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>Patch 4.06 Notes
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user what's your plan for the night?
smelly fujos please move to coeurl and be my gf(s), thanks
get drunk and kick omegas butt again
To fuck your healslut ass.
Watch this stream, then watch anime, then sleep and hopefully my internet will be better when I wake up
>just activated the MGP buff for my FC
I have only one goal.
I'm gonna level cooking up to 30 by building airship parts for bird people so I can gut my own fish!
feel bad because I made my gf out to be a slut in public
get drunk and play wow
get shitfaced and play silent hill 2 for the first time
Slowroasting my crafting classes with the Ixal and maybe finish off Stormblood MSQ
Why does she hate me so much? It's not my fault she's a slut for lizard dick.
people run stuff together on mateus though :^)
Is this what playing a DPS feels like in solo que? I main tank. This is painful.
Likely going to sit in the quicksand on my alt and make no progress.
>making threads early to attentionwhore
why is this allowed
xivg sure has turned into pussies as of late
fish is for cats
What is the best looking armor in the game?
i'm so awful and out of it, i messed up like 43 times
Probably just run more stuff solo, wishing I had friends to do it with
What? It's true.
But if one person doesn't want to play with everyone else, then that's alright. They don't have to. They don't have any obligation. They don't owe it to anyone.
Throwing a PF up for leveling roulette on Aether so I can farm clusters. Join if you've got classes you want to level.
i think you did well considering how your healer died twice and OT also died and you had 0 mana from rezzing. What food do you use?
>The highest population of RPers congregate at the Quicksand.
Why is this?
Whatever you're wearing.
I thought like that too but there are nothing but sand, in da fish
>No raid team to feed at a discounted price daily
Because they're quick.
I'm not sure, to be honest. Bigger than Gridania's tavern? You have to use an aetheryte or go past a loading screen to go to Limsa's tavern, and its small and dinky and dirty.
I manaficated at 100/100 because misclicks and I could've avoided that mana problem if I was lucid dreaming on cd unfortunately, so it's on me, plus I made some tiny errors with letting procs drop and fumbling the casts, but I use pork kakuni but I think persimmon leaf sushi is better, I just have a lot of pork kakuni so I use it
find some sluts on mateus
Your favorite.
Depends on the race. I'm a big fan of DRG armour but it looks fucking silly on roes
ki's did this shit all the time in early arr, its nothing new
Sleep is a good idea
kanpan alt, poor kumfi....
Maybe the dancing girls right outside have something to do with it? Like it sets the tone for the area or something like that.
Just for you
>saw the pink raen on mateus
>too shy to send her a /tell
fuck off kanpan, no one cares
Dailies done, all chill from here
>ywn kiss K'is while K'is kisses Kiss
>looking forward to getting drg castrum set
>ends up clipping pretty badly
fuggg :D
Today I'll pick a hipster path and go to sleep.
I have to see this, where did you see them
>tfw she made me cum bigly
fapping alone
She was in the quicksand
>Ishgard sends temple knights in plate and chainmail
>all three grand companies of Eorzea send nothing but guys in officer coats
she's a top tier slut
Brand New Robes.
Because a majority of the classes start there, and people who decide to start in gridania can also make it there without advancing the MSQ. It's circular nature gives people a lot of space to hug the walls while searching, while those in the middle can engage in RP freely. It's lighting and color pallet play well to it's surroundings, and because people have already decided to go there, it leads more people there. It would be forced if players decided to do it anywhere else.
The Limsa bar would be the next best place to do it, as it's circular design most matches the quicksand, but it's open to the outside, breaking some players immersion when they see the cycles of the day change.
>brand new robes
Mostly balancing msq with dungeon runs, then maybe some more POTD MCH leveling.
What should I do with my Company Seals?
How is three out of nine a majority?
its me i'll try to go to the quicksands more often ok? find me
why are red mages the new dragoons
they're almost all universally terrible
buy cordials, ventures or dark matter to repair your gear with
there are also various different items you can buy if you're working on a relic
>tfw you trick a catboy sprout into joining your FC
Ventures and cordials.
Yet the only jobs I see out-dps them in ex primals and deltascape are Samurai.
Not defending them, but all other jobs always have significantly lower dps than they do
Any RDM that does below 4k dps does need to burn in hell though
If you're capped on ranks, ventures if you're leveling your retainers or want to send them out, squadron missions if you're still working on them, or survival/engineering manuals if you're grinding out crafters and gatherers. I spend a bunch on the minion and cordials earlier today.
I'm sorry every dps in your party is shit because RDM does less damage than NIN and DRG and most RDMs also refuse to raise or vercure when needed
>Yet the only jobs I see out-dps them in ex primals and deltascape are Samurai.
try playing with anyone capable of blue parses
Going to do my queues and eat a burger. In no particular order.
>80% of the RDM playerbase needs to burn in hell
Sounds about right.
RDM is just braindead so even your average french player can pull decent numbers with one.
anyone who is good at their class has no need to be running ex primals or regular deltascape any more
getting one or two more levels on my WHM in PotD
hi derray, glad you god rid of that hat that made you look bald
you mean anyone who can afford crafted gear. ex primals and omega normal are still decent welfare options for alt jobs
Way to ruin your doujin
t. fag who hasn't read it
was a bit better, still am choking with the opener/few casts and went into black mana though it was warranted for that situation
looks like a nice doujin
make sure to enjoy chilling
watching you made me realize that ive been doing wrong, thanks for streaming!
So they ntr the faggy manlet? Good
I miss it sometimes, I like a nice hat but since I'm tanking most of the time now I have a helmet on
>people who decide to start in gridania can also make it there without advancing the MSQ
Early or mid Oct.
You can run there if you're careful to avoid monsters.
>it's open to the outside, breaking some players immersion when they see the cycles of the day change.
what type of autism is this
erpers fear sunlight?
>she doesn't ERP as a vampire
What is this, amateur hour?
What drops in V4s exactly? Weapon Coffer, Mount, Minion, and what else?
is guffy here?
chest and legs
I have a question
I'm incredibly torn
It's a matter of existential importance
Itty bitty kitty titties or Big f@ c@ t@s?
1 weapon 1 chest armor 1 weapon coffer 1 mount 1 minion(which is from nm)
weapon coffer is only for one person right?
kirito tia
big of course