How does this car make you feel knowing it is

how does this car make you feel knowing it is

-has a RWB kit
-has a V8
-gets used on an actual race track




Cool car, euroshit but cool


>how does this car make you feel

That somebody felt the need to do this


euroshit in what way?

loads of people on Veeky Forums see a RWB Porsche and the 2nd thing they bitch about behind nakai welding is how "tHeY aReNt UsEd On ThE TrAcK"

>I just wanted to do something no-one has done before

whats your point?

the owner did just that and enjoys his car.





You asked me how it makes me feel, is there a point in it?


i like most of the hoonigan cars but scottos porsche angers me.
mainly the v8 and red wheels, i actually like how he did the rwb, its better than most rwbs

this isn't scottos porsche at all. his car is an unfinished turd.

Does this count as stance? Regardless, at least he is using the car, unlike 99.9% of the people that stance their car.

Would I do this to my car, or buy a car like that? Hell no.


where did you get that number? Do you know most if not all RWB owners (in Japan) take their car to Tsukuba Cirucuit for Idlers Games, which is pretty much an all day track event.

It's not stanced if it works on a racetrack. Racecar setup is functional, stance is not.
>-has a RWB kit
Since it's a throwaway 964 C2, who cares. The only ones who care are buttmad purists who can't afford to buy them during this bubble.
>-has a V8
Good. Porsche engines are hard to build in a budget, especially aircooled ones. You try building a 350hp Porsche crate motor with a warranty for 8K, see how that goes. It might even have improved the weight distribution.
>-gets used on an actual race track

Lots of scientific research. So how many people own RWBs in Japan? vs. How many stancetards here in the states that do nothing but vape in parking lots at night and talk about how fresh shit is.

That's not stanced newfag

>Lots of scientific research.

yes it is.

Stance is by definition non-functional. That 911 functions around a racetrack, therefore, it is not stanced.

Have any of you ever seen Nakai actually hack up a 911 before? That man has no mercy, or idea what he's doing

>never been done before
>the owner did just that
People have been putting american V8's into 911's since the 60's.

>replies to tongue in cheek comment
>ignores actual point

it's not a RUF RGT8 so, cringe

>california plates

not surprised, california has a shit-tier car scene

oh really? I would never live in LA but it actually is the capital of car culture wether you disagree or not. Where do you live? Kansas? Alabama? lol come on, humor me

>its not a totally different car that is no way shape or form comparable and I can't even afford either so cringe

really stimulates the synapses

>not surprised, california has a shit-tier car scene
It's a beautiful car though, the only problem is the LS motor.

>Duck tail spoiler instead of big ass whale tail
Was just thinking about how that's look decent on an RWB.

Car looks nice. LS isn't my thing, makes my inner porsche fanboy scream in autistic agony, but probably cheaper than trying to get another V-8 to put in it.

>tfw no one will see if Ruf will sell them their V-8 from the RGT-8 to slam into one of these

>but it actually is the capital of car culture wether you disagree or not.

>Where do you live? Kansas? Alabama?
not even american

>964 911
La Creatura...

the only thing i have a problem with are those wheels

spics in civics and washed out pop stars in niggered ferraris aren't culture, user

nigga those wheels got 0 camber.

Bisimoto still does it better

LS basically ruins it all, now it sounds like shit and has a boring engine swap.

You are blind. Camber doesn't even have anything to do with it being stanced or not anyway.

It's a shit because watercooled.

An LS sounds 10000x better than the plane engine that comes standard. The LS can actually make power and TQ too.

People build big power Porsche engines all the fucking time, the one major advantage an LS has is cost.

LS engines sound like shit all the time. V8s started out as plane engines, flat engines started out as car engines.

This shitpost always makes you look retarded.

>good sounding


Irrelevant if you need to spend $100k to barely make 1000hp with an unusable powerband.

keep seething. Have fun getting smoked by cletus and his truck motor at the track.

An LS at idle will sound better than any plane engine at any rpm.

>a plane engine will sound better than a plane engine
>random sperging

This nigga makes 0 sense lmao

Oh yes, entirely unusable.

There hasn't been any pushrod V8 powered planes in the skies since the 1920's. Basically all modern piston engines are not 4 or 6 cylinder flat engines like you'd find in a Porsche.

