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Third for this loud mouthed faggot is a god damn meme and he never, ever shows up when I have a radiant ele on board with some nice spells to use.


Tired of loosing in wild? This deck takes you to legend #1



Did they nerf his card generation?
I notice I have been getting a lot more high cost priest spells nowadays when I play him

indirect nerf due to so many highcost priest spells being added

>Does not 1shot his enemy from 50 hp

>reaching turn 10 ever

>draft DK Jaina
>10 wins minimum
This is the most broken arena card in the game

What Kara cards can I safely dust?

>dont draw it

Yesterday I had the pleasure of discovering my opponent's DK Jaina from their deck. Felt real good to shit on their hopes and dreams of an easy run.

All the time. Learn to build deck you moron.

>reaching turn 10 ever

More like

>I don't play wild, lmao

When you do draw her it wins you games you have no business winning. Considering all the tools mages have available to extend games and delay defeat, it's not like you have no chance of drawing it before it's too late. I just went 11-3 and 4 of my wins were solely because of DK Jaina saving my ass when I should have lost. My first and third losses were to other mages with their own DK Jaina.

Pic related was on curve and possibly the most skilled play I have ever made in Hearthstone.


What naxx cards that are safe to dust?

just one tic with a coin from tomb pillager is better

It's amusing that people think Exodia Mage is a counter to Druid. The deck has 3-4 tech card slots they could easily drop in Eater of Secrets and fuck over mage if it becomes prevalent enough.

>opponent gets deathwing off of netherspite in arena

what goy you dont like getting Entomb, Light Bomb, or Dragonfire Potion when you're trying to build your board? :^)

It isn't. VS reaper shows a 50/50 winrate. Might be favored to Exodia mage as Exodia is a harder deck to pilot than Jade druids but in statistical terms, they are even matchups.

>Skilled play
>Is actually just luck, like 80% of this game

Off to the Pro scene with you

>This deck that exists buts its not as popular totally proves my p-point guys, v-validate me!!!

>dusting adventure cards

if pw goes past turn 5 you already win you mongoloid

So? What the dude is saying is that wild games don't reach turn 10, which is bullshit, in ALL ranks

>isn't a single fun deck I want to try that wouldn't take 2 legendaries to craft

I guess elemental mage is the safer bet since I don't wanna craft wickerflame with him rotating soon


yeah, in 1 year.

it's august

why is this general so dead

Druids killed it. Druidstone is fucking boring and no one likes to play it. At least with Aggrostone or Shamanstone, the game is basically decided at around turn 6-8 but with this bullshit matches can drag till turn 10 and then you lose.

It wont rotate with the next rotation.

how to win vs jade druid?

I mean it's relatively soon for a card that will likely be powercreeped out of every paladin deck in wild

I haven't played in like, a week and a half. Are there any changes to this deck I should make now that shits settled a little, or not?

he's from msog

You don't. It's only "weak" matchup at 43% is Aggro druid.

Even in shamanstone you could do well with control warrior, malygos rogue, renolock and freeze mage to combat the shaman tide.

I spammed a lot of jade druid to see what the bad matchups were and I can tell you the worst is quest mage but literally everything else is at worst slightly unfavoured. I even had a positive winrate vs fucking pirate warrior thanks to spreading plague.

velen and the 3mana create a copy guy

You could play Spell Druid too. I personally had a lot of fun with that deck which is why I didn't really mind Kara.

According to VS reaper, quest mage vs jade is 50/50

Are you fucking serious

Im guessing I swap Lyra for Velen since he preforms better, but what about the other dude? Don't say Snowflipper ;_;

in aggrostone /hsg/ can play decks that counter aggro decks and succeed adequately, while grumbling about how much they have to tech against aggro
in druidstone /hsg/ can't play decks that counter druid because those decks are aggro, and the fedora tippers here hate aggro
so of course these threads would be dead
The community at large loves aggro though, so blizzard looking at its internal stats might have an excuse to drag their heels on the druid nerf because it's not THAT much of a problem for the player base

No Quatermaster?


>discover effect now can only discover cards that was included in the original deck.

Did I fix hearthstone?

That's even more broken, just how many ice block do you want mage to play?

Do you guys think top streamers like Kripp do viewbotting?

Even if just a little bit.

It's one of the fastest on the board though and there's like 300 people tops that visit it at any given time

I've jammed a lot of Jade Druid so far. Aggro is not the counter, its just the decks that has the best chance of beating it. We're talking 53% at best. Stabilizing as Jade isn't that hard, it just requires the right draw.


>Include only 3 taunts in my deck
>Discover Tirion every time

devour mind and free from amber are a bit clunky. I think you need at least an acolyte to try and keep up with druid.

But that's wrong. I got to legend with jade druid a couple of days ago and was about 50/50 against agro. I've seen a lot of match data that suggests its not more than 45% unfavoured against agro.

No, not really. I dont know how much view bots cost, but they can't be profitable for small time streamer and big shots like Kripp don't need em anymore.

>dont want to vote for ukraine because since everyone is voting for ukraine blizzard will rig their rng
>if i dont vote for ukraine and they win ill feel like a retard
what do i do /hsg/?

