Ryan Barnes
2nd for wanting to fuck Dixie
Connor Wood
messed up the pre-war thread oops
Nathaniel Ross
Is it bad my biggest problem with FO4 is that there's no Ron Perlman ending monologue?
Bentley Howard
I've never been to New England, does winter usually start in mid-November? I really want to install the Seasons mod, and achieve ultimate comfiness.
No. It isn't. In fact, that's probably the best reason to dislike the game. Instead of having ol' Hellboy voice the cutscenes, they have Mr. and Mrs. Dickhead do it.
Fuck voiced protagonists.
Hunter Adams
she can solve your problems user, just give her few hundred caps
no, the lack of proper credits really takes from the game.
Michael Sanders
>unironically teared up during the ending monologue
Samuel Reyes
Boston Snow months Nov, Dec, Jan, Feb, March, Apr Boston Fog/Rain months: May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sepm Oct
I've never been to New England, does winter usually start in mid-November?
Used to. I live in maine, when I was a kid we'd sometimes have snow that early yes.
It doesn't happen so much anymore. We're lucking if we have more than an inch fall anymore before christmas
Luke Jones
>xth for why couldn't we save her? Because the freedom is these games is an illusion.
Henry Powell
So the 13th would be right in the middle then. Thanks user.
>Used to. I live in maine, when I was a kid we'd sometimes have snow that early yes. Oh cool. Isn't BAH HABAH in southern Maine? I'm shit at geography. >It doesn't happen so much anymore. We're lucking if we have more than an inch fall anymore before christmas Blame pollution. I doubt a nuclear war will improve that, but after 200 years, I'd say the ecosystem has recovered enough to have snow in November.
Adam Price
Didn't all the nuclear detonations knock the earth slightly off of its axis or some shit?
Anthony Roberts
I teared up after doing Nick's quest. Couldn't really tell you why it gave me such a reaction to it though. I just thought his entire arch was beautiful. >BAH HABAH in southern Maine? Yes. It was really amazing how much of Maine's geography and geology they got right in the DLC. A lot wrong too, but a lot right.
Jaxon Foster
>Yes. It was really amazing how much of Maine's geography and geology they got right in the DLC. A lot wrong too, but a lot right. Well, they did take pictures of the place. I assume there aren't swamps in southern Maine?
Charles Stewart
>Didn't all the nuclear detonations knock the earth slightly off of its axis or some shit? That was a meme to excuse the shitty weather abilities of Gamebyro
Hudson Jenkins
>Decide to play NV again >Completely fresh re-install >Following the modding guide in the OP >Get to where the bug fixes sections >Followed everything to the letter >All the utility programs and mod organizer are set >Script extender and 4gb launcher patch >Decide to see if it works >Won't launch through MO but works fine if I load it through the folder >Can't seem to figure out why
I already have everything I want to mod into the game set and waiting, but I can't start installing anything without figuring out why this just won't work. I double-checked everything to make sure the pathways are set correctly too, but it just starts up and then CTD after a second or two.
Hunter Stewart
I accidentally made 'Minion goggles'. Didn't see it until I was testing them in game, now I can't get it out of my head.
Jeremiah Perry
>mfw I loved the original fallout games as a kid >try to play FO1 again >can't get past the graphics and gameplay
w-whats happened to me?
Jacob Russell
But those look like regular goggles.
Jackson King
purge them from existence.
Michael Cooper
>'Minion goggles'. This bothers me because that's a very basic goggle design.
Christian Hill
peripheral vision is important, m8
Sebastian Morales
Meant to post here instead of at the end of the previous thread, but should I install the unofficial patch for Fallout 4?
Ethan Jackson
They're goggles, m8
Ryder Collins
Jason Barnes
Ayden Cruz
welding goggles. You won't be able to see shit, nigga
Lucas Smith
to fix things
Mason Barnes
still hasn't released that courser costume
the rust devils fix alone is enough reason
Jaxson Gray
I am so fucking mad. I absolutely have a boner for the T-45. It is by far my favorite, with the T-51 taking second, and the Tesla Enclave Armor taking 3rd. But what the fuck did Bethesda do?
>T-45A is rusted as fuck. >T-45B-F are cleaner but still have rust all over >Same goes for the T-51 >Tesla isn't even in the game
Motherfuckers. I can understand the B through E having rust, but I specifically upgraded to F because I wanted the rust completely gone. But the only change was from A to B.
I even looked for some retexture mods, and all I found was "immersive" bright colored paints and a winterized T-51 rust remover. I just want my top of the line power armor to look top of the line. The only regular rust remover I found was for the T-60, because apparently everyone but me has their dicks out for it. Which obviously doesn't help me.
Do any of you anons have any retexture mods I could be overlooking?
Ian Murphy
Alright I give up. Google didn't really give anything other than complaints over the issue
Joseph Reed
Technically the Rust Devils fix isn't part of UFOP, if you're referring to them taking up 50% of the spawns. That's something you have to change on your own because the mod authors left it in since it was an intentional (bad) design decision from Bethesda and not a bug.
