>Heroes FAQ and links
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>Heroes FAQ and links
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>Links and Resources
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kill all tripfaggots
Cum inside Cumilla!
Kill yourself, Raul.
Olwen was made to be tied up and raped
Is there a backup of Fates Scramble convos? Some of the tumblrs that translated them here are dead.
when will they add a special that does damage based on speed so i can use speedy units with sub 30 atk
Olwen is my wife!
Kill yourself, neckbeard.
Tana belongs ONLY to me.
reminder Seliph has threesomes with those two girls every night
I had fun, thanks to the guy who posted his Horse meme guide that helped me realise that you had to go on the offense.
Clive is strong! Strong!
Dori is a-dori-ble!
Your wife was made to be tied up and raped
Words to filter:
>Not an argument
can you post that peri pic in the corner?
Sorry user but I'm going to marry Olwen
>project naga
Post the build
Why did Treehouse not do this?
Were they too lazy, or was Fates DLC not selling well in the west?
Is it still worth 5*ing valter if I rolled a tana?
There's nothing more to it in case you were thinking something else.
>using filters
based Kreb
aside from lol Erin which got meme magic'd into reality anyway lol what's so bad about it?
There's a reason she's called Yuria.
It's fine. They still get married in their paired ending. I remember feeling cucked when I first got them to A rank, too.
Calm down, Gheb
Have you guys even played Thracia?
The garbage font is enough reason to purge it from existence.
Fates was so shit they decided to drop it.
too lazy, too much rewriting they'd have to do, they're not good at translating in general
If I wanna build tank Tana is -hp okay? Or is -res the only one that works?
it just looks nice and i'll need a new phone background soon as well as it usually taking me ages to find pictures i like
Man, Tempest Trials makes me forget about Clive's mediocrity, if only Tobin had this one chance to not suck, maybe then he wouldn't be the laughingstock of everyone everywhere.
le epic gatekeeping meme
A shame you're so angry about it, I like the script and font a lot better than the old one
When can I expect to see your quad Tana teams in the arena, Tana's spouse?
Excellent taste in women, user.
Is the user who was trying to beat the GHB with Lucina/Sonya/Azura/Xander still here?
I just remember I have a +Spd Eirika with Darting Blow so she might be able to replace the Lucina in that strat you did. If you're able to recreate it and post it here that is.
Memehouse eventually got the memo that Fates was one big mama mila and wasn't worth it so they just pulled the plug.
FE7 banner, Lyndis Legion
Kent is a sword cav with 39 HP, 29 Atk, 34 Spd, 30 Def and 23 Res. He comes with a Firesweep Sword+ and nothing else interesting.
Sain is a lance cav with 38 HP, 36 Atk, 30 Spd, 29 Def and 22 Res. He comes with no interesting skills.
Dorcas is axe infantry with 50 HP, 39 Atk, 27 Spd, 23 Def and 19 Res. He comes with Basilikos that grants +2 to every stat in combat for each adjacent enemy unit and Infantry Pulse.
Erk is a green mage with 37 HP, 28 Atk, 35 Spd, 18 Def and 29 Res. He has nothing interesting but he does have a secret rate that increases your chances of getting him instead of Dorcas.
Wil is an infantry archer with 39 HP, 34 Atk, 29 Spd, 27 Def and 19 Res. He has nothing interesting but he does have a secret rate that increases your chances of getting him instead of Rath.
Rath is a cavalry archer with 42 HP, 29 Atk, 34 Spd, 15 Def and 22 Res. His skills aren't interesting but he's a cav archer. However, he will be immediately outclassed by the next limited banner unit that's also a cav archer.
Back off, she's my wife.
user, in the world of Lunatic CC/TT inflated-stats fuckfest your 16 Def is going to hurt you even more. Never mind that fact that everyone will double you with that piss-poor speed. I hate to break it to you, but a 16 def/28 spd raventome build will never, ever be a good build.
>but the build works in modes where stats are inflated but enemy builds are completely unoptimized
You now manage to counter wrathful staff Gennys. Good job.
No fuck off Grandpa
Ordinary Brave Lance and Glowing Ember. It's TT so he has inflated stats together with a hone cav buff from Xander.
I don't see what's wrong with the font
>no girls
Terrible bait banner.
>brown wolt
>getting in
Nah user, don't delude yourself.
Do I get to tie up and rape Olwen in Thracia?
>Lover: Arden
Not him but I dislike how awkward and purple prose-y the dialogue gets in the new patch. Like he was clearly padding it out so that it wouldn't read as dryly as a straightforward translation, which isn't a bad idea, but it was hit and miss.
You can capture her, but then you'd lose out on using her as a unit.
The Cuckdelia memes were true all along, just with the wrong girl.
