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Tyler Gutierrez
Bestest goddamn giri!
Sebastian Allen
Alright, /drg/. Tell me the most depressing moment or fact about your life. And your waifu/favourite character.
Aiden Powell
Evan Morales
i want to be ouma's dumb dog!
Tyler Brooks
Ayden Hernandez
Angie and her beloved Saihara! Falling asleep!
Caleb Morales
Posting best girls!
Carson Lopez
the fact that i was born and cursed to live a life with severely life altering illnesses and hurt by others and i had a pet hermit crab as a kid named pinchy and he finally pinched me and i cried and said i hated him, then he died the next day
my favourite is kotoko and wifu is miu
Elijah Hernandez
Nathan Jenkins
>fact about your life I know I have potential, but too stubbornly lazy to follow through with anything
Dylan Jackson
I want to fuck Kaito.
Jaxson Young
>fact What Monaca user said. >moment The entire father's side of my family conspired to commit fraud against me and will do it again in the future. Touko is my wife.
Kevin Reyes
Dont worry buddy, I will be there for when you decide to stand up.
Hudson Nguyen
My rabbit had severe intestinal blockage (cancer, found out later) and was in such agonizing and incurable pain that I purposefully gave him pain medication until he died in my arms in some comfort.
My husbando is Ouma, waifu is Miu.
Justin Barnes
Ouma Mario Kart champion of V3-group. Ouma even find way to beat blue shell Ouma get first picking for breeding because of it
Oliver Diaz
>Ouma get first picking for breeding because of it What did he mean by this?
Benjamin Wilson
I like the implication that the first sperm donor for the Saishuu Breeding Colony is chosen through games of Mario Kart.
Levi Cox
>depressing When my mother's cancer metastasized, leading to her subsequent death. She ended up getting demented due to the cancer going up to her brain and would eventually have fits of complete craziness, often shouting that she wished to die or that she wanted someone to kill her.
Touko, Ibuki and Angie.
Don't forget to tell your mother you love her.
Xavier Ross
I got accused by some wackjob in university that I am an alien working for the government just because he said he saw an "alien language" in my notebook (which was just cuneiform for language class).
I have a pet toucan, four dogs and two cats.
Mikan only.
Caleb Edwards
Isaiah Price
Probably that Ouma gets to fuck whoever he wants to make babies since he's the best at Mario Kart.
Matthew Gonzalez
My condolences. I lost a cat to cancer and it's definitely awful. Had to take her to the vet to put her down. As hard as it was, I think you did the right thing letting him pass away in relative peace like that
People have told me I'm pretty good at Mario Kart (of all things), I want to see if I could beat the V3 kids at it. Probably the ones that don't play games often, at least.
Henry Harris
What the fuck Go to sleep
Sebastian Walker
Which v3 visits 9gag unironically?
Anthony Turner
Connor Rivera
Is a nice boy! He deserved better.
Elijah Ortiz
Daniel Anderson
is ugly as fuck and annoying
Jack Diaz
V3 can't come out soon enough, this is just dire now.
Brandon Roberts
I adore my precious Harumaki!
Samuel Reyes
Noah Harris
She doesn't look too comfortable there...
Brayden Nguyen
Brody Rogers
I want to sniff Junko's butt
Christopher Butler
t. Mukuro
Dylan Campbell
Junko wants to sniff my butt
Daniel Adams
kogal ouma!!!!!!!!!
Evan Morales
A kogal ouma for slightly bigger ants.
Gabriel Lee
oh so it is i cant find the original source ;_;
Matthew Morgan
I want to sniff Mukuro's butt
Nathaniel Sanders
i want kaede to slap my ass
Matthew Morales
The clever but lazy excuse is like what half the people who are convinced they're intelligent on the internet use. That 'potential' you have is worth nothing if you don't do anything with it. Of course, best thing you can do is reduce Veeky Forums usage; but seriously, get out there and realise that potential of yours otherwise you'll regret it in the future.
