/owg/ - Overwatch general

Yurotime edition

>D.Va main thread theme: youtube.com/watch?v=qc23AOtotnM
>Roadhog main thread theme:
>Everyone elses thread theme:

> The new escort map Junkertown announced!
>Comes along with an in-game cinematic confirming Hog and Rats Mako and Hayseed skins as canon. The actual cinematic comes Wednesday.

>The Summer Games 2017 event is Live!
>last year's summer games items are back for regular pricing (1x), while new items are also available for event pricing (3x)
>the event ends on August 28th
>(the next arcade reset for those sweet, sweet lootboxes is in one day)

>Event item tracker

>DEATHMATCH has been added to the PTR
>includes both 6v6 TDM and 8-man FFA
>along with a new map built for FFA (it's bloo's family home)

>Latest comic

>Latest PC patch notes
PTR: playoverwatch.com/en-us/blog/20972920
Live: playoverwatch.com/en-us/game/patch-notes/pc

>Overwatch dev tracker

>Hero tips, tricks and basics

>Source / Quake mouse sensitivity converter

>Personal stats / leader boards

>Previous thread:

Other urls found in this thread:


>Symmetra thread
Good choice! She's the real queen of OW.


>Symmetra isn't working
>Bastion isn't working
>Lucio is S tier top pick
>Rework so he's SS tier
>Dva is S tier top pick
>Rework so she's SS tier
>Orisa isn't working
>I dunno buff her shield a little lol


OGWs thoughts on Dva change?

I'm excited for those missiles I guess?

they buffed her gun as well but i think her problem is dying too damn quick and that's not really changing that much with the shield buff.
she's probably held back by the lower ranks of play

Straight Lena is best Lena and I want to date her.




Totally nsfw




More ana76 when?

Im happy they liked my idea

She's worthless at all levels, she's utterly obliterated by Tracer and Genji.

We do not need another DPS.

Is it problematic that tanks could use their abilities to prevent damage to their teammates and should be instead made into DPS heroes?


I'm glad DM is dead.

Did someone say Yuri time?

Roadhog was literally nerfed for being too much like a DPS, and then they pull this shit with Dva by doubling her DPS and effectiveness while boosting.

>Amélie x Angela
Underrated as fuck.

>t. Point-and-click adventure man

>stop healing them just let them die
>yes amelie

Matrix nerf is very significant but I think the ability will continue to have value as long as it can eat ultimates. These changes move it more towards denying very specific big plays (eating ults, denying a kill on your healer etc.) than simply using it as a shield, and that's still true to her design. People will need to learn to punish ults when they can though, as this change means matrix can't eat ALL of certain major ults anymore (Pharah and Soldier, plus McCree can more easily wait out the matrix).

The ability to shoot while boosting sounds awesome, and seems like it has great potential considering her already strong burst damage and chase ability. It could be amazing considering her shotgun-style spread and damage.

Micro Missiles has a lot of potential but it's hard to comment on them until we actually see what they're like in practice. However the concept of her having missiles at all, coupled with being able to shoot while boosting, is awesome because it makes her even more "mech" like and I love that.

My only worry is that this is moving a tank away from tanking and more towards damage dealing, and I don't think that's a direction the game as a whole should be moving in.

Muh feels...

Here comes T.Racer!


i wish torb could jump on top of his turrets

People seem to assume that this change sucks because '2 seconds of matrix on a 10 second cooldown' when it's a resource bar. It's 2 seconds of matrix on a 5 second cooldown.

I wish Torb's turret was actually a threat and not easily capable of getting pounced on or destroyed in a second.

Today is update day right? What are we gonna get?

>Not playing the new Quake
>Playing FPS for Retards instead.

How does it feel to know that you've relinquished any credibility you had that you play games that require skill?

You could recover that credibility though...

Is it free desu?

If people like you are playing it then I don't want to.

blizz once again listening to hysterically shitty plats

>most players have been playing it for 20 years

No thanks.