Hudson Cox
Anyone else has this weird texture bug where every NPC has a hazy pink aura around them?
I know this is the effect of a drug but even without taking any or removing all my armor it just keep appearing.
Ryan Green
I'm interested in a lore-friendly NCR run of New Vegas, since I've not played the NCR a lot and I recently reinstalled. I can't find any good mods, however. Any suggestions?
Carson Hernandez
Wow. Those are by far the absolute worst graphics I have ever seen. Please tell me you're at least getting a stable 60 fps with your shit that low.
Also. I don't see any pink aura.
David Stewart
Sounds like a camera mod. A lot of those have settings so you can tweak third person camera angles depening on the situation, like if you have a ranged weapon it'd be more over the shoulder, if you don't have a weapon out it's centered, in sneak mode it moves the camera up to give you a better view, etc. So sounds like you have one of those and the settings are borked.
So does the game run if you manually launch it, or is that when you get the CTD? Also with NV, if you're on a newer OS (like anything after Vista), you might need to try compatibility modes or run it as Administrator, shit like that. Could also be something MO has an issue with, although I can't say as I don't use any mod managers.
The game is basically designed around NCR runs. That's probably the most open and versatile faction for backstories, as there is potentially a half million people in the NCR, really nothing is that farfetched. You could even be a Senator's Son.
Jordan Jones
"If you're wearing a collar, it's because you asked for it. Ain't no one's a slave that don't want to be."
So Nuka World is actually just a bdsm resort where people go to play with their significant other? Everyone is accepting and even participating. Sounds great!
Jace Ward
Just play vanilla like a true patrician.
James Bennett
>torrent FO1 >play for about 15 minutes, it's pretty good >Ian gets stuck in a doorway and I can't leave a room amazing game
Lucas Nguyen
Parker Bennett
It runs if I launch it from the root folder. If I try to launch it through the Mod Organizer, it launches but CTDs a second after the screen turns black. Everything is set to run as administrator and I turned off my antivirus during testing, so I'm quite at a loss here. I'm using windows 7 and have only ever played Fallout on this OS, but this is the first time I've followed the guide (mainly due to it not being around when I first modded the crap out of NV back then). I'll probably try again later, but I've been doing this on and off for the last three hours so seeing it just not work is exasperating. I assume it has something to do with the 4gb patch as it actually worked through the MO up until I applied it.
Outside of bug fixes and cosmetics that's what I was essentially planning. The only real mod I was going to install was stuff for weak poisons so I can do a knife / poison stealth run.
Gavin Brown
Well well I'm retarded I didn't check before posting because I thought I got it, I did take the pic when the auras where up they just pop up and dissapear at random moments.
I fucking wish user, of course its shit. Can barely run mods on a 7 year old PC at 30 frames on LOW
Austin Rodriguez
>I assume there aren't swamps in southern Maine? There are salt marshes on the coast, but they're not nearly as abundant as in far harbor The biggest thing though is I would have never thought they'd bother tipping their hat to Moxie, a maine based soda probably no one else here knows about, with Vim!
Nolan Murphy
it's not that. it's the other thing where apparently once they spawned somewhere they would always spawn there
though the 50% thing is total bullshit and I'm making a .esl to change that whenever I feel like playing again
Ethan Myers
Not the guy you replied to but moxie is god-tier soda. I live in CA and I love trying out different regional sodas that you can't really get here.
Adrian Sanders
This is Brotherhood Squire one minute before i sent him to a fiery grave in a burning Zepellin. I figured i make a picture because it'll last longer than he did.
Say something nice about him.
Sebastian Lopez
Juan Cox
Is Deadpool2099's Hunting Shotgun worth downloading? I've been reading mixed shit on nexus but most of those dumbshits can't tell a bug from a mod conflict so I'm confused. His Assault Combine mod works fine so the shotgun should too right?
Dylan Barnes
>killing the brotherhood
Levi Fisher
Which companions can hack? Any who are down with raiding? I'm forming my raider squad and I'm bringing Cait for lockpicking, picking between Gage/Macready for muscle, and I want a hacker but I don't know of anyone besides Nick and he's a spoil sport.
Jonathan Sanders
>mfw I talk shit about nexus members then can't spell "carbine"
Kevin Peterson
>not killing the brotherhood
Dominic Foster
>being a faggot and helping synths
Evan Cooper
It works okay, aside from using the stupid vanilla Lever-Action reload, but i personally can't get over the blocky model.
Lucas Rogers
>not destroying the prydwen with the minutemen
Parker Peterson
the minutemen are a bunch of gimps t b h lad
Christopher Nelson
>not creating your own raider gang and destroying minutemen settlements
Charles Watson
Aren't the minutemen meant to be the "neutral" path? I can't ever convince myself to finish the game with them because BoS feels way more canon to me.