Be a slav and vote for Ukraine so you won't feel bad even if they lost.

You vote for U S A you nigger.

>comes to Veeky Forums
>doesn't instantly vote for US

>in druidstone /hsg/ can't play decks that counter druid because those decks are aggro
Bull fucking shit. Lets exame some winrates shall we.

Jade druid
>Only bad matchup is Mid-Token Druid which is also Druid (0.44 is outside the -/+3 error variance)

Aggro Token Druid
>Bad matchups are Big Priest and Ele Mage which get crushed by Jade druid. Both decks are control based.

>Mid Token Druid
>Bad matchups are Razakus Priest, Big Priest which get crushed by Jade Druids. Both decks are control based.

This meta is fucked up because to counter Druid without playing Druid, you leave your deck open to being crushed by another Druid archtype. There is no Druid counter. What counters Jade is countered by Aggro/Mid Druid, what counters Aggro/Mid Druid is countered by Jade. Which is why this meta is fucking shit. You get fucked by Druids, you just hope you rolled vs the correct Druid.

Never has there been a meta this dominate by a single class with multiple archtypes before (3). The closest is Handlock/Zoo or Dragon/Control but neither of these decks were the strongest of the meta.

This meta has Druid being the strongest WHILE having 3 archtypes which are all good. That is why it is fucked.

At all ranks, that probably means Mage is favored because because Jades played like garbage is waaaaay better than Mage played like garbage, the only tier 0 deck ever that requires literally no resource management because you are racing to deck yourself.

Mid Shaman was absolutely retarded compared to everything else but there was a MASSIVE win discrepancy with winrates in the mirror between top players and bad players

>try the deck
>4 games in a row vs renolock who BTFO me with the deal 1 damage to all opponent minions
>Lost all 4
No thanks, its not your fault its just the fucking matchmaking

Yeah I already mentioned it once in this thread here but I am at rank 5 and have seen Druids teching in Secret Eater to beat Exodia. It only requires one card to completely turn the matchup on its head since the Druid is almost always going to cycle his entire deck.

amazing the level of mental gymnastics blizzbots can achieve when trying to defend this garbage game and it's piece of shit developers

>>comes to a japanese hentai and origami imageboard
>>doesn't instantly vote for US

>wake up
>druid is now 80% of ladder

At what point will we get an expansion built entirely around tutor?

>periodically remember I dusted a golden tirion in beta to craft cairne
end me

What's your "I reached rank 5" deck user?

Can someone give me a quick gestalt on card rotation cycle.

When will the next thing hit and what will rotate out when?

Anyone try Malygos druid? Looks fun desu

>about to rank 5

>losing streak back to 4

I just want my rewards man

i honestly wish you could send cancer to someone via hearthstone
they nerf patrons but this antonidas extra combo mage shit is ok

Can someone please explain to me why like 1/4-1/2 of priestfags I've played have been super passive-aggressive? Like,
>bm constantly when they're slightly ahead
>go dead silent when they lose
>send you hatemail when the game's done
Literally no other class I've come across since KFT has done this; is there something I'm missing? I'm not even playing Druid; I'm playing Rogue/Hunter, the two worst classes of the expansion.

What expansion has had the least amount of useful cards? I just came back after not playing since gvg and Ungoro seems like the only one filled with enough good cards to justify buying them

What went wrong, Krippbros??

they've always been like that with some bizarre superiority complex
i truly miss priest being dumpster tier

tgt was definitely the worst

>tfw beating a jade druid with all golden cards with demonlock

when he black knighted my voidwalker and i immediately played lich king my dick got so hard

I assume that was taken on release day as they're never on at the same time. Most of Toast's viewers are also Kripp's viewers, seeing as Toast streams during the day its not unusual for them to just already be there.

TActually, this is the current numbers based on my Twitch page.

it's almost like there are a limited number of people who watch hearthstone on twitch and they're split between several people, favoring the one who's been online for 6 hours

fucking retards

Demon lock seems like it should be solid against a lot of meta decks. I wish I had Gul'dan or I'd prove myself wrong.

not all priest players are gay, and not all gay men are catty, but 1/4-1/2 of priest players are literal faggots and about as bitchy as you'd expect

Dead game dead thread

Is the legend in first 10 packs thing just for sets you haven't opened or can I go back into Ungoro and Wotog and Gadgetzan for a quick legend from all 3

Sets you have never opened

you can go back to the older sets and you'll get a leggo in the first 10 packs, literally everyone did it in this thread when that patch went up

I know you're out there, mememistress. I know you browse here.

I'll get you next time we queue, if my lyra and raza timings dont get completely fucked.

just fucking coogle it

I have experienced literally the opposite. I crafted kazakus priest today and everytime I add someone after a game they tell me to fuck off and die.

>actually pull off a geist play on a jade druid at turn 5
>destroy both his earthen scales and jade idols
>he tries to out fatigue me


How the FUCK do you win with this cunt?
I run out of shit to play by t5 and out of health by t7 even when coining him out

He's thinking about the bug when the patch came out which fucked up the pity timer, now it works as it should be. You can go back and look at reddit threads and how it affected some people and not others