>Heroes FAQ and links
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>Heroes FAQ and links
>SoV Links
>Links and Resources
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Faye is a qt.
Cum inside Cumilla!
Speaking of which, is it normal that I almost never unlock the second skill on promoted classes when playing normally? I always see people take those into account when deciding classes and stuff, but I'm at BR 23 now and most of my units are under level 10 in their promoted class.
How dead would /feg/ be if FE Heroes didn't exist to generate endless pointless gachaposts
Kill yourself nu male.
Worst OC.
Dori is a-dori-ble!
Kill all fatescucks.
What would they have to announce to save this game for you?
Oboro is all I need to be honest.
The daily Cloud delivered! Goodnight /feg/!
It would be very much alive, except there would be less posts to cover up the shitposts.
Imagine an entire general where every 80% of the posts are
>trip back on
>kys fatescuck
>kys drill
>kys tyler
>kys raul
>shit[character name]
This is unironically what Camilla would look like after ten years or so, she already has a fat ugly face. What a revolting slut.
>fates favorite game
The cloud has spoken
Is a single person here still unironically planning on buying this piece of garbage?
Get this.
Def ploy, Peri.
>What would they have to announce to save this game for you?
It's cancellation
Your team could be underleveled if you're using a lot of units, but that doesn't sound that strange. Usually only a few of my units hit 20 promoted. Sort of related, I've only ever had 2 units hit S rank in their weapon type without Arms Scrolls.
>Eldigan shitty
Say that to my face
No one cares, anyone can do these.
Fuck off attention whore.
Get this.
Good units.
>drill trip put
Just please reveal Tharja already, it's the one thing that can make me somewhat excited for this game.
Sounds exactly like what /feg/ was like the last time I left it except I don't remember "tyler" and "raul".
Wow. I'm actually kinda happy FE Musou is just 3DS cancer. Don't have to buy a Switch for a while longer until FE16 (if that actually ends up being any good)
Get this.
Def ploy Jagen, with the Atk ploy seal.
Trying too hard
You literally described /feg/ after fates
Kill yourself.
How rude.
How many points do you need to be in the top 1000 of Tempest?
Neo New 3DS only. Otherwise you gotta own a switch.
Get this.
*unzips dick* ;)
For what it's worth, I'm surprised Tharja hasn't been announced.
>nino long black
somebody post THAT nino image, you know the one
Seeing how a lancer recently got released as a GHB, I thought it'd be wise to 5* him.
Elise and sakura are the next batch of Fates, then we'll have a minimal batch of Awakening. They must be saving Marth's games for something surprising like Caeda,Hardin,Camus,Linde,Tiki,Nagi,Banta,Barst,Wrys,Minerva,Jeorge,and more i would list as a joke. Though, camus,tiki,jeorge,caeda,and minerva are highly likely. I wouldn't be surprised if Jagen appeared.
>no matter how much hate she gets, no matter how much jealous people talk shit about her, your waifu will never be as shit as Diarrheazura
>Using that A-tier scrub.
>i really want a brave bow+ user and i am almost at 20k to give it to summer gaius
what do i do
I got ya senpai
When are these posts gonna be considered spam?
Fuck off.
The only good thing about this train wreck of a game is that the spic's shitty waifu isn't in it.
Kys falseflagger.
There is that one artist who adores Azura.
*heals you* owo
by the end of the event, probably 200k user
bonus units buff just trivialized the whole thing
when will you expend this same energy on actual spam like the shit described here
You're right. Lucina is even shittier.
Azura may be dumb, but at least she never tried to kill her allies or fucked off for 2 years to do nothing
I'm convinced she's not even in the game at this point and they've literally revealed the entire cast just now.
We're only 4 weeks away from release and all the shitty promotion they've done for this game I wouldn't be surprised if they don't do anything special or reveal anything new during that time.
kys dumb fujoshit
Whoops,forgot about Legion and Kararina.
What is your current pet project?
Shitposts are evolving. Or devolving, really, dumb shit used to have some thought or humor put to it every now and then.
ah, nice. Then the only thing that could make me buy a switch now is that new HD SMT game.
And even that may not even be exclusive kek fuck nintendo
Grow up.
Tharja will be a DLC character so they can force you to pay more money because they know you will.
I see that you're getting ready to SI his lance onto Effie.
Diarrheazura helped drive the plot of Fates straight into the ground you chucklefuck. Lucina was only willing to kill her allies to save everything, Azura almost killed everyone because she's fucking dumb as a sack of bricks despite being put into a role where she's supposed to be intelligent.
I like Hana
>STILL no Saint Faye in Cipher art yet
What's the holdup for?
top 1 dude is this one, I think
he's a brazillian (lol
Why do you even care? #fe was so bad tharja's voice actress quit so it'd be someone else voicing her.
I'd like you to stop using my wife to shitpost.
>yfw Camus, Xander, and Quickened Pulse will never, EVER return
Nah my man, I'm going to use Berkut.
He'll fit in nicely in my fourth Cavalier team.
I have the same Felicia build, except I kept Breath of Life.
I don't think I'll ever promote her, but I like using her when possible in Arena Assault.
Don't underestimate the Brazilians. They're literally the southern hemisphere's equivalent of nips. (and have a sizable Nipponjin population too)
be the raven to my lucius user
Invisible Kingdom and shit like the auto-pilot flying Ganglari sword that doubles as a bomb already ran the plot straight into the ground.
Azura could have worked if IK didn't exist.
Different user but how about for top 5k? I'm at like 7500 rank right now and i'd like to at least nab the 8k feathers
>people can't handle a few reinforcements
Her Heroes VA is pretty good.
>5*+6 Eldigan with DC
i am ok
>cav memes
Yeah, our country sucks but we're kinda cool.
FEH seems decently popular here, it's funny
Wtf I thought Camus was good?
can i give something to my -atk celica to make her useful
or should i just put her out of her misery
>cavshitter thinking his opinion matters
Shit. I'm at 130,000 and rank 1800. Think it's worth the stamina potions to catch up?
>Azura could have worked if IK didn't exist.
>Diarrheazurafags are THIS deluded
She's a fucking trainwreck of a main character you dolt, get over it.
>reddit retard
/our cloud/
>absolute kawaii
lol she was literally the only salvageable character on that shit roster
>he didn't clear the GHB in one-turn with a Leo+flier galeforce meme team
sexy male green tome cav when? cecilia is so out of place
What the fuck is this shit? Is this even FE?
Except they're 10x more obnoxious since I can actually understand what they're saying, unfortunately.
>Only a single merge
>12 orbs
>25k feathers
>possibly F2P because the orbs prices are savage in Brazil
Beating whales with sheer determation! and 50+ stamina potions
Yeah, I'm playing lunatic 5 with a 1.2 bonus unit without potions and staying in the 500s.