Best waifu edition
Don't forget only good waifu posting allowed.
Dont post Sej Ashe Ahri Orianna or yordles
Best waifu edition
Don't forget only good waifu posting allowed.
Dont post Sej Ashe Ahri Orianna or yordles
Other urls found in this thread:
remember to ALWAYS dodge if you have yasuo on your team
Im gonna buy championship ashe.
I dont even like ashe. I dont even play adc cause its a cuck role.
I just want to fuck her and marry her. Best waifu from now on.
Hey /lolg/, it's me, your friendly neighborhood duo-man. I'm looking to carry bronze/silver players who want to reach gold. I have multiple accounts to accommodate your rank and position preference :^). IGN: Arrow of Agony (NA)
>Old Urgot mains cant play him
>Metababs cant play him
>Niche as fuck
>Im probably the only one who plays him at this point
I dont that game is yasuos fault
>enemy gets yasuo
>they have a massive wombo
>Malphite support
>Orianna mid
>Amumu jungle
>Jinx Rocket
>Just get creamed
>Yasuo last picked on my team
>he didn't even hober
>we have no knock up
When are they going to make some champions that aren't fucking crazy dumb fantasy bullshit? I want to see a Knight with a lance, better if they're mounted. Hell make her female too. None of this hextech weird ass sword lance flag jumping J4 shit. I want to see a true martial artist, none of this super mage-y literally no martial arts whatsoever Lee sin crap. A fully armored Knight with a zweihander, Literally no reason to not have these champions when Riot's been doing "2.0 versions" of champs for years. This stupid thing with Ornn, just seems so blatantly fucked up. It's going to be yet another champion thats 100% pick ban or utter trash. and considering he has, what, 3 abilities of % HP forms of damage? And a bunch of CC, I doubt he will never not be meta. Why can't there just be some fun champions, and things they can go crazy with aside from "MORE TANK MORE % HP DAMAGE" this shit gets fucking old. I remember the concept art for Quinn, where she held two daggers. An actual dual wield mechanic would have been neat, but instead we got even shittier Vayne 2.0.
Okay you fucking faggots
You all owe me so much for livin' up this general for thse 4 past years, almost 5 now. Now I want something back. One of you gaylords is going to give me either Elementalist Lux or Arcade Boss Malzahar. This isn't a drill. This isn't a joke. It's time the community of autist give back to /their guy/
gib fun jungler
does karthus jungle still work?
This is now a Lulu thread. Posts Lulu.
>tfw forgot to save IP for Orrn
Hope I get lucky with me champion sharts
Finally updated this fucking thing.
Also can Rek'sai please get a new skin? Eternum is just okay and Pool Party is decent but her base is still the coolest.
xth for Syndra
I always forget Eternum's a thing because I just think it's Battlecast Rek'Sai
that skinline went nowhere
Skarner is fun and underrated!
Just absolutely best couple!
Eternum is like discount PROJECT or something
Clearly they wanted to do something with it but there aren't many champions that pull off the concept well that they've had to stick it onto Cassiopia.
begging is a bannable offense
who even r u
What times are you usually on
that guy lived, the dude with the gun literally missed all shots I know its hard to believe but ive seen the webms
who else here /abusing/ boring invulnerability lady of many auto attacks?
Why do adcs feel the need to take blue and top laners take red?
How inconsiderate can you be when you're 1/6 and our adc and mid are 6/1
I don't limit myself to playing one role. even so, I make sure that I play every position to it's fullest potential
So practically nothing changed? 5 out of gorillion players play Urgot.
rofl XD
Same. I just like doing these.
Would you bully?
Calling ban-able offences is a ban-able offence
And looking at that Cass skin, it looks nothing like the other Eternum skins
>implying he didn't miss on purpose
Eternum/battlecast is pretty much the project skin line for non humanoid champs
Eternum works on champs like reksai and skarner while project works on ashe and lee sin
Week nights and weekends
I already am
But Skarner is Battlecast
Weirder still, Rek'sai is the only void monster that isnt' Battlecast
rek'sai is too pure to be captured by the likes of viktor for his "glorious" evolution.
>get enemy brand down to 50 hp
>my ashe randomly flashes under their tower and dies without killing brand
>"that was mb"
>survive the first 15 minutes against an early game jungler as Kayn
>mfw the enemy jungler tries to duel you again as Rhaast
looks like u got double whammyd then kid im already double phone reporting u cya in 3 days son
No sluts on Team Viktor.
fk dood
vaynes favourite site is tumblr haHA
Victorious Ori when?
>Rek'sai is pure
>Rek'sai is a slut
No one can make up their mind
give me the dirks and no one important gets hurt
she has 18 million kids its safe to say she isnt pure
Rek'sai is a pure slut, baka.
tumblr vayne skin when?
>trips over fat belly and rolls
>bright pink hair
>hunting down the patriarchy
Hopefully fucking never.
Fuck that champion.
teach me how, user-senpai.
New urgot sucks balls
they focused too much on counterplay
everything about him is slow
hes waaaay too kiteable too
fucking melees can kite him
I wanna cuddle Jinx
sej and her pig are soo hot
I want to mercilessly fuck jinx to within an inch of her life.
