What originally sparked your interest in history?
What originally sparked your interest in history?
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Being a kid and realizing how aesthetic the past was in books and movies and how hideous modernity is, and wondering why.
History club at school
What's this? A Reddit meeting?
That game + Horrible Histories books.
I tried reading some HH books now (published 20+ years ago) and I don't think I could recommend them now, a lot of things that I know aren't true and then things that aren't even given any citations. Academia got to me.
>dat dorky CIA
he's a big guy.
Parents giving me DK Eyewitness books and CDs when I was five. Plus a big book from my great uncle called 'When, Where, Why and How It Happened'
4 u
Grandfather's stories of WWII.
same, always wondered why I was fairer than the other Chilean kids..
I printed a 12 page article from abovetopsecret.com in 1999 when I was 12 that spoke about the Roswell crash. It made references to WWII, Eisenhower, communism, and the like so I ended up getting super interest in the "back story" to the Roswell crash.
Pretty shitty way to get into history, I will admit.
>What originally sparked your interest in history?
An interesting high school history teacher.
Same with me. Then when i was young my dad took me and my brother to see pearl harbor, and I knew it was on.
Did you ever play this'n
Read this when I was 9.
At about 6 or so my father decided to lecture me about Greek history, as we were Greek. Unfortunately, his knowledge only extended to modern Greek history and Ancient Greek history, of which he exclusively focused on the Ancient Greek history, with my only knowledge on modern history being "muh Turks". On top of that, he favored the romanticist version of Ancient Greece (which I absolutely hate). Anyways ever since I liked history, and I eventually learned more about Greek history (over a long, long period of time I admit) and from that, I branched out into medieval and late antiquity history, which remains my favored time periods and the ones I'm the most knowledgeable in
So they raided your village and raped you as well?
Goddamn this brings back memories. I was basically this kind of kid throughout middle and high school. So were most of my friends.
I'm so sorry.
Social isolation and a really high power level.
watching time commanders and then realising there was an actually game of it(rome total war)
Yeah, I am too.
Victoria II
Assassins Creed 2
I was always drawn to various cultures, and my love for history only grew as I aged.
Tomb Raider
Mom's "muh Kosovo" rants, coupled with that game.
Time commanders and time team
Shoo shoo roach nobody will take your bait
aoe 1 and 2 need a reboot, Loved their music.
I'm not very nationalistic tho.
My mom on the other hand is the epitome of a sworn American Republican
I've always liked mythological monster, so I wanted to draw webcomics about that. I started with fairies from celtic mythology; but shortly intro drawing the comic I realized I didn't ACTUALLY know what a Celt was besides what I had seen in Rome and Spartacus.
Researching the Celts lead me to researching Rome, when the Middle Ages, and so on and so forth
Is that CIA's son in on the left?
Actually we builded dat shit when we wuz Muslims before whitey made us Christian. Muhammad wuz black
My uncle's Encyclopedia of Indo-European Culture. Got me into linguistics too, but also history.
Channel 4's 1066: The Battle for Middle-Earth sparked my interest in the Anglo-Saxon and Viking periods. Fuck the Normans for destroying a flourishing culture and making English forget about their heritage.
Once i first learned about the Aztecs in my gr. 8 history class, I was hooked. Don't know why, but the aesthetic of it, and the mass human sacrifice really peaked my edgy teen self and here I am still being a faggot.
>dat qt chick hanging out with the nerds
Why is there always one? Is there something that eludes me about those females? Do they simply fuck everyone in the group, but never let a word get out about it?
When an average kinda homely chick hangs out with a group of male nerds she's treated like a 10/10 overnight.
Are you lookong forward to the return on TC?
Ah alright then. Seems to mirror what it was in my experience, and should you ask me, it was the teeniest bit annoying to glorify any girl who deigned be in our presence all because "she's a gurl xD".
Estelle you weren't even funny.
to have my friends glorify*
Tomb Raider, Age of Empires II and Commandos.
Medieval Total War, it really got me interested in it. Books from the library taught me a lot, but the Total War games thereafter always inspired me to research more than any book could.
TC is coming back!?
