Get the Game
Song of the "day":
Get the Game
Song of the "day":
R-rimi? Where are you?
I want moca-chan to breathe softly on my dick.
No previous thread again
its not that hard to link the last thread mate
old thred
>Monster Mash
I'm smiling like a motherfucker, thank you
>Song of the 'day': Groovie Goolies Monster Mash
they belong to eachother!!!!!!
>forgot to put last thread in the op.
>now other anons follow my mistakes.
I'm such a failure.
Mmm Chisato-sama's glare is magnificent as always
What was that sailor costume promotion from anyways? Since we didn't get any costumes for cafe or lawson
yes i 100% blame you actually i just edit the previous op
G-goblin Rimi amiright ha ha.. ha..
Please, Rimi, violate my mouth with your nose.
The goblin rimi meme has gone too far.
NO Tsugu is a good girl!
other girls cant compete with this
Yeah they can't compete for the title of bandori with the worst body. But if you're into that you just gotta do you.
Rimi is cute!
fucking pedophile
Did any user here rolled her?
i like both big boobs and cutting boards
i think himari is super cute and sexy
Tsugu will forever get rare cards.
I want Rimi to sit on my face as she gorge on doughnuts and Monster drinks like the pig she is.
really dissapointed she wasnt the 4star
poor tsuugs, does she even have a single new 3star
would rimi cry if she saw what you are posting about her?
Tsugu will be the second last to get a 4*, my dad told me and he works crafting eggs.
I want to steal Rimi's lunch money and then treat her to better food. Monster everyday is bad for you.
I'm fine with whatever Tsugu gets. If she keeps getting 2* or 3* I'm fine with that since it's easier for me to collect all of the Tsugus, which is all I want. But I will be very happy if the day comes where my little Tsugu does get her 4* and I will do my best to get it.
It's going to be a sad day when Tsugufriend leaves us after failing to get 4* tsugu
goblins are cute
therefore maybe she would cry from happiness if she learned about her many overseas fans
If I were to host rooms now, how many of you are gonna join?
someone get a picture of rimi's va and write "this is a japanese goblin"
I wud
this is a japanese goblin
this is a japanese goblin
this is a japanese angel
Slightly late word cloud, but anyways. Tsugu.
We did it, guys
only 1?
oh well whatever
42719 vet
will wait for 15 mins (or if anyone wants to start immediately, spam kasumi's sticker as usual)
do not bullY RIMIRIIIIIN
I bet hina is behind this.
And furthermore I propose in the light of the fact that Butterfly is a 'event song,' that Bakemon be the unofficial mascot until the event ends.
>bully onee-chan
>Afterwho event
Well that was fast
Next room 44875
1 more anyone?
so do anti leech things exist or was that literally just a meme?
suddenly ded
The dream is dead. This will be the last thread. The servers are shutting down tomorrow. The Roselia anime (if there was one) is getting scrapped.
and Live Revolt will replace us
Apparently it was a thing, not sure if it still is.
Is leech user still here? I know he was trying to figure that stuff out
I for once welcome our new Live Revolt overlords.
when white nationalists rally and kill people and ur mobile game has a klan event the following week
>rimi cute
>best arisa
>kasumi ded
>kokoro team dead
>kasumi ded
That one isn't true though.
You guys still playing?
You can only join if Arisa is your main bandori.
I can arrange that.
The previous host here
I'm abit lazy to host rooms right now. Watching random stuffs on youtube
If you want, I can host rooms in like about 5 minutes, or you can host instead
I finally have all the Ayas!
Ok then, 90603
Do you guys wait for full room?
Need 2 more Arisas
Damn fellas what happened?
I don't have any Arisas (or, moreso to say I don't wanna use her) and I was busy shitposting on another general. Do you guys still need people for a room?
I'm a failure and put Arisa to shame, It's time for me to commit sudoku.
42454 Arisa not required.
Who has the picture of Kasumi showing Arisa the PoPiPa ice cream? I thought I saved it but I can't find it.
We need 2 more
Got space for one more super amazing dude.
I'm gonna make a second account on a second device and renshuu so hard to where I can be up to Rimi's level and play expert songs with one hand so that we can play with only four people.
They're introducing the open room to public option soon
Wanna just roll with 4? Just promise me you will full combo.
>cheesed through the intro in re:birthday with healers
>made it to the end
>the end is the intro but with fucking sliders
This song isn't fun!
You clearly haven't renshuu'd enough
I spent 300 stars on revivals back in the day just to clear it because my autism was killing me not having a song on the list not cleared.
I hope to God you're making this up user
Spending stars on revives actually isn't that bad since you only would've rolled a dupe anyway
That'll remain my only uncleared song for a while, but what hurts my autism the most is this.
I dc'd midgame but the game didn't disconnect me until the end I got hit by the ban
If you find out you dc'd without disconnecting it's better to just close the game
That's me but with hhw and pasupare
I'm sorry to all Himaribros. I don't like her at all but I still ended up with her. Just know that I understand your pain.
Bandori has gave me a hardon for crying girls please help
Fatty gonna eat all the other fatties
>It doesn't even amount to 2 triple renshuu tickets.
Just go for the scam ticket.
Yeah I decided not to feed her, she could stand to diet. I have enough for 3 scam tickets now and I'm gonna keep saving.
How the fuck do you even have so many winking himaris I just want ONE so I can fap to the real thing
Rolling for Tsugu and Moca from the first Afterglow event. I got my precious Tsugu but I'd still like to get Moca so I roll on cool gachas too and despite me not liking Himari all that much she seems to have taken to me.
What does she see in you
Why won't she love me instead
I don't know. Believe me friend, if I had the power to give her away to you I'd do it for free.
This blushing Moca has made my whole day. I love you Moca, even though I can't seem to scout your 3*.
Moca is amazing I love everything about her
I hate how slowly she speaks it honestly pisses me off.
Moca is a very mellow girl.
I just started the game, is there a way to not make the characters talk during lives?
It's really annoying to try listening to the song when they keep talking.