Lincoln Diaz
Brandon Morris
John Campbell
>preaching to the choir >expecting YOUR WORDS to have effect
Wyatt Williams
I enjoy seeing my not nuclear family having a hard time. I am not even that subtle and one aunt tell me I'm the devil. They all love me somehow. I think they accept me even if im a weird fuck
Also Mikan only
Are you the nipfag? I really love that Mikan
Anthony White
Monaca i will pet you
Gabriel Howard
some people are useless even if they go out and try to put it to use realistically what is someone going to do, going out and immediately trying to 'realise potential'? go to school maybe. go to school studying something only to realise most of it is worthless except maybe you'll know a few new things that you could study on your own anyways then you'll be stuck with a job you hate or a job you love that has little effect on the world and will likely not prove to anyone your intelligence or worth in the world
Xavier Campbell
I want kiri to peg me
Lucas Myers
Nighty night, /drg/. Don't let the negative thoughts git you!
Jayden Cruz
good idea~
Elijah Miller
I'm emotionally dependent to the point of disorder and I sicken myself with it every day. I don't know why I bother anymore. Mitty will forever be my dangan husband
Michael Nelson
Poyo you're extremely bitter and negative lately What happened?
Connor Brooks
Dont forget to stream your important day. You know what im talking about
Colton Young
Joseph Anderson
Wait, what? I don't follow, what important day?
Joshua James
Hes telling you to stream your suicide. Ignore it.
Jaxon Phillips
Your marriage when you find your RL Imposter
Matthew Jones
manic depressive episodes body hurts cravings for unhealthy things growing hatred and boredom at least i have a bottle of vodka for tonight
Matthew Scott
Ahhhhh, tough luck with that anyway, my net is garbage. Unless they'd want 2005 Stickam quality suicide videos, that'd be a no-go.
Oh how I wish
Noah Jackson
Your weeding user. Make sure to invite us all
Zachary Martinez
Yes (haven't been here since last month, but thought I'd pop in). Glad you like it! Her sleeping face makes me really happy.
I bought the book just to scan these few pages. Well, two actually... (Because the bird always wants what I've got and hides it somewhere in the gym or gaming room in my house... Two Mikan keyrings have disappeared thanks to this guy...)
Jack Brown
Tell me user, how long until we get the Mikan figure?
Ian Rodriguez
I remember you said you made some Mikan's drawings. Can you share them?
Also, are other Mikanfags in Japan as hardcore as you? Mikanfags here are kind of obssesive (not weird since she is too perfect)
Justin Hall
Akamatsu and Komaru working together to turn Toko into a normal girl
Hudson Rivera
So off yourself, stupid whore.
Julian Mitchell
I want Akamatsu and Komaru to turn me into a normal girl.
Blake Gray
Jaxon Taylor
Don't feel too bad. We all have issues, but the best thing to do is focus on the things you like.
Evan Diaz
i think she liked it
Landon Sanders
Kaede and Komaru both giving Toko a much needed bath
Colton Williams
Of course she did, she's just a big tsundere for Servant-san.
Colton Powell
watch a disney movie
Sebastian Kelly
Me giving Komaru a much needed dicking
Bentley Perry
Go play with your animals
Jeremiah Rivera
This is actually true. You learn more by throwing yourself directly into a job/career and learning from there instead of going to school/college where they "prepare" you for where you think you want to go.
>a job you love that has little effect on the world and will likely not prove to anyone your intelligence or worth in the world that's not a bad thing, isn't it infinitely more important that you as a human being are making money by doing what you like? Don't think about how what you're doing isn't helping society because any job is helping society in some way. For example: being a writer will give people entertainment and it might even help someone during their darkest times, and maybe that person will find a cure for cancer or something. But if you gave up on writing because it's useless to society, then that person wouldn't read your book and they might feel lost and commit suicide and they won't find a cure for cancer.
Landon Lewis
Toko eating really healthy foods like peas
Ayden Peterson
Why are we even talking about all of this
Henry Morales
Toko crying herself to sleep.
Gabriel Ross
Such is the nature of conversation. Sometimes it just goes places when unfocused.
Lincoln Lopez
Mason Sullivan
Then they start fucking
Christian Williams
Adrian Morris
W-wew now that's some good shit
Jace Powell
toko grooming and washing
James Smith
>start island mode >"I guess I want to do all fun things with gamer grill" >Burn 3 tickets on Chiaki and she has fun once
Jonathan Lewis
>chiaki There's your problem
Eli Sullivan
She is very low maintenance. Think of slow and calm things.