I got that game when I was 5, it was my first pc game ever and it was amazing
probably school play on Pilgrims/Mayflower/Squanto/first Thanksgiving
I played an Indian. Total white washing and cultural appropriation. Teachers should be ashamed
uh, you don't get to bring friends
Reading these over and over again and wanting more.
Mine was Shogun Total War, but I got it right before Medieval came out. Once I heard there was another total war I had to get it. Having more than 12 units to choose from was mind blowing at the time. Now I play Attila and Warhammer.
dad showing me his book collection
keep the dream alive brother
Greek mythology, I remember reading Aesop's Fables then a collection of stories on heroes like Theseus and Perseus and Heracles. 3rd grader me had a crush on Alexander the Great tbqh
History classes in highschool.
Learning about rome in great detail was very interesting.
>tfw always aced all history tests
Your picture op and smart older cousin who inspired curiosity in the past.
History channel I guess. I had the biggest hard on for Egypt when I was a kid.
Age of Mythology, Imperium III and Age of Empires.
Also lots of old documentaries.
That book 48 Laws of power.
my name
why the fuck mom,not caesar,nor tristan, buth alexander
i even dont like fags
Probably December this year.
Good times are coming bro.
Reading Tanglewood Tales when I was a kid. And then finding out from Dad that those are TRUE STORIES -- sort
of, and if you want to read the original Greek myths why, here's my books from college.
I was a confirmed history nerd by the time I was ten.
miss-clicking Veeky Forums instead of /hc/.
I read meme threads for a laugh
Then I actually got into in
Festivals of Slavs and Vikings in Wolin.
Living there helped in getting interested in history.
This is gonna be embarassing to say, but it was actually Crash Course World History.
I was never taught any history in my school, so I was extremely ignorant about most of it. As shit as I now consider that series to be, I'm grateful it made me realize I was interested in history.
>tfw watching new time commanders with /twg/
top comfy lads.
Made my day.
You fucking know it son.
Someone pop the kettle on.
An illustrated book about the life of Julius Caesar that was in my Grade 5 classroom. The illustrations were actually really nice, can't remember the name of the book though.
my grandfather. he was from ukraine and was a language teacher. he always liked to talk about ukrainian and european history. he was descended from a local cossack were he came from (berdyansk on the azov sea) and loved talking about cossacks the most.
Only one I didn't play. Had Eyewitness Space, Children Encyclopaedia, My History Explorer, My Human Body. Would love to see new versions. They were great learning tools.
Did anyone remember Adi?
Assassin's Creed got me super into the Italian Renaissance, and in turn brought me to world history.
Everyone was playing Age of Empires while I was the only kid playing Empire Earth.
EE was made me interested in history. Seeing humanity become sophisticated over time fascinated me.
Of course after I learned enough about history I realized why /pol/ is pretty dumb.
this and rome total war
Same here
All I read when I was a child was asterix comics everyday, I can still remember pretty much every plotline and find myself dropping quotes without even realising it
I was really good at memorizing historical facts but not other types of facts. Realized that it is the case that if I like something I enjoy learning it and that allows me to remember what I learned. Put two and two together and realized I must like history. I do.
Crusader Kings 2
I am on a CK2 kick right now and my university offers basically no Medieval history classes. Classics department is great but the only Medieval class is about Judaism. Funny thing is that the university I turned down in favor of this one has a great Medieval program. Fuck :)
I grew up in a medieval village that looked nothing like the normal american or european city and I being surrounded by history had me asking many questions
Empire Earth was cool, I'll always remember Arnold in the future during the trailer. Though number 2 had the best opening, the original was the most fun to play.
Nice to see you've returned.
The albino mods keep trying to stop my message and oppress my speech but the truth will find it's way to the public eventually.
Holy fuck I remember that
What was it called?
Once upon a time...man
I recall the big guy getting shot and killed by arrows in one of the early time periods. Pretty grim for kids desu
Ron Paul pictures
The exploding Earth at the end of the intro wasn't too cheerful either
We got a family friends computer. they were moving backto the home country and didn't want to bring back there computer so they gave it to us
It had a medieval total war installed on it and I played that for hours and hours