Matrix getting gutted
Why are people complaining about this
You can't honestly tell me you prefer a giant NO FUN sign with jets attached to it

you think they'll add shit to the model for the missiles? prob not

I hope they don't just fire from her fusion canons tho

What a shitty edition, NEXT

>good d.vas will have killed the tracer already

>I can now reasonably shoot Dva occasionally now


Basically how D.va is depicted in that Overwatch short featuring snippets of several heroes. The one where she's fighting a giant kaiju-omnic, boosting while shooting and firing rockets from her MEKA's back?

>comp ends in 7 days
should I make my placements?

What do I need to do to not have retards on my team?
Because losing because they refuse to switch because they are being hard countered is not helping me.

But where will the missiles come from?

>killing tracer

Really depends on that missile dmg.

Anything that makes her less cancer is welcomed.

For those who are wondering what the D.Va changes are

maybe the thighs or the wing pods on top

This. Theres beauty in being this very reliable soldier woman who get the shit done. Shes simply a no-nonsense no bullshit character.
Hopefully they'll develop mom issues down the line a la evangelion
>her JP voice actress is miles better and is more convincing as a soldier girl.

Knowing who her voice actress is, you're goddamn right she is.

>tfw any of the other concepts were miles better than the fucking joysticks but they went with the joysticks anyway

If they paired this with some rez change I would nut and reinstall immediately.


3 is personally good to my tastes, but 4 is just objectively better than what we have now.

D.Va is gonna be so fucking cool to play now. She was already awesome, but these changes just make her so ridiculously "mech"-y, I love it.

I can't wait to play her while listening to max volume Macross songs, holy shit.

behind the knee maybe


>can now shoot while flying
>reworked bullshit skill added

Im getting fucking tired of this shitty fucking game and its devs

> Expecting them to hurt their mercy mains fanbase

Not any time soon.

summer skins from previous year are 1k, have they said if this is going to apply to all the event skins? or is with mercy going to cost me 3k still next halloween?

Also the cancelled comic was supposed to have stuff on her. We'll never know now.
Man I'm so glad we have her current design, all the others look like a child design, especially the first one. I wish they gave her a proper cockpit instead of the joystick/exposed arms thing however.

She has such a pretty face.

I want to do the Bloo

>old Hog was useful because he could kill
>new hog even with his "buff" is useless because he can't kill nor protect
>current D.va is useful because she can protect
>future D.va will not be able to tank and not be able to kill better than a DPS, meaning a useless pick
>people are hyped for this

Overtards, not even once.

>Explode on impact
So this means effectively infinite, non-dropoff range on a close range hero, or it that just me?

I am terribly confused about the posted changes. Didn't Blizzard nerf her several times in the past because they felt people were playing her too offensively? So now they are going to completely backtrack on that and essentially change her into a dps character?

Imagine 4 hitbox.

that pod above the meka logo

So basically she's going to be how she was depicted in the "We Are Overwatch" teaser?


I don't give a fuck if they rework her into some sniper tank support clusterfuck hybrid as long as DM stays in the shitter.

got it from her mom

nah you guys are wrong. never become art directors pls. I don't want you to ruin games looks with your "gut feel" decision making.

>your overwatch
I'm getting more tired of these hungry faggots who make these videos desu.

Definitely the prettiest girl in the cast

>Being this Bronze
Wait til she hits and you realise how S-Tier she is. Her downsides are nigh gone. whereas Roadhog just got flat nerfed

>literally could have just read all of this on your own
>literally already posted in the thread
>instead links a shitty youtuber as if it was needed
a dumb normalfag AND a dumb frogposter

>D.va got explosives before Reaper
I'm still a little sad those grenades shown in the animated specials and even underslung his guns are never meant to be

the prettiest girl in the whole cast is mercy because she's white

stop being so delusional mudlovers

white = angel
brown = poop

DM is cancer and no one likes playing against it. It's the same with hog wumbo combos. It's not a question of balance so much as how unfun it is to experience.

You could argue rez is balanced but that doesn't mean that shitter women mashing Q after hiding for two minutes is good game design or a fun mechanic.

You're playing QP, your team does something retarded. You politely ask them to stop doing it, or explain what they should do. They tell you that "lol it's qp dude".

What do you do?

new model export when

Pharah's one flaw is her terrible terrible fucking voice and additionally mostly terrible voice lines, just terrible.. Like she sounds good when she says her signature ult line I guess, that's it. All her extra voice lines sound terrible.

>inb4 people try and tell me this isn't an accurate appraisal of her voice's quality

>not absolutely loving the joysticks
I love them, honestly one of my favourite parts of the meka design. It's completely ridiculous and silly, fits her writing and personality wonderfully.


why is she so perfect

Report them for racism and leave for Mystery Heroes

>go to /m/
>find something
>bring it back

ew no

>post your face when "le invincible gamurr grill geguri" lost her second game at APEX against fucking GC Busan!

And the next game will be against LW Red.
LW will rape her fucking skull on stage (metaphorical).

Yes, i am really a bitter virgin loser IRL.

D.Va has way too many buttons now, e is not a comfortable button to put an ability on that you use while pressing all the other buttons

>silly writing
>not abhorrently shit writing interpreted by a few as cute
Nobody unironically speaks in gamerspeak today, let alone 60 years in the future.

incorrect both of its trash. The real prettiest is bloo

Amaris are for breeding.

Here comes T.Racer!

I think I did good.

Good thing you can change the keybinds then

> new model

>Being a faggot


Man, that's just the tip of the iceberg.

I guess it makes sense within the context of the game, but if you ignore the art direction of the game I like 2/3 way more.


D.Va Gunpla when?

What? Pretty much all her lines sound great. The VA has done a solid job

for not jerking off to transformer autism? i'll take that title over that shit

The ones you see people use in blender/SFM - its time for an upgrade


attack sym is viable and don't come here and tell me anything else

Good taste in thread themes mate

