Veeky Forums GIFs/WEBMs/YT


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...just why







Any fresh "driving in Russia" footage?




now that's neat









Absolute autism, you should feel bad for posting this.


ive posted this before

>no fun allowed





>mfw im super gentle and don't use mine cause im constantly in fear of it breaking

Fucking kek


for WHAT are you saving up, user? just fucking enjoy the shit out of it while you can. what use is this cupholder if you either wreck the car some day, sell it, you die or whatever?


someone really needs to go over his jacket with that static

wat racing joins FIA

>360 reverse entry

You might like this.

very nice

alpine white e46 m sport





[muffled vibrator buzzing]




Kentucky Space Program

>Incrededbly hihg speed doritoes

Without ESP?

Yes, they retrofitted them with ESP after that lel

I see cops vape all the time, hell, I would if I were a cop

The only bad thing about it is that it interferes when you want to get out of deep snow etc.
My audi has a stock switch for it. But ive heard some other cars dont even have a switch, so if you get stuck you have to wait for help.


how does he take the turn like that?



Thanks Doc

when the bass kicks in

fuck does anyone have the one thats like this but its like in an audi or something and it says

Well maneuvered coppo


>gotta pee gotta pee gotta pee so bad


Probably handbrake along with 4 wheel steering

how does intelligence effect your wheel falling off?
did he not do the lugs up properly or some shit?

What the everloving FUCK

He ramped the bitch. I imagine he was trying to test out the truck, decided that slamming on the brakes(road is straight, he should have seen that truck) is for pussies, he got his 4 wheel drive. So he puts it in the ditch and tries pulling it back on the road only to hit, what I assume is a culvert berm for a driveway. At the speed and with the ground clearance the truck has the wheels manage to get purchase on that berm rather than burying the bumper into the dirt. This gets him airborne.

What I am more interested in is how fast he was going and the angle of the berm. Together they create really, outstandingly level flight for the truck, seeing as with the light ass of it and the V8, it should nose dive as soon as it gets air.

understeer like a motherfucker

>>mfw im super gentle and don't use mine cause im constantly in fear of it breaking
Use it before you flip over a guardrail and total it

It blew the bumper off by the time it launched out of the culvert and angled down even as it launched over whatever that was. Very impressive. Probably wasn't pretty on the other side.

>"We've achieved peak nigger, sir."

Car 'culture' for the intellectually bereft

dlete this garbage

>how does intelligence effect your wheel falling off?
>did he not do the lugs up properly or some shit?
He probably running slip in spacers and had the lugs barely threaded, maybe. Seen it a few times, not like these people care about function too much

If you were intelligent, you wouldn't buy a Saab, and you wouldn't fucking stance it

Nothing wrong with pre-GM Saabs tho

notice the trucks blocking the road, civilian roadblock. he was running from the cops


what the fuck

>that one guy who tried to pedal away and didn't see the streetlight coming down

>that one guy who tried to pedal away and didn't see the streetlight coming down

what the fuck happened here

Ahahaha, broke week 1 on mine. (I was careful)
Also disable that onstar, it's a linear, not a yukon



>(I was careful)
No you weren't.
Mine has 320k on the clock and it still works perfectly fine and I've been using it several times a week for over a decade.

I have no idea how much of an idiot you have to be to break it in one week.
Probably forced some idiotically super huge "SUPERGULP :DDDD" in it with your lard gorilla sausage fingers

this is so bad, its like fiat tried their hand at making internet memes and did as well as they do making cars

oh wait


kekd at filename

>stanced saab




>dat assault hydrant

i thought this was just gonna be a funny goat gif, jesus christ