>"We see what the community is doing with the characters and we love it, and we want the game to belong to you, so when you guys decide that Soldier is this grumpy dad archetype, we put that into the game, so he has this embarrassing dad dance emote, and the kind of stereotypical dad grill skin now."
>made Pharah's dad a Native just because SJWs threw a shitfit over her skins
>gave Sombra items that reference the ARG blunder
>made D.Va a dorito-eating gremlin
>Tracer is a lesbian due to demand for an LGBT character
>Doomfist in general created just because players wanted him
>Mercy is for Genji only though, sorry Pharmercy fans :^)

Here's the widowfag that was obsessed with getting Amelie's new skin: I've finally got it.

Also I have 3k coins, is it worth getting Sombra's skin or just wait for Halloween?

how many lootboxes should i buy?


Yes it's free. But early access is going is starting in a few hours and it's 30$. But it gets you all the heroes and the new ones forever, plus some other goodies.

But if you wait for F2P to start you wont behind or anything.

Quake's skill floor is higher than Overwatch's skill ceiling though, so if you're interested, you should be aware that you are going to get your ass kicked repeatedly until you learn some of the basics.

But that's part of the whole skill based part of a game.

1000, you must have every single event item, even the shitty voicelines.

>Mercy is for Genji only though, sorry Pharmercy fans :^)
Did they really make mercy x genji official?

Is blizzard actually that fuckin stupid?

Good job user.
And yes, get the Sombra skin, you will regret not getting it because it's the only good looking Sombra skin.

why is everyone in 3v3 so fucking bad at the game

Ha, kys.

Keep your coins. That skin isn't worth it. If you can get it from a box it's ok, but keep your coins for something better.

And I'm glad you got the summerskin! As a widowfag myself, I know that feel.

umm no sweetie, cyberspace is the best sombra skin.

>white male dad
>is a joke character
>gets to be made fun of
>has embarrassing emotes and lines

>brown female mom
>is the most honorable and proud character in the game

why is this allowed?

>muh skill

whatever you say champ

Is the game already so dead you have to shill for it in a dead general?

>made Pharah's dad a Native just because SJWs threw a shitfit over her skins

Is that true?
What is their excuse for all the non-whites using guns and wearing clothes and speaking english?
Are their dads white too?

It is the current year

Because people are afraid of muslims and don't want to offend them because they blow themselves up to kill white and black people.

Exquisite taste, friend.

Augmented exists and its amazing though.

This is literally the only good Sombra skin.

Her base one is a close 2nd, everything else looks like trash.

I would be more inclined to play Mystery Heroes if it wasn't just "get your 5 least played heroes on an endless loop"

both somehow make her even more trashy looking, they're shit

actual hair sombra is the only half-decent sombra

>tfw my ovewatch SFM folder is nearly 4gb now.

damn daddy

They're smarter than tumblr, at least.


What a shit mode.

actual hair sombra isnt the REAL sombra.
she's a hacker punk girl, the skrillex hair is part of that.

these new sombrafags that were spawned because of her new skin need to GET THE FUCK AWAY FROM MY WAIFU

yeah there's totally no observation bias there you fucking retard

why do people spew such shit here or anywhere else? do you enjoy sounding like a frustrated gamer gurrl?

I still laugh at how fucking retarded the duel mode is.
>randomly get 3 heroes
>expected to win based on getting shit you never play.

Blizzard likes to pull retard moves, and people still suck their dick.

she's a trashbag hoe any way you cut it, for people with taste so shit it shouldn't even be physically possible

You're fucking retarded if you don't think it's weighted to give you your least played.

they expect you to not be total trash and act like you never ever get a hero you play alot because of a crippling persecution complex

>make her shoot while flying
Pharah just turned useless
>rockets E ability

At least defence matrix will be gutted

she cant be a trashbag hoe, she's literally confirmed to be a hiki shut-in

I have three times as many hours on genji as anyone else and I get him stupidly often

you seriously have nothing better to cry about in your life than a rigged dice roll in a fringe game mode of a dead game? holy shit

>At least defence matrix will be gutted
Are people this fucking dumb in overwatch that they cant just counterpick dva so blizzard is going to dumpster her again, like she's been in the dumpster for 1+ year of total time already?

