When do you think self-driving cars will become mandatory and human-driven cars being banned in response or licenses to...

When do you think self-driving cars will become mandatory and human-driven cars being banned in response or licenses to operate them becoming severely restricted?

I give it 40 years. I hope I'm dead by then. Until then you should enjoy your cars as much as you can.

Wont happen. How will the government fill their pockets otherwise? All safety excuses are just cash grabs

>wont happen
I very much doubt that. Safety will be used as the reasoning for it.

I could see some super-progressive cities using self-driving cars as public transport if it means they can make more money than busses do, maybe even insist that cab operators use self-driving vehicles as well.

>Until then you should enjoy your cars as much as you can.

I'm trying to. The last thing I can enjoy before the evil big men take the right away from me to drive just like how they ruin everything.

Feels bad man

I don't see why self-driving cars are touted as so good and all when we could just create great public transport infrastructure for normies who drive to commute and keep the roads for real, non-robot cars. If they're mandatory, I hope there's at least still some sort of option t disconnect robot if need/want be.

Same shit with guns and tobacco

If it means people are "safer" than yes. Absolutely.

>wont happen

if we're lucky, they'll push it back a few decades should shit hit the fan and we are at war with the norks or whoever.

Existing human driven cars will likely never be banned, but the sale of new ones will.

that's the problem with authoritarians...they love micromanaging everyone else's lives. They love ruining good things just because other people enjoy them.

I used to think people who supported banning all but self driving cars didn't actually exist but some fucker at work started talking about how he wants self-driving cars to be the law because of "how much safer everything will be." It didn't even start out as a conversation on banning driving, me and my coworkers were just talking about fun driving spots and he butted in and said how he hates driving and can't wait until self driving cars are everywhere. He kept acting all high and mighty and saying "just because it's fun doesn't mean it should be allowed" as if people driving is one of the world's greatest safety threats.

I think we need sensors in the roadways and the cars would need to be able to communicate with each other. Using $5 radar sensors and cheap cameras is just not going to cut it.

wow what a fucking soyboy faggot.

Legit, I think that's biggest reason all of that social engineering has been put into place to produce faggots like that is because emasculated men will trade away everything in the name of "safety". Shit legit makes me fear for the future sometimes.

>I think we need sensors in the roadways
this right here is why the tech will never catch on. Cities cant even keep potholes filled, do you really think that they will install and maintain a vast network of sensors just for selfdriving cars?

Its much more likely that they will keep going with the current plan of making car ownership too expensive for the idiots of society (people in non STEM, trades or business jobs) and funneling them into busses.

Future roads look very clean and idiot free.

This is operating on the assumption that sensors in self driven cars will not improve greatly in the coming years.

I can't fucking wait. Seriously.

No more faggot trucks shining their shit cheap LED conversions in my eyes

No more Stacy on her phone shitting up the road

No more slow fags in the overtaking lane

No more traffic

I can move even further out into the fucking woods and shitpost on the interwebs while my car drives me where the fuck ever

I won't even miss it, there's so little to enjoy anymore.

I wonder if they'll allow me to drive if I augment myself. I will be just as safe as a computer right

It's because staying inside and not going anywhere is a lot easier than finding places to go outside and actually doing things. Then when these people hear about everything other people do they get upset and have to come up with a bullshit reason why what they're doing (nothing) is better than what other people are doing. Of course it's safer to never leave the house, that doesn't mean you should never go outside.

I used to do that shit when I was antisocial in high school and come up with reasons why not talking to other people was better than being a normal human being, then I realized I was just being a pussy and coming up with lame justification for it instead of actually improving myself. It just scares me that people like that vote and are fine with forcing their bland, soulless lifestyle on everyone else.

And you're absolutely right about it being socially engineered, people grow up in fear of everything nowadays and aren't capable of facing them, no matter how tame those fears are. In the US I'm sure it's a side effect of a post 9/11 world but the media and politicians definitely run with it and use it to their advantage.

Never, that's not a market demand.
There will certainly be many self-driven cars because people are lazy and stupid, but there's no reason to stop cars from being driven by competent people. If anything they'll just make it so that if you have your license suspended for being a retard too many times you aren't allowed to drive cars yourself, only difference then will be you can still own a car and use it as transportation, just you yourself are not allowed to be the operator.

Honestly what is with retards fearing this automation. Some dumbass tried to argue computers have slower reaction times than humans, didn't feel like arguing with an idiot.

>be me
>Myn in the year 2033
>All cars are fully self driven
>Fuck there aren't any human operated vehicles anymore, barely simple machines(but intuitive) are used
>get in my transport box made by tesla
>Car, Run Osaka Expressway
>A VR set appears, as well as noise cancelling headphones, pedals and a wheel
>Photorealistic simulation of days long gone
>Still happy
Idk OP, maybe we can make it work
Stole this from another user

Self-driving cars becoming mandatory would suck but self-driving cars becoming very popular would be great. There will be a lot fewer retards on the road, left lane campers would be mostly gone, and the average car will be a lot more predictable.

>pretending to drive a car to be happy

I drive for Uber and so many riders just say they hate driving. I drive Uber because I fucking love driving. I hope self driving ev shitboxes happen so that I can enjoy less congestion. Uber fucking sucks though

40-60 years

Software engineer here @ Mercedes Benz R&D.

We're nowhere close to full autonomy. I've worked in the computer vision space for years. We're throwing everything at the wall just to see what sticks, but there are endless edge cases. Deep learning is powerful but it's really a crap shoot solving some of these rare but show stopping cases.

That said, if the government and car manufacturers can figure out a solution for a V2V communications standard, it's all over. All cars on the road talking to each other coordinating lane changes, merging, talking to the traffic lights, etc? There will be no drivers and road conditions won't matter as much or at all.