Why do american "luxury" cars are so tacky?

why do american "luxury" cars are so tacky?

are they made for rap niggers?

Lincoln has been irrelevant since 1995

Suburban soccermoms actually.

Just envision a 30-40-something basic bitch in ugg boots with a starbucks in one hand and a phone in the other hand that stays at home all day while the husband is at work, and her only responsibilities are chauffering the kids from school to practice to home.

That's who drives these.

irritates me he tested the ugly ass L version which is basically a luxury airport shuttle. normies buy the normal sized one 99% of the time

I'd love that life. Better than feeling unfilfilled.

Do those women even exist any more in great enough numbers? That seems like a really 90's thing when people still had money.

If I had kids I would want one of those.
However, imagine how much milf puss you can slay if you showed up in this?

of course they do. mostly in the south though where people can actually afford to live a comfortable lifestyle.

How? Wages are the lowest in the country down there and there aren't a lot of well paying jobs.

I'm talking about texas almost specifically. plenty of well paying jobs + oil money, and the housing market is cheap as hell.

Cost of living is also a lot lower.

Like a 20'' diameter peace symbol on the grille isn't tacky? It's tacky like a Rolex or a $5000 purse but that's what the people want. That's why I like the burban over the Escalade or Niggalator.


You still need to make a ton in order to justify spending $100k on a car, low cost of living or not.

welcome to suburbanite america where cost is not an issue as long as the bank is willing to front the money

It's not just Texas, most of the "flyover" states are still like that, since they haven't switched over to a wage slave "service economy" like the coasts. They still produce actual goods that keeps money flowing in instead of just funneling up. Kansas is the only exception, Brownback fucked that state up royally.

whats so tacky about it, it just looks like a more expensive suv

its no where near as ugly and tacky as pic related

I could find way better things to drive for $100k than some SUV based off a fucking pickup truck with some faux chrome bits inside and out

of course you could. brand image is an effective smokescreen.

this has to be the most non tacky car currently made

Shut up retard

I get what you're saying but you forget somebody also has to put up with that shit every day too.

You know the interior is only wool upholstery in these? You'd think leather would be the obvious choice but leather has they rare chance of making a fart type noise as you move around on it so only wool seats in these Centurys

Why don't more cars offer wool interior? Wool is the pinnacle of comfy

The new Navigator is maybe the least tacky luxury SUV going imo, since it’s pure lux with no sporting pretence.

What’s tackier than a Porsche or Maserati etc suv?

I imagine that only affects the third row. Really, what’s the point of this if not to have a comfortable third row?

some people get a degree or training for a needed skill. Then 5 to 10 years out(or much less) they are making over 100k a year.

>since they haven't switched over to a wage slave "service economy" like the coasts
some very high paying jobs are in the service sector. Doctors, lawyers, software engineers, plumbers.

It's basically the McMansion mentality but in a car: I want everything but I don't care how hideous it will look.
It's a symptom of America's materialist utilitarianism (which inherently push aesthetic and transcendental considerations to the background) .

I really don’t see how it looks bad at all.

Not sure, maybe its due to those faggots with allergies, idk.

Of course you don't.
To be fair, though, most modern cars are ugly, tacky or goofy. American cars up to circa the late 70s were quite pretty. This doesn't only apply to American cars desu.

>tfw I'll never own a fuckhuge luxury suv to drive the kids to the mall and practice

Why even live

There is plenty of money in the south, just not in the most rural areas (or the black tenements)

back to /pol/ faggot

You must not be a southerner, we work in the shitty ass cities, take the money, and live rurally and comfortably.

american "luxury" car design truly is disgusting

What are its quirks and features?


Monkeys love climbing up on stuff


Exterior likes fish eggs, the interior like suicide wrist red...

Do burgers actually bring their cars on vacation in Europe? Is that even legal?

No but it's the kind of shittery i'd expect.

In the Netherlands you can ram a vehicle with your bike and the vehicle is AT LEAST 50% liable.
It's the cars that are cucked in the Netherlands, not the bicyclists.
Also: most traffic lights are programmed that cyclists get priority.
Also: Dutch people are some of the most mobile people on the planet. And mobility is an important form of freedums.

That's the most commie thing I've read in a while and I'm not even a burger.


He was talking about a Honda Civic

because they arent luxery, americans dont know what luxery cars actually are.

they think base model shit spec jap cars with all the nice things removed and a different badge on are luxery.

i would define commy as a state that dictates the mode of transportation. that makes rules 'one size fit all' resulting in a semi-lawless situation where the strong kill the weak.
Where the socio-economic standing of a person defines to what effect the rule of law is applicable. in that respect it is funny how most americans portray to be very 'anti-commy' while they are actually extremely similar to the actual commy states of the past. The only difference is the flag they salute.
now i'm not even saying that's an extremely bad thing. Life in commyland was apparently also very happy and most people truly believed their system was best. (the hungers, murders and lies of government were somehow widely accepted.. sound familiar?)
And for sure, the netherlands isn't perfect. far from it. But i can choose if i want to walk. ride my bicycle, take my car, sit in the bus or go by train to get from A to B. And any mode is safe.

As if this is any better?

There are dozens of television shows documenting these very people. Lots of people still have enough money to live wealthy.

yeh, but it's a lot of paperwork and not worth it.
Also your car will get keyed every day in a new spot. You have to pay a different insurance, but at least you avoid emissions laws in EU.

>in debt up to their eyeballs

>Also your car will get keyed every day in a new spot.

What is wrong with you people?

Well, not those women particularly. They get $200k per 15-episode season they let the cameras document their treacherous lives of wealth in suburbia.

A 3kk Civic

pretty sure you won't avoid emissions laws in the EU.
You see, you can be as polluting as you like. Nothing prohibits you from polluting like a maniac.
They tax you to the moon and back for it. But you can.
Because of the taxation many companies, especially US companies, don't even bother as they know it's not viable to try and sell polluting cars in europe. instead they'll find any engine that is somewhat clean and jam it in for the european version. And they do also sell that in the US, making US people think europeans like shitty engines (the engine is usually not a good fit).

>are they made for rap niggers?
you missed an E right there