Compared to a twin turbo LS7, yes it fucking is
That thing makes peak torque at like 5k rpm, whereas pic related hits peak torque before 3.5k

Sorry, first V8 was a plane engine. People use LS in planes. It's a plane engine. At least flats were made for a car first.

>200hp at 3k rpm

Lol get your dyno queen outta here. That's why you don't use small pathetic engines to make power.

Before 4k* but that's still way before what that overpriced hyper-beetle does

>An LS at idle will sound better than any plane engine at any rpm.


>less power
>less torque
>bigger engine
>shit delivery

Wow LS is literally shit

yeah, that's what the letters "LS" stands for

flush is not stance
flush is not stance
flush is not stance
flush is not stance
flush is not stance

>>shit delivery
>when 's "nothing-below-4k" approach is the point of reference

lol LS can't even make the power smoothly

>when your only defense is caring about irrelevant parts of the rpm range

LS is a mediocre at best engine used by people who don't know anything about cars.

>can't even make the power smoothly
That's any big turbo car you retard, that dyno queen 911's delivery is even worse

Nope, it's curve is smooth. LS looks like someone told Michael J Fox to draw it lol

LS is garbage

>what is graph smoothing
Are you really this much of a fucking brainlet?


Not a LS fanboy so nope. Engine is trash mate.

I absolutely love ruined porsches, especially LS swapped ones that have been butchered n stanced.
It absolutely enrage purists to the point of frothing at the mouth with frustration, which is so very entertaining to watch.

>this actually caused trigger


Fine, have one with smoothing turned up like that 911

Even funnier that the end result is almost always faster, lighter, infinitely better sounding, more reliable and cheaper to run

>Doesn't even make power until 120 mph


>brainlet doesn't understand gearing, only simple numbers
As expected

>ignorant dumbass doesn't understand why the LS is shit and defends it

Wow what a shocker, enjoy wasting more money to be slower and sound like shit.

Meanwhile a Porsche engine alone costs more than it'd cost to swap in an LS

>dyno numbers

Pick one.

Why does a LS hold the speed record and not a Porsche engine?

True indeed!

They can't recover from this

lol now this is delusions at work.

LS doesn't have any speed records, that's not a LS. That's a classic SBC, which BTFOs the LS, just like Modular Fords, Big Block Chevies, Hemis, and Toyota JZs.

Go figure a fanboy is this retarded.

I can because it's not an LS you braindead fucktard.


Still not seeing any records from Beetle engines on steroids

An LS is a SBC with a few simple mods. Seeth more.

Damage control and goalpost moving.

LS fags are defeated by facts.

I'll get you next time!!!!!!!!


There's no fucking way those worn out racing tires are making it past the PQRSTUV.


>TFW you can't build an engine so you drop an LS crate engine in it and call it a day

Why do retards think RWB is a tuner when it's a bodykit company? What the customer does engine wise has nothing to do with him.

>"tHeY aReNt UsEd On ThE TrAcK"
I can assure you that a properly built 911 without the down syndrome that is RWB and Stance will be a lot faster than this turd.

not the biggest fan of the V8 there, but very nice car regardless. I like it

>I can assure you that a car built for the track is faster than this street car

Gee, what an observation.

Then why spend thousands of $ if the outcome is less than ideal for the price. That car still isn't a racecar.

You have autism and don't understand making a car how you want it. Not everyone is obsessed with benchracing.

because they bill themselves as a tuner company

Then the cage, the ducts, basically everything this car had built in makes the guy a poser who values form over function.

Yeah, someone who tracks his car is a poser but the guy shit talking on the internet is the real enthusiast.

What makes you think I don't own one? Prices for spare parts are skyrocketing because of these faggots butchering their cars and then deciding they're not so cool afterall.
At least the german guy who stole Porsches and made rally cars out of them had them look good.

Your shit taste really carries no weight, grow up. If you can't afford the car get rid of it poser.

Really some despereate attempt. Do all cars a favour and stay with your fart canned Civic.

You're the one that sounds desperate

>I can't afford this car I got to impress people
>Everyone else shouldn't be allowed to have them so I can afford it

Fucking snowflake.

top kek I triggered the LS cucks hard with this

>not even american

opinion discarded

yikes, time to sort yourself out bucko.

>linking speedhumpers

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