ITT: 10/10 rear ends

ITT: 10/10 rear ends

why did every manufacturer use wing badges back then


Nah, that's just completely overdone. 1958 and 1959 were the epitome of bad taste. The following year is much tidier and better.

peak aerospace obsession




kinda goatse desu




literally modern weeaboo nip car enthusiasts but you want it to be us

>Likes American classic boats
>Is fat NEET



Fucking birthing hips

Get that angry bird shit outta here

Simple and effective



I came

you have autism



Jesus Christ my eyes, what the hell?








Should i build a clone look wise I think it’ll cost around 3-4K


I don’t like the r34 stylings. The R32 and 33 looked better imo

youre a fag.

cute, small and tight just the way i like it


>la rajita floreada de elsa jean

Fords never look good GTFO of here with that shite




What is that in the middle right above the yellow arrow, the reverse light? it's ugly ruins the design

What does that even mean? That filename was there when I saved it

close but no cigar

>flat ass
what a disgusting skank



Clear tail lights are the is300's gift to the car world

Except IS300s unironically looks better without the "altezza lights".


Maybe if they stayed on the IS and not every other Honda, Mitsubishi, Toyota, Nissan, Cavalier, Probe, Neon ect, ect throughout the 2000s

Also this


It's hard to tell but they do this thing where they angle the exhaust tips to match the angles on the rear end and it just looks really nice.

That ruins the 4 circle taillight design

Not at night.


take a guess lol

stock height is too high imo


You know face blindness is a sign of autism


(unpopular) Opinion
>Widebody GC Impreza

crab face

do it faggot
wide body somewhat ruins the aesthetic appeal of the big boy wang on a subcompact sedan.

why do i like this ricer garbage so much





Can someone explain this to me?
Are those both exhausts?

One for the actual exhaust, one for the BOV I assume.
Because tarbo.



its wastegate i guess

Wastegate dump



that shits boring as hell


thats one small ass

A girl I digged in high school used to drive me home in one of those.

i remember when bruce almighty came out and he drove his saleen in the film, i got into an argument with a dumbass at school who kept saying it was a mclaren f1

i'm still salty about that shit

of course you prefer drawn 2d children with broken proportions, pedo


too bad you never see the back

Forgot to mention that she had 10/10 rear end.

Bask in its glory,Veeky Forums.


There is nothing pedo about liking Asuka

1950's cadillacs looked shit except for the devilles.

Autism's not a cool insult anymore.



Gotta get some group B in here


Perfect hips for fugging

Have a Group B upskirt
