That's ok i just wanted to know the doujin beacuse i couldn't find it anywhere , you just made me and compa user happy
Austin Watson
No, Compa is not for lewd!
Gavin Morris
Reminder that tangerines kick ass.
Ayden Fisher
I missed you user !
Easton Peterson
Schoolgirl Neppy is so sweet that she games me diabetes. I love Neptune!
Jackson Peterson
I never wanted to breed with anyone more than I want to with schoolgirl Neptune. That perfect, petite body. Those palmable breasts. The child bearing hips of a literal goddess. It honestly fucking hurts knowing that I'll never mate with her, pass my genes through her, and have her birth a set of perfect offspring. I'd do fucking ANYTHING for the chance to get schoolgirl Neptune pregnant. A N Y T H I N G. And the fact that I can't is quite honestly too much to fucking bear. Why would CH create something so perfect? To fucking tantalize us? Fucking laugh in our faces?! Honestly guys, I just fucking can't anymore. Fuck.
Aaron Stewart
That's way too lewd of a picture!
Mason James
Nothing could create perfect offspring if you mated with it
Lucas Jackson
I love plut the cute !
Lincoln King
Cooper Myers
Alexander Lee
Would you lick the sweat off Cave's broad and powerful back? I know I would.
Jonathan Campbell
Does Compa have a public wardrobe or what? Lots of neps have pictures wearing almost her same sweater
Andrew Perry
Stop telling lies about my cute wife, Neppy. She's pure.
Wyatt Flores
Hello cave user ! , how are you doing today ?
Leo Clark
That's not compa's sweater unless you think she's a huge slut
Anthony Mitchell
I said "almost the same", even if the exact same sometimes
Bentley Thomas
user, that sweater is a meme, has nothing to do with compa. You can find pictures of any anime girl wearing it
Christian Smith
I'm doing great, I had a very comfy sleep.
Parker Wright
A comfy sleep , AND new art of cave , i see it was a succesfull day so far
Hudson Rivera
Pure slut.
Dominic Morris
t. Assblasted lastshitter
Cooper Lee
Case in point...
It's called the Virgin Killer Sweater for future reference.
Nathaniel Watson
I've never understood that meme. Why is it even called that, to start with?
Leo Wilson
Why the fuck is Noire so against crossplay? She's the only one who doesn't do it now. Fucking stupid bitch
William Jackson
Jack Scott
Define pure
Cooper Martin
Just because CH makes a dumb fanservice game with her in it doesn't mean she's impure.
Lincoln Morales
You could say the same of Noire.
Jack Barnes
Ok that looks fucking disgusting
Liam Barnes
>melted chocolate between asscheeks Ain't that an arousing sight.
Christian Allen
They could have done a far better job of censoring it, yeah. I get what they're trying to do, but the texture does not look good stretched and squished as it is, and I bet it's even worse in motion.
Noire is canonically a slut in the real games though
Luis James
It's a real game. It's called Gun Gun Pixies. No localiztion though as far as I remember.
Hunter Gomez
Strip and do a pole dance.
Ethan Harris
James Cooper
Did I purchase her or have her built for me/received it as a gift? Then yes. I'd probably ask for her specs and for her to check that all of her systems are running optimally.
Christian Moore
Good morning /nepgen/, had to pay the price of 2 nep figurines just to get one, but here she is.
Elijah Peterson
Repostan the based Kurome V2 Mod
Thomas James
nepnep approves
Christopher Long
What's that dogoo looking at?
Landon Powell
Forgot image
Nathan Sullivan
Hello user , that's a nice figurine but isn't the price for 1 figure worth atleast 100$ ?
Charles Reed
Not if the customs decide to rape you.
Aaron White
Mod source?
Samuel Rodriguez
Why hasn't IF gone so far as to just add Neptune saying "Buy my game! Please?" to every trailer yet?
Jack Ward
Yes and be my cute and lovely wife. I want her to stay by my side, be given headpats from me, get kissed and tell her that despite her metallic skin and slightly creepy red eyes that she cute and beautiful. Also, I want to feed her pudding if she can eat.
Angel Bailey
Maybe they're not that desperate yet. Plus, if they did at least once, people might storm in here, reddit or YouTube, bitching and/or bad mouthing about being that desperate.
Justin Foster
>people might storm in here, reddit or YouTube, bitching and/or bad mouthing about being that desperate. You mean "storm in here, reddit or YouTube, gushing about how cute neppy is and how they're definitely buying her new game"
Ryan Price
Maybe you're right. Being in the Sonic fandom for too long might've affected my looks in game-related things (a.k.a treating like everything they do is destroying the franchise in their eyes).
I'll say no and tell her that her own master is herself. She would either take that she can act on her free will or her AI will have an endless loop trying to figure out that she is programmed to only follow orders from her master but she is the only one who can issue orders, something she can't do. If it's latter, it would both cute and arousing for me to watch her endless repeat her own words in confusion.
Jeremiah Bailey
It's a popularity contest. Click on the Nep you like the most out of the two. The top button is draw, as in "I like them both equally." The bottom button is "am not interested", as in, "I don't care about either of these guys."
Have fun.
Noah Adams
>The bottom button is "am not interested", as in, "I don't care about either of these guys." wish I knew that earlier
Nicholas King
Ayden Howard
Well, it's a personal contest, not a global one, so if you think you made a mistake you can just restart.