Be me

>be me
>at work
>working with this new normie guy during our shift
>casually starts small talk
>asks me where I live
>accidentally tell him I still live with my parents without thinking
>says "oh.."
>few days later everyone starts calling me "momma's boy" at work

Whats your policy of revealing your personal life to your work colleagues Veeky Forums?

>I don't tell them anything

yeah ok, but doesn't that only invite them to be more curious about what you do in your private life?

Other urls found in this thread:

Age and nationality?

Jobs, age, and country?

Make up elaborate lies. Just make up a persona.

>I'm user, my hobbies include [x, y, z] (make sure to do some reading on them so you souind believable enough, but try to be obscure with them so they don't ask too much

- Make up some friends and things you do with them, inject them into conversations occasionally "Oh haha that's a really great story! That reminds me of my buddy rick, oh man he did [crazy thing that relates to conversations] two weekends!"

I've tried this but whenever someone asks me a question to my face I can't really force myself to lie for some reason

>how to make somebody think you always want to one up them 101

that means you didn't prepare yourself enough beforehand

how can I prepare for something which just unexpectedly happens? I'm doing my work and this normie just starts random small talk catching me off guard.

You need to be able to think on the spot and have some ideas beforehand

Let's say you think of a reason for why you still live with your parents and work off that.
"I live with my parents now, I moved out way earlier but I mismanaged my money, going to move out again soon once I fix this situation"

Tell them atleast you're not a degenerate addicted to debt

The only reason they push the meme of "leave the house when youre 18 goy and pay all your bills alone and get an apartment to go with it, that's real independence from your mean parents" as a way to a) make undeveloped children (typically women) leave the protection of their parents and suck dick like there's no tomorrow and b) separates families, breeds isolation, and removes a sense of community and companionship between families

>eparates families, breeds isolation, and removes a sense of community and companionship between families

No you fucking retard

That's when you start your OWN family.

>yes goyim, have children you can't take care of and rent an apartment, fuck your patriaichal family and those evil rules, you're a free snowflake now

This is a kike

>le jew meme lol XD

>>yes goyim, have children you can't take care of and rent an apartment

So what are you even trying to say? That now the "evil jews" want us to have children and stop being manchildren?

I thought the Jewish conspiracy was to stop you from having children and playing videogames and doing recreational drugs instead

I've had a girlfriend for 2 years and only one guy at work knows.

>I've tried this but whenever someone asks me a question to my face I can't really force myself to lie for some reason
>mfw people like this actually exist.

And why wouldn't you stare them dead in the eyes and confront them when they call you momma's boy. I imagine that they would still bully you if you didn't live with your mom. It's your personality, not something else.

w-wait, isn't it about breeding with black people and converting to the religion of peace?

Had something similar happen to me but I drive a Mercedes, so I was just like that's why u drive a Toyota and I drive a Mercedes rentcuck

It's just banter, don't be so hardcore. Autism rage is like a red rag to a bull for bullies; just gotta be cool and don't sweat it.

>Gets insulted to his face
>"lol it's just banter :) He's just joking with me haha,he didn't really call me a faggot, it's just his sense of humor :)"

>Whats your policy of revealing your personal life to your work colleagues Veeky Forums?
I'm the one usually asking them about their interest, ambitions, and overall direction. Makes for good conversation and you might learn a thing or two. As far as maintaining a good image goes just stretch the actual truth.

If its the generic:
>"Where do you live?"
>"I'm renting a room out from this old couple(grandparents), saving loads of money this way. "

>"What did you go to college for?"
>" I went for Art, have had an passion for digital and traditional for years. The program itself teaches you business and just for the extra stretch I went and earned my entrepreneur certification. "
>I never specified I actually went to CC.

I live with my parents and drive a junk car.
My job only pays average.
Approaching 200k USD in my bank account nevertheless.
My life goal is to retire at 50 in a small refurbished house in the countryside.

But sure, if your ego depends on paying $1500 a month for a cramped apartment and driving a """luxury""" car that you bought on credit, go for it :)

>But sure, if your ego depends on paying $1500 a month for a cramped apartment and driving a """luxury""" car that you bought on credit, go for it :)

Don't you think that's a little more enjoyable than living with your parents and driving a piece of shit car in your best years?