Fucking retards have ruined any respect I have for this game.
I need to find something else to play.
Jeff Kaplan is actually fucking retarded.

>playing the OW faproulette game
>win 1 game in 5

Getting dangerously close to revealing your autism user, might want to tone it down before you embarrass yourself.

>decide to play some competitive after work
>get grouped with a 2 and 3 stack
>someone picks sombra
>they do good so don't complain
>someone in other stack tells them they're shit
>both groups start shit talking, troll picks all round
>next game
>grouped with 4 stack
>do well on defence
>attacking, don't need to push too far
>other team has bastion, rein, dva, mercy
>I switch off Winston to rein to try to counter
>4 stack doesn't switch at all, just keeps dying
All I want is solo queue only matchmaking

Yeah Dva is literally nothing to me as a reaper main. i can just dive into her and ignore defense matrix.

Going to be really cross if the movie doesnt reveal a top quality waifu

oh you really got me by calling me autistic, oh boy, I'll never recover

good argument buddy, this is what your whining boils down to

the cinematic short will confirm Pharah is transgendered

I just had a thought, What if they did the Mortal Kombat X thing and had varient loadouts of the same character?

So you could have Dva as she is now, with a longer defense matrix, or you could choose her rocket loadout. They could bring back oldhog that way too and just offer another hog with nerfed hook but say a faster or better heal.

What do you think?

>called out for being a dumbfuck
>y-youre autistic!


Sounds like HotS.

People would still bitch at you for playing the off-meta load out.

No heroes really have alt versions though.

I think that would just make more room for fucking things up even more

Just play TF2


It's fucking stupid.

Why design a character to be a tank but then nerf them to not be a tank anymore? D.Va's nerf was perfect. It actually turned her into a tank. In most of my games as D.Va I block upwards of 20000 damage every game. It turned her from a braindead dive DPS to a legitimate alternative to using Rein.

This game has a disproportionate amount of DPS relative to the role they play in the game. They're only supposed to be 1/3 of picks but 60% of the cast are DPS. We don't need more DPS, in fact, we need less, or at least more tanks and healers to balance things out.

They would make them, or just introduce them as necessary. If blizz can only figure out how "balance" things by gutting characters, then they could at least introduce the option of keeping the old one at the cost of not getting one nice thing from the new one.

Some people would definitely pick rockets over a longer defense matrix. You could do something to make a genji that isn't pure cancer by removing his double jump or something and giving him something else in return.

dumb frogposter

>Torb isn't working
>Lol too bad

but waaaaaaaaah dm is overpowered in a game where mobile dps is king and there's no real alternative to blocking damage other than rein who is completely immobile

waaaaaaaaah I fired my grav directly into a dm-ing dva and she bm'd me! blizz nerf pls!!

The second time they've copied an idea from this thread.


But yeah it's probably gonna be more fun playing but I fear she'll become off-meta and a pick I vet flamed for

So what are they going to be showing off at Blizzcon? New hero on the way?

I will be flamed for*

proud phoneposter

So just steal Jew-rez's card system?



Would this fix a lot of Overwatch's problems currently?
>nerf Mercy's rez or completely rework it. Making it so it can only revive a max of 2 people at a time would be ideal imo. That way, you can't just win a teamfight because your onetrick mercy was hiding a few feet away from the objective and rezzed.
>Buff Lucio's healing and make Ana a bit easier to play, or buff her healing. Then, add in some new healers who are able to solo heal. This way, Mercy isn't a mandatory pick anymore.