League of Legends General - /lolg/


Gravelord edition

Other urls found in this thread:


>implying he'll ever shut up

Not a Lulu or Liss thread? I'll take it

thank you based azir

Reminder that Skarner belongs to the void! And Kog'maw belongs to Skarner!

Is this thread safe?

Well this thread seems dead since the lulufag beat you by 10 seconds or so.
Still going to post here, fuck that thread.

>the tiniest fucking patch

at least thanks for the ardent cancer nerfs

xth for Syndra

>Not trashy waifu edition

i love you, birdfriend
thank you for ending the purple menace

>He isn't playing MF the intended way

next one tho
reminder that loloo loves veigar

xth For the best ! the best! Fluffy husbando !!

>cassio players crying after getting a good skin
you people wonder why your snowflake champions don't get skins

No, there's a Mougi infestation.

But Lulu has zero comments.

I hope so

image limit was hit and we were really close to 750 posts

He did? I'm seeing I got 3 seconds ahead.

The Bustiest!
The Beautifulest!
The Bestest!

i forgot my bread crumbs

You heard it here second because I've posted this before once

Shen will get the victorious skin

screencap me

this one took awhile

most of the time i just pick the ones i feel like doing as opposed to order. this is ebcause of sometimes time constraints or merely because some i dotn feel like doing.
most times tough the good ideas keep getting reposted,then i do them when i feel like it. the blobfish one was posted 5 times but i did it eventually

no i feel horrible everytime, but id burn down to cinders if i only did 1 order

Riot hates shen though.

This is now a leblanc thread

>Tfw you realize rito buffed censer early game.
Hold me lolg.


>void staff, sorc boots, the dumb mask
is there a nicer feeling
victorious amumu

Must be something weird with timezones then.

>It's not a lulu thread

I'm home.

Objectively correct.

someday I guess


If I'm split pushing, when should I TP into team fights and help the idiots on my team? It seems that no matter how many times I ask them to all split push bot lane while I go top or just stall and kite and not fight 4 v 5 they always just can't help themselves and fight and get fucking wiped. I don't know when I should keep taking towers and let them probably die or help these morons. After like 20 minutes the clowns do nothing but run down mid like it's fucking ARAM looking to team fight even when they are behind and other lanes need to be pushed

do redman pls

This would be the victorious skin that would make me the least mad among all possible champions that did great this season

I'll rip and tear if I see a fucking victorious fiora

>people talking about how Cass is getting a skin
Fuck that the post said my boy Viktor was getting a skin

RUSH FROZEN HEART and fuck their support so hard they won't be able to rush it by taking a tank with ignite. preferably Poppy

Implying it's going to stop Nami, Sona, Soraka, Janna carrying their team with it

Nope. 3rd most played top, too far down the list. Naut would get it if it goes to a top laner. It's gonna be victorious karma or Lulu and I'm gonna be able to save money this year

It's helping at least
I know it's not enough

this is not the request post, stop this


>Rushing a shit item.
You might pick Ryze as well.

lulu bred when

> ryze changes
y fucking ay
about time

>can't call them faggots because reddit

>malz untouched this patch

Based riot
Ill continue taking my free LP from you shitters

How much rp is the star guardian bundle gonna cost?

It's either that or Randuins/Thorn-mail, but those rely on their adc attacking you, which probably works if they have Ruunans.
Tbh take Randuins against the fuckers who build Crit and take Thornmail against the ones who go onhit AS with lifesteal or some shit.

Thornmail is probably the best choice here.

here to spread my wisdom with a fun league fact for the day.

Vision control is an important part of league of legends. Each control ward cleared is actually worth an effective swing of 200 gold to your team. This means if you are behind it can often be worth to clear a ward even if you die, for example on proxy singed or if you are 0/5 as a support.

In addition to this buying a control ward after every back is important, but more important is protecting the ones you place. Make sure to choose a safe location for your ward such as inside your jungle far back, reducing the chance the enemy might see and clear it!


i hate my life

This is a Heimy thread from now on !!


>75g down the shitter
how's bronze lmao

those arent break crumbs though, those are untoasted croutons or the start of a delicious bread pudding

>no new skin for best husbando
everyday where i play him without a skin, i die a little bit more inside.

>save money



its only a buff if they are already snowballing and can afford it before lvl 11-12

you just wait

hopefully that'll fucking kill you soon

Feel better user

Yes, it is a Heimy thread now !! He's the best fluffy husbando after all !!!

Championship Twitch Who????

Get fucked u stupid furries. Too bad I already have project ashe though

>bread pudding

you really are a strange kind of autist.

god i hope so too! i won't die until they release a new kled skin though. they better release Super Kled where he's wearing nothing but a very tight skinsuit

get that edgy skin away from my boyfriend
pretty sure project skins are for human only too

>tfw it was a "you go on a roll one day so mmr skyrockets and matchmaking expects you to be the sole carry and you go on a losing spree the next" kind of day yesterday

today is a new day! I can practically taste the plat3

Pick one, add to league

I'll pull the other Poppy fans out of the ground if I have to.

guy's I think this is pickle poster I can't tell through the moustache

need to be sure before thanking

Damnit I got them backwards. Who the hell is gonna buy that Ashe skin then?

How good is Irelia this season and is it worth to come back to main her?

nah nman


adding my husbando

that gameplay is comfy

Lost Vikings. I mean it's literally the current year and we still don't have a Meepo ripoff.

That's a cute Poppy.

Dumpster fire

Lich King baby

Seriously, Arthas is my favorite. Best WoW expansion.

I don't know any of these characters or what they do but I'm going to say Tyrael because he looks pretty cool and it would be nice to have a decent angel champion since Kayle rework isn't coming for a while

Have another one then.

what is your main's favourite food?

now you're thinking like a rogue!!
here's smoke in your eyes!!

alternatively Kael 'Merely a setback' Thas

Tacos and ass.

My semen. Now guess my main.

lost vikings

played the shit out of that game on the snes

some drawfag finish this/make it better I'm lazy

probably something fancy like caviar or some shit

more like
>likes really floppy dicks

And tea

I have no idea what Poppy would eat. Apples?

this is fucking awful, on top of that all you did was add red and blue text fuck you


Why did riot make sona lack any flaws?

Faggot yordle posters again.

And im gone forever

support main ofc