>life goal is to retire at 50
Yeah I'm sure it'll really be worth it when you're that old.

>Don't you think that's a little more enjoyable than living with your parents and driving a piece of shit car in your best years?
Cars are just a utility to me. I try to optimize car expensive for minimum TCO. Saving provides me with more pleasure than spending.
It also weeds out dumb, shallow women who judge you by your car. I want nothing to do with them.
I got a girlfriend regardless.

So what DO you spend your money on? What things do you like?

I like spending time with interesting people, which is usually free, apart from transportation cost. Hiking and camping with said people. Don't need much more than decent boots and a tent.

Fine, stare him dead in the eyes and start a fist fight with Mark from accounts.

Honestly i feel like it's a huge mistake to even befriend your coworkers.

Be nice but don't engage with them, work work and get out, don't even add their numbers or shit like that.

>it's just banter
Your workmates are a bunch of cunts. For all they know, your parents could be ill or have fucking disabilities; and your money and home care could be the only thing helping them keep afloat. So no, "momma's boy" is not banter. They're just fucking cunts.

Dunno why they're surprised though, most people in our generation still live at home, thanks to older generations sabotaging the world economies.

If you can't turn insults in self-deprecating humour, you don't deserve friends.

>spending hours of life with people
>not wanting to be friends with them

it's like you dont want to enjoy your life you depressive mexican weaver

>it's a huge mistake to even befriend your coworkers.
Definitely agreeable with my experience.
That's why being a contractor is so much more comfortable. You're the outside guy just doing his thing. Long-term employees tend to leave you alone.

>I waste my money in a slightly different way
Got 'em!

It's not "humor" to insult people you fucking faggot

Is me calling you a fucking faggot right now also humor? Turn that into some humor bro

and why should i?
they use everything they know about you against you, they get jealous if you're better than them in some subject and always talk shit behind your back.

to me i can never be friends with someone i've met through greed.

See, now your getting angry and it's entertaining. How can you spend time on Veeky Forums and not know this?

It helps to actually show you were insulted by something, then they can see they've caused pain and change behaviour.

Or you can grow and challenge what it means to be insulted.

But there's also putting on a brave face then venting pathetic beta feelings on an arabic flagulatory forum a little while after the fact.

w-we're on Veeky Forums?

Mah nigga. You find the realest women when you pick them up in hoopties. Get that money user

OP bring a gun to work, get them all locked in a room, make it your one working lie, say it's a surprise party. Be the momma's boy killer.

I'd just laugh and tell you "I'd rather be a faggot than a kike''

Collect company secrets and leads
Quit and go to work for the competitor

I'm the youngest guy in my office (24) and the next youngest guy is 28. We went snowboarding twice but other than that I don't ever go out with my coworkers. I still live with my parents and I drive a beater because I'm going to wait til it dies to buy a new car since I don't absolutely need one. If anybody asks I just say I love with my brother. The guy who's 28 rents and makes the absolute minimum payment on his student loans while spending hundreds of dollars every other weekend to have fun at a club or casino or whatever. My student loans will be paid off within 6 months and then I can start saving for a house. I could pay them off outright right now but I keep a bunch of savings in case my car shits out. If someone found out I live with my parents I wouldn't care because I have the security of knowing I'm making a smart decision

Just tell them renting is the equivalent of throwing your money into a black hole and that you're waiting to own a house. Really makes them think

>Just tell them renting is the equivalent of throwing your money into a black hole and that you're waiting to own a house. Really makes them think

What if in response they say that you are "somehow getting an unfair advantage over others" and that "you are missing out on valuable life experience?"

ha I've seen this shit before and "valuable life experience" usually means getting wasted and letting entire years slip by or going to jail. I've talked to people before who thought they were better than me because they spent a few nights in jail.

"catastrophically stupid mistakes" don't amount to "life experience" no matter how much you get a group of other losers with you circlejerking about it. OP just get another job already and learn how to lie.