Samuel Murphy
>he fell for the gamer grill meme
Well shit
Michael Sullivan
>not using guides or at least reloading when the date goes wrong
Easton King
>not trying everything out for yourself and standing by your decisions even when they go badly
Charles Thomas
I'm gonna try that, after she wakes up since she collapsed that is.
Lucas Rodriguez
Island mode is ultimately meant to be replayed anyway. The point of it is to max out everyone and get all the character development.
Nicholas Stewart
My decision was to try every option and then reload and I stood by it.
Oliver Turner
Wish I could tell you. They are planning more DR1 goods at the moment by the looks of it. After we get the release date of the Celes figure (sometime next year), then they will probably reveal another figure. It will probably be sold out if she gets one because I will be buying all of them, so they make more things of her, so always keep an eye out!
They are aware the fans want one at least, but it depends on whatever the guy in charge of the production wants to do.
Yes, sure. In the next posts I'll share a few and a few possibly rare ones.
I'm not the only one who is "hardcore", no. It's mainly highlighted to the extreme in my case simply because I don't care about other girls (or almost anything) outside of this series either. I watch anime and stuff, but I don't really care for characters outside of entertainment or general talk.
Mikan is the exception to this and I care a lot about her, fictional or not--there isn't a second I stop thinking about her everyday. It's not really because we are "similar" kind of thing which most become attached to a character for, because while I understand her, I am personality-wise very different and probably appear 'schizoidish' to most people since I have almost no interest in most things.
Personality-wise, the closest thing we are similar in is that we both read body language of others and try to act normal, though my reason is simply because the outside world bores me to death, Mikan's is due to her past and shitty scumbags, while my past is normal (other than not having a family).
Tyler Allen
You seem like you'd get along with Kirianon
Charles Moore
Get off Veeky Forums and never look back, you don't get better from Veeky Forums.
Wyatt Parker
>futanari peko and normal girl mioda have been dating for a few years at this point >specifially three, so peko has booked a reservation for their three-year anniversary at the fancy restaurant where they first went on a date >they get a table near the end of the room, covered with a full floor-length tablecloth >mioda and peko both order and enjoy dinner, but after main course, peko orders dessert (no sugar), but is confused when mioda doesn't >"Don't you want dessert?" "Ibuki-chan already knows what she's having!" >peko is confused, and even more confused when mioda says she dropped something >mioda gets on the floor to look for it and vanishes under the table, hidden by the tablecloth >peko suddenly feels hands pulling her underwear down, exposing her huge cock to the restaurant air... >and less than a minute later, she feels mioda's mouth around her erect dick >peko immediately turns beet red and covers her mouth to hide a moan >mioda puts three years of experience and knowledge of peko's body to good use, using her mouth on peko in the ways she knows best will get peko going >however they're still in public so peko has to keep putting every ounce of self-control she has into effect to prevent anyone from suspecting she's having sex right now right here >the waitress comes over and delivers dessert, notices no mioda >"Oh, s-she's in the b-bathroom." >now she has to make it look like it's all normal, so peko starts eating dessert slowly and carefully >she keeps eating while rocked by stimulation, managing to go through the dessert without making a scene >seconds after she finishes the last bite, mioda finally brings her to orgasm, getting a huge mouthful of cum >mioda swallows it all. guess that was her dessert. >she's polite enough to pull peko's underwear back up, before emerging from the table when nobody is looking and sitting back in her chair >peko gets the check and they leave >they come back to the same restaurant every year.
Gavin Peterson
>other than not having a family Sorry for encouraging you to go off-topic, but can you expand on this? Did your family die or something?
It's actually quite comforting to hear about your case, Mikanfriend. I'm pretty much the same. I can form casual friendships and stuff but outside of my mother I've never become attached to people. I am only moved emotionally by certain fictional characters and devote a lot of time to daydreaming, so I appear 'schizoidish' or like an autist to most. I thought I was normal for most of my life until I started noticing that I functioned differently.