Because I think she'd like that.
>Implying she isn't going to be the one doing the raping
x d
Why aren't you improving your inferior skills, anons?
>Old Urgot mains can't play him
I used to play old Urgot, especially when he got those buffs that made his shield ridiculous.
Now I can't stop playing new Urgot. He's really fun to play, especially with his turnaround game to fuck over ganks.
And at the same time he's pretty fair. He can be countered by a lot of shit. Despite all I've been playing him, I've never once seen someone get a QSS to try and stop the ult. But other shit like Trynd's ult can stop it.
>actually has curves
that's not jinx, she's as flat as an ironing board
>begin to like ezreal because he's enjoyable to play and has a fun personality
>suddenly he's my desktop and phone wallpaper and I bought all of his skins
>now I'm ordering his nendo and jerking off to him
How did I get to this point?
>Orrn still isn't out yet.
Like what the hell they put his spotlight out and everything, I thought he'd be buy-able by now.
>get a duo on my team
>its a top and support
>im jinx vs luci/alistar
>know i gotta play safe to make it out of this alive
>support feeds a kill after our jungle ganks because she goes in to deep
>comes back and afks in a bush, dies
>afks for 5 more minutes
>cant do jack shit anymore becase any attempt as csing is met with ali and lucy going hard on me
.they dive me
>meanwhile top is non-stop dying to riven
God i hate duos
Hey, that's ok. Because that's my shit.
This triggers me. Yi wouldn't touch that in a million years.
They do the spotlight a day before he's released
Patch is in 5 hours I think
yes I would
Do you by any chance know where this is form? I checked the link, it didnt work, then i checked the website and didnt find it sadly
found other good lulus though
Yeah, it's the only shit thing about that image but I guess they're were trying to learn proportions/poses/whatever while they did it.
>Need to wait 5 hours for level 99 smithy man to be in the store.
The game didn't even got patched yet you dumbass
Jax completely destroys new Urgot.
whats wrong with smoking
cool sexy people smoke r u just jealous? vayp naish??
>Now make your tool Nightblue
Pretty savage of the dude.
retard roach what's new?
>Those people that have Fizz, Riven, Yasuo in their top 3 most played.
Why is it ALWAYS those guys that feed and insult their team?
Are these the ADHD magnet champs of the game?
She seems like the choking type but also a swticheroo and being a complete sadist
You know its been like 5 years and I'm still salty they butchered my favorite skin for my favorite champ AFTER I bought it..
I'll never understand why..
There's no need for that, chill bro.
Try owning nosferatu Vladamir
>she's actually a really sweet and shy in the bed
Who gives a shit. What you should be complaining about is them leaking evelynn and urgot rework models, not skins that will release within a few hours
>buying him as soon as he comes out
Why not just wait until after people stop perma banning him?
Asphyxiation is my jam.
>shitter is mad that his garbage youtube content is spoiled beforehand
Please stop sexually frustrating me, /lolg/
lil bitch being mad because he doesnt have access to shit
the way it works is riot will allow anyone with update X.X OR GREATER installed onto their servers. If the latest is 7.17, and you installed the data from 7.18 youre still allowed on
The tools that allow them to grab this and go in without crashing is all home made, restricted only to those affiliated with the people showing this off. Should these tools be shared they will lose all access to this content before its dropped into PBE.
in fact they have a tool that automatically detects when a new patch is up up, whether its deployed or not.
>guy mad that smart people know how to get things early whether riot gives a shit or not
some of us have over 100k ip with literally nothing to do with it
New one looks better
And it was to avoid lawsuit with blizzard and night elves
A good jax, maybe.
But Urgot is one of those guys that punishes hard if you fuck up.
Jax's stun is the only main threat for Urgot to watch for, and once he does it there's a lot of options for Urgot to benefit.
Any melee champ is going to give Urgot what he wants eventually, to be on top of them so he can land the fling point blank and start mowing down.
So what Urgot needs to do is just bide his time chunking with the ludicrous Q damage as you upgrade it first, shield and scuttle away when an unfavorable trade would start, and then execute them when they're around 50% health since his 6 shotguns do 27% health before counting for armor, so them with the fling and q should take the enemy below 25%
*afk farms the jungle*
*ignores your lane*
*invades at level 2*
*heals under turret*
*dies at each time fight*
*aggressively right clicks your enemy*
*bursts out of the jungle at level 18 at your nexus*
*disgustingly cleans up all of the low level HP enemy team*
*high-landers down the enemy carry*
*high-landers up the lane with everyone dead on both teams except him*
*high-landers the turrets and the nexus*
*sky-landers the game*
This is hands down the greatest lewd picture and I am not a katarina fag
Some Russian website.
I'm sure it'll be posted to pixiv eventually.
The bustiest!
The beautifulest!
The bestest!
>meant to take hour-long nap
>ended up as a 3-hour ride with Jinx
I can't even comprehend why. It was fun though.
Just jack off, bro.
why must this game be plagued baddies
8 games in a row playing with absolute rubish players