What exactly is the valuable life experience to be gained by renting an apartment?

all you need is just a couple of losers together jerking off and they can pretend anything is positive.

At a shitty job a long time ago I was the only thin person there and they all tried to pretend that being fat was life experience because they "didn't have the time" anymore to work out. Yeah right, they just gave up.

>they all tried to pretend that being fat was life experience because they "didn't have the time" anymore to work out.
That's hilarious but entirely believable.
Societal culture is filled to the brim with irrational memes. Here's an analogy:

A group of scientists placed five monkeys in a cage, and in the middle, a ladder with bananas on top. Every time a monkey went up the ladder, the scientists soaked the rest of the monkeys with cold water. After a while, every time a monkey would start up the ladder, the others would pull it down and beat it up. After a time, no monkey would dare try climbing the ladder, no matter how great the temptation. The scientists then decided to replace one of the monkeys. The first thing this new monkey did was start to climb the ladder. Immediately, the others pulled him down and beat him up. After several beatings, the new monkey learned never to go up the ladder, even though there was no evident reason not to, aside from the beatinThe second monkey was substituted and the same occurred. The first monkey participated in the beating of the second monkey. A third monkey was changed and the same was repeated. The fourth monkey was changed, resulting in the same, before the fifth was finally replaced as well. What was left was a group of five monkeys that – without ever having received a cold shower – continued to beat up any monkey who attempted to climb the ladder. If it was possible to ask the monkeys why they beat up on all those who attempted to climb the ladder, their most likely answer would be “I don’t know. It’s just how things are done around here.”

whats the name of this experiment?

That's the point.
They won't start a fist fight. And if they do they end up in jail and you gain some respect from your peers. Someone not to fuck around with, or at least someone who isn't scared.

And no, you don't show them rage, just fearlessness. You can still be cool when displaying fearlessness.

It's anecdotal and I doubt it was ever conducted.
However one similar experiment yielded similar results:

>Just tell them renting is the equivalent of throwing your money into a black hole and that you're waiting to own a house. Really makes them think

What if they respond with "Isn't interest on your mortgage, maintenance costs and property tax also throwing money away?" and then they add "What about the iliquidity of homes and the fact they only about match inflation on average"??

>What if they respond with "Isn't interest on your mortgage, maintenance costs and property tax also throwing money away?" and then they add "What about the iliquidity of homes and the fact they only about match inflation on average"??
If that were true, no one would invest in real estate.

got plenty to waste, so why not enjoy nice things.
don't be jelly.

I'm literally laughing out loud at you right now.

But it is true. People who invest in real estate buy REIT's or have millions of dollars. They don't take out 30 year mortgages.

Try this calculator to see if it's better to rent or buy.

Just go into a field where dudebro culture is not dominant.


this. ((( They ))) want to separate you from your money in any way possible. Resist the bullshit

It's named "social behaviors are socially and politically constructed"


>work at grocery (hippie store) in college
>pays well and do my job well
>coworkers keep inviting me to shit
>most of them 25+ people who just want to stay at company
>aside from lifting with one that has the same gym, don't hangout (since I perceive them to be losers, although nice people)
>get internship and full time job out of college
>kept grocery as side job but quit eventually
>still never hung out with coworkers or went to their parties except for one time
>that one time get offered pot
>politely decline
>fag blows smoke in my face
>WTF man my corporate job drug tests me
>dude weed lmao chill out
>don't hangout with grocery coworkers anymore
>eventually quit
>someone breaks into my parents yard (automated fence system so we heard)
>hold two of my former grocery coworkers at gunpoint until cops arrive

My office friends are cool. I don't get invited as much but that's just our different personalities. Had a blast with them at some bars downtown a few times.

>TFW live with my dad also
>People tried to rip on me for it at work
>Told them because he let me live at home I now have 0 debt, a new car, a 20k stock portfolio and enough saved to put 20% down on a house in southern california, 790 FICO
>They are in mega debt, student loans, beater cars, barely making rent, they claim their 650 FICOs are high.
>Steadily over the last few months, a few people moved back home.