Jaxon Sanchez
i dunno i just like the BoS out of all the other options
Jordan Brown
I like it just fine.
John Bailey
>being a settlement autist
>being a settlement autist in gimpmask
>being a racist >in current year
Jonathan Kelly
Good glad to hear from someone who has it installed I'm gonna download it.
Me too. I'm gonna do the minutemen ending this time but I'm not taking out the BoS if I can avoid it.
Liam Brown
>implying synths are a race
Bentley Fisher
Yea. People will say what they will about the stock lever action rifle animations but at least they don't break like the 870 scripts and leave you holding nothing and not fire for no reason.
Julian Smith
>hurr durr settlements r bad bcuz i have no creativity
Kayden Cooper
>vanilla NV To be quite honest I'd rather play 3 or 4 vanilla before NV. I wouldn't worry about. Very well possible that MO can't handle 4gb patch to the exe; it's generally a more recent requirement (mainly to help newer systems use more of their potential and not get bottlenecked by a WinXP/Vista game), and I don't know how long MO has been behind, but I do know MO is worthless for FO4.
The exact same thing happened to me a bit ago, except instead of torrent I bought. Was that in Vault 15? Where it happened to me. I don't see what graphics have to do with anything, FO graphics look fine for what they are, the only thing that would be an issue is pixel hunting to interact with things properly could get tedious.
Caleb James
Jackson Edwards
>Was that in Vault 15? It was in Shady Sands, actually. I just picked him up and was talking to people around town
Christian Phillips
They don't break because they're not modded you utter fucking buffoon. Base games LAR animations are fuckawful and worse than what was used in a prior iteration.
How the FUCK do you go backwards in a sequel that's had what, shy a fucking decade to work on it? Fuck Bethesda. Worst indie studio.
Aiden Collins
Wait a sec, I'm new to FO4, but not Skyrim, you can use an ENB with FO4?
Aaron Fisher
The Lever-Action is sometimes invisible and wont fire in my game and i don't have any mods that affect that gun or try to "fix" the reload animation so i wager that issue comes from something else. Probably easy to fix too but the FO4 Lever Action looks, acts and sounds worse than any of its counterparts from NV.
Dylan Kelly
That was an incredibly retarded question user and i hope you feel bad about it.
Bentley Jackson
>ENB It's not as good as Oldrims ENB but it's working fine.
Levi Reyes
someone rec me an ENB i dont even know which one im currently using t b h
Dominic Ross
Sixfag here. Me, Stronk (ignore the black face, running SLI so this is really common), and a somewhat upgraded Codsworth, are currently assaulting the Forged forge-ress, trying to recover Abraham Finch's sword, and hopefully his son as well.
Jaxson Turner
>this time i wont make a sneaky guy >makes a sneaky guy every fucking time
Blake Price
Is there a mod yet that made Libertalia not just one big letdown of wasted opportunities?
Tyler Russell
Because Stealth Archer is the most powerfull "build" in any Bethesda game. Not doing it means intenionally gimping yourself. It's hard for some people to not play in the most effective way possible and use something for """fun""" instead.
Ayden Baker
Is there one that does it for the robot racetrack?
Cameron Hill
Shouldn't be too difficult to replace the generic raiders and triggermen there with cusom raiders in a new faction so they don't attack on sight, like what the Combat Zone restored mod did.
But aside from that, what would you want to see from a racetrack mod? An option to bet on the robutts? Letting your own automatron join the races?
John Turner
i have a feeling that nick doesn't really like me.
Joseph Martin
i don't know what the fuck happened, but sometimes my vision goes all dark and then it returns to normal afterwards.
William Williams
It's called Night user. It usually happens when the sun goes byebye.
Joshua Howard
>playing with controller
Juan Thompson
Did you watch the eclipse in the morning?
Brandon Wood
>gimp you say that like going non stealth archer means that you will struggle, which lol no way fag.
Jeremiah Price
No that's literally not what gimping means. Also yeah Bethesda games are easy, go figure. Thanks for playing kid.
Adrian Rivera
>something for """fun""" instead. Hey now it is funny the first few times you sink an arrow into an enemy and he goes back to his normal patrol route none the wiser. Then it gets really routine.
Ayden Sullivan
What do you think Piper's favorite food is?
Jacob Johnson
Jayden Robinson
Need help. Last time I played NV I had a player bunker home mod that I liked since, unlike many player homes, it wasn't overstuffed with clutter or loaded down with retarded NPCs who I don't care to see spammed up in my base. Problem is I can't fucking find it now. If anybody recognizes it from these pics then let me know.
Nathaniel Edwards
>not sinking enough points into your skills to 1shot everything what the fuck are you even doing with your life user
Jeremiah Martin
Aaron Price
i don't live in u.s. besides it was cloudy this morning and i had no clue about eclipses.
amari a cute tho
Juan Bailey
is it the underwater base
David White
I think that's the Underground Hideout. I recognize the teddy bear on the cot. www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/37884/?