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Ayy Jedah
Wish you could delete threads on Veeky Forums.
>Day 1 DLC isn't base roster
enjoy your 4 clone characters, kappakid.
play kof
wtf why are people saying mvci looks good and fun?
are they being paid? by who?
are we being invaded?
is it the goobers falseflagging again?
WTF is happening bros
>sf5 has 5 times the reviews of the other 2 games
kappa turds are pathetic
Clones, you say?
>People complaining about Blue Goku and Vegeta.
>No one excited for best boy.
The gameplay looks fun, the art is ass. Having said that. I will not buy it. DBFZ is waaaayyyyyyyyyy more interesting to me.
>want to rewatch cell saga
>don't want to go through all the filler
ill just watch mad men again
What the fuck are you talking about? The game looks good.
Meh every other Arcsys game is bloated to all hell I want to actually play it first.
It's almost like fchamp is trying to look as fake as possible
Are the Ginyus in DBFZ? Would be cool to have them all combined into one character in some way.
Honestly all that needs to happen is for Johnny D to get fired and I'll buy Infinite.
Don't worry, user.
Was Street Fighter 2 the first fighting game?
As much as Halo was the first FPS
>you will never be dominated by kayopolice
From a historical standpoint, no
From a cultural standpoint, yes
asian traps are the worst
they have manly bone structure
i dont like your post
>tfw my boy jedah will finally be in an aliev gaem
aris roasts all the dark souls babbies
is he our guy?
What makes the best traps then?
jebaily is a lucky man...
White boys have naturally low test levels nowadays.
it's impressive how you could be wrong about every single thing in one post
Ginyu as his own character and the other memebers are just two pairs of characters in one like they did with 18 and 17. Now you can have all the genyu force in one team.
>Iron Man
tfw the game isn't even out yet and i already have a character crisis
The only reason why I'm excited for MvC:I has nothing to do with the game itself.
It means that every Capcom fighting games will be from now on made internally. No more cheap ass third party 3D Sonic developers, no more goofy looking characters with stupid looking muscles and clipping all over the place. More technical research for their products.
I don't care for MvC:I not because of recent drama but simply because more than 1 fighter VS more 1 fighter is kusoge, but in terms of general direction for their future fighting games I'm quite optimistic.
Aris os at his best when he isn't playing Tekken desu
His T7 streams are boring, at least for me.
Our game needs help
why live?
Yeah, their first fighting game to be developed internally in years is turning to be a big croak of shit but that's okay because developing them internally is good, amirite?
>no bulge
wtf groce
People really like NFS, figured Battlefront 2 would be higher.
hello kappa
>kayo chopped off her cute feminine penis
man that MVC trailer was boring after watching the Dbz one I guess they cant make something better in such a short notice with such a shit game but still
did he cut off his penis and has to dilate every day now? not seeing a bulge here
What I mean is that being outsourced or not doesn't mean shit about the final quality of the game.
It does though.
Imagine SF going away from the Dimps era.
I'm already jerking off myself.
real man pick dormamu and thor
So what other female characters could make it? I need a full team of girls.
>still no black panther or sigma gameplay
really capcom? come the fuck on. i need to know who's going to be my second character
Chi chi and Pan.
They can't show off any DLC characters until after launch or else people will go ZOMG ON DISC DAY 0
max already has enough money, dont let his meeks looks fool you, guys has more money than fchamp.
Teen Bulma with a gun
Buy morrigan and carol's game.
its a good day
I worry about those characters since it's been stated that game cares about power levels.
Whatever Kappa is obsessed with varies from game to game.
>Graphics don't matter, KoF has good gameplay!
>No arcade mode? FUCK SFV
>Play Tekken 7, we don't need trials or tutorials in 2017 I'm a HARDCORE player
Oh wait.
I'll buy it, but I won't be playing either of those sluts.
*saves mahvel*
They are not sluts. I will also be playing gamora. She looks like a good well-rounded character.
>bored as fuck
>start up jive for once
>in queue for 15min with connection 4-5
>can't find a match
I just noticed, they changed Chris's magnum bullets from being blue and near the life bar to red and near the meter and stone.
I like it like that, now I only need to look at one corner for my resources
You hate jive anyway.
Well it is a bad game, afterall.
and its hard to change my mind if i can't get a match for 20 minutes
Anyone DOA5LR xbone?
I didn't even know Chris had magnum bullets.
But which out of the six possible all-waifu teams will be highest tier?
Of course I am excited but man, it's still 6 months away
that ui looks like it was done in mspaint
Any one that has the born-again beauty on it
>go to kof '98 fightcade lobby
>just a bunch of 3rd worlders shit-flinging
the renders are looking better
Recreate it 1:1 in MS paint right now
Come to the turd strike lobby
we're friendly
Chun looks high tier at the very least.
Carol is looks top 5, easily.
Chun/Carol is what I'll run for the first week to get accustomed to the game
Renders will always look better than what the characters look like in the actual game.
Even the renders of SFV models make them look better than what they really look like in the actual game.
>her face is flawless now
How come he looks less buff than in the Story trailer?
I still can't believe we're getting motherfucking JEDAH in a modern fighting game. I really thought it would never happen after that "Dark Stalkers Are Not Dead" ruse
t. r/kappa
Firebrand looks like a malformed fetus.
But I guess that's kind of the point.
why when its staring you in the face right now
heres some more mspaint for you
best boy
Secret top tier coming through
So, Bandai Namco gave out a NA beta registration link and their entire website has been nonresponsive for the past hour.
man those retards don't know how to put in 1080 pictures for us
would you let Ryu take you out on a date?
>mh worlds
is capcom dare i say it...
not true at all. characters tend to look worse when you zoom in and have still shots and look better in motion in game. examples: ibuki, kens face, morgans face in the mvci renders (i hope they change it, she looks great in game though), etc.
they never left
Yes baby yes
MH World always looked good
Can't say the same for MvC:I
Morrigan's face during her win animation is great.