I think their support works great
It's one of the supports that really tackles the divide between classes when it comes to love, and resolves satisfyingly to boot
Did anyone actually use Rath? He joins way too late to be useful
>making someone who has a canon husband your waifu
lmao'ing @urlife
eirika has 8 attack less then luci good luck
You can tie up and rape me if you ant user
I do, even though yea verily they screwed him over by having him rejoin you underleveled and right before a desert chapter
Mine has Luna too, and most of the axe fliers have shit defense.
Of course not, especially considering you get Heath on the same chapter, but if you want a nomad he's the only game in town. If only he stayed all the way through Lyn mode so he isn't stuck at his join level and stats.
One week until zeto rarity drop!
I'm sorry for you, she's really fun to use as you can see, Her and Abel are pretty similar but she's less of a cuck in comparison to him.
>not doing bigg Fee
Ced got cucked and was deadweight 90% of the time though, it was sad.
My pairings that run were:
Ayra x Noish
Lewyn x Sylvia
Dew x Tailto
Finn x Aideen
Arden x Ferry
Azel x Lachesis
Jamka x Bridget
I only picked Azel's, Ferry's and Ayra's. Rest were picked by friends.
Fair enough, I thought most people liked the purple prosey stuff more, considering /feg/'s reaction to the Echoes' script.
I missed "geez" and "sheesh" though, I admit.
If I have a unit that usually has no hope of doubling should I just slap a Brave weapon on it?
Is he the angry manjew of FEH?
>still no atk iv lilina
I have a thotja waiting for her just give me a plus atk iv dam it. Convince me to wait
that or quick riposte depending on whether you want a player-phase or enemy-phase character.
post discord or email
if they have 35+ atk base then go ahead
Odd - Green Tomebreaker
Even - Blue Tomebreaker
0 - Use neither
mommy's looking good!
If a unit has good attack then brave will always be a good option for them.
you will miss out on some crucial KOs in future content because you weren't patient enough for a +atk lilina.
Do you think units like the Brides/Spring units/Summer units will ever be available again, or were just a one time thing? Not sure whether I should roll for S!Xander on this banner or not
A few questions about the new FEW trailer:
Why is Hinoka cutting her Pegasus' wings off?
Why is Camilla pretty much always grounded?
Why is Ryoma's LIGHTNING sword on FIRE?
Why can Xander get smooth-ish animations but every flying unit moves like a high-ping retard?
Why does Hinoka have Triangle Attack?
Why is the VA work even lower quality than it was in Fates?
Why is the camera STILL not functional if you use a special while corner-locking somebody, even though that's the most common place to use a special against a boss?
Why does Hinoka tell people to face her "dauntless blade" when her blade is both not a blade and also quite daunted?
Why do even Fort Captains have a gorillion health?
If the weapon triangle is in the game, are books colorless, or is Camilla just really OP to show off the "gameplay"? If the former, that's bullshit. If the latter, Leo should beat Camilla.
Why does Takumi say he's the strong one if he's only got 1 MAG?
How come Takumi gets actual cool movesets and everyone else (besides Xander) looks lackluster?
Why does Hinoka's horse continue to gallop in the air while it's flying?
This games looks so shit.
If its attack stat is high, Brave weapons are usually a decent option. Breakers can also help if you need it to counter specific things.
what horse buff do i put on xander? hone?
More like absolute garbage.
That ain't Fir.
They definitely will be available again.
They'll probably bring them back somewhere down the line, but by then the power creep will mean you won't want them any more.
If you like her that much just do it and merge once you get a better one.
>has Luna too
>Most of the axe fliers have shit defense
Something does not add up. They may even have shit def, but they also have inflated hp. She's frail and would die after two or three rounds of combat, probably
Because it's shit.
bookofholsety's not as good at it as 8-4, that's all.
I do have a fondness for the goofy old translation, but I also know that it has a ton of problems.
Is Fee and Karin related or am I being memeed on?
Ward is probably the easiest for him to learn since he comes with Spur Def 2, otherwise Hone isn't a bad idea since he's meant to be the tanking one and would want to be on the receiving end of Fortify+Ward when possible.
You should get new friends
They're from the same country (Silesse) but no, they're not related by blood. Silessians just mostly have green hair
An extra 11 damage would still help. But you're probably right about her frailness. She wouldn't be able to bait any of the brave axe users. I doubt my Ike would work either since he's slow as shit.
Not blood related, if that's what you mean, just besties.
You'll have to wait a year if you want them again probably, but games like these will usually bring those kinds limited events/units back next year, sometimes with more(and better) stuff.
Yeah I know, I wasn't trying to insult it. It's one of my favorites, I was just mad when I first got it because I thought they were going to have a sad ending.