Made so that /v/ would stop 404'ing us. Discuss Resident Evil and good survival horror games here.
Gaiden is the true canon edition
A nice user in the last thread uploaded mega links for both RE2 discs on PC
>Current News
Not a Hero still MIA
No word on REmake 2 or REv 3
If this lasts, will toss in other stuff.
/resh/ - Resident Evil/Survival Horror General
Other urls found in this thread:
I hope we can keep these alive!
Maybe we should post a link in RE related /v/ threads?
Were there RE generals that were around before but died?
People have attempted, but always failed after about 20 posts of people saying this was a bad idea
But, fags are reporting us into oblivion to 'save /v/' while participating in daily drawfag threads and letting /emugen/ go when it leaves Veeky Forums
fuckin dick asses are still in the other one
Are zero and 7 actually good
No one likes Veeky Forums because the threads always turn into tripfag circlejerks. The only good general was Dragon's Dogma but people got jealous and shitposted them into oblivion.
0 is good if you want a new classic RE game
VII is good if you want nu-horror that also rips off complete areas from RE1 with all the new content being dogshit
As long as isn't cancerous like other generals, then I'll stay. Otherwise, I'll stay on /v/.
How do the tripfags ruin it
The only other genral I use is tekgen and the only tripfag who is annoying is Lucifer but he hasn't been posting and I filter him anyways
I was bullied into doing this okay.
Never felt more like Claire in my life
What is REv3
Were they gonna do a 3 remake as well
Is RE2 remake on the same engine or whatever as 1
you's stop 404ing if you stop posting goddamn Rebecca
Am I the only one who likes that Chris and Jill seem so asexual towards each other? I feel like them hooking up would be the lamest thing ever.
I agree but i'd like for them to at least mention their love lifes. They're weirdly asexual in general
>What is REv3
Revelations 3, and it'll probably happen but Capcom hasn't said anything about it.
>Were they gonna do a 3 remake as well
No word on that yet, it'll probably be done if REmake 2 is successful
>Is RE2 remake on the same engine or whatever as 1
It's mostly likely on VII's RE Engine, which was built from the ground up for VR.
God I really hope 2 does well
I'm worried people would just say "limited saves ew" and skip it
Maybe they'll add third person to appeal to a wider audience, hopefully keeping a fixed camera option
>modern day capcom
>multiple camera choices
There are only 3 options
>Classic Camera angles
Unlikely, given that Capcom has a brand new engine that doesn't mix well with that.
>Action angle
Semi-likely considering people liked RE4 a lot
>VR angle
Highly likely, seeing as they wanted actors who could VA and mocap, and they shoehorned the VR engine into Vendetta
There's a sound clip that was cut from Lost in Nightmares that had them talking about some girl in the office Chris was interested in.
chris lolicon confirmed
>mfw user is sperging out in the other thread
yeah I never saw the appeal either. They have almost no real interactions as a pair and only seemed to get shipped because main characters. Leon and Claire are a bad ship too but at least talk to each other over the course of the game
I don't get this mentality that people who happened to survive a mini-apocalypse have to fuck.
The only people who attempt that are Leon and Claire, the biggest fags of the series and they don't do it with eachother for some reason.
shut up I want a re general and I want it to work
Because Leon is all about ''muh Ada''.
I was asked to do this and nobody showed up.
This is like making a furry convention and only getting the people who draw art but don't dress up
Bad analogy, I'm not a furfag
They're both completely committed to the crusade to eliminate the threat of BOWs from the world. They're in love, but they don't want to start a family in a world where people are in constant danger from biological weapons. Neither one is willing to walk away from this fight, and so by mutual, perhaps unspoken agreement, they've agreed to keep their relationship professional.
Is RE not popular enough right now for a general? Or it's not something people would consistently show up to?
Maybe just a survival horror general would work better?
You posted it once and that should be enough. If they'll come, they'll come. If not, at least you tried.
Most people prefer to use /v/ instead of here it seems. Just give it time.
Bring up some discussion points, post some pics. If you keep whining about having to make this thread people are gonna get turned off.
BTW is your name Pat by any chance
That's hwy I called it /resh/. Originally it meant Resident Evil + Silent Hill General, but I changed it to mean Resident Evil/Survival Horror General
But, mostly RE fags are showing up, as Survival Horror is a 'if you're in the mood' kind of thing.
I have been bringing up discussion points the only pics I have are porn
and no
I WANT TO shill my thread to SHERRY-CHAN!
>Because Leon is all about ''muh Ada''.
Now that's a ship that's just flat out AWFUL. Just dreadful.
>Im a cold cool women spy who uses men like pawns but Im totally truly in love with this one dip Ive met an hour ago who was following me like a puppy dog.
The only RE ship that even KIND OF works isn't even from a main line game.
Bruce and Fong Ling from Dead Aim. They actually flirt over the course of the game. They have a back and forth where they tease each other, one up each other and eventually come to work on the same side to save the day and then they have sex because they make each other hot. The end. No TRUE LOVE die in my arms drama. No disingenuous play for FEELS. Just a couple of horny spies.
I have the ULTIMATE discussion point
Everything, and I mean EVERYTHING, after RE0 is non-canon, and if you believe otherwise, you'r just a deluded actionfag.
>Question 6
>What was Leon doing when Claire sent e-mail to him?
>Answer 6
>Leon is one of the members of anti-Umbrella group. When Claire sent e-mail to him, he was doing another anti-Umbrella task and he couldn't go help Claire. -This story is already complete but I can't tell you what kind of story yet.
>Jill, Barry and Leon are member of anti-Umbrella group, but group that Jill in and others in is same or not is unknown.
Has there been any news about RE2make since the first announcement? Do we know anything about it other than the fact it's allegedly being worked on?
It's been mentioned in the other thread, RE is not a good long term discussion topic. People love it in small spurts.
Also: Rally Vincent Jill when
>first general
>all anybody is talking about is shipping
Who knew Veeky Forums was less like cancer and more like an infectious disease?
Never played that piece of shit. Do they really have sex, or is this your headcanon?
Fuck, how do I number this?
Yeah Leon and Ada felt forced desu. At least Bruce didn't have to wait.
>amerilards changed the original title of gun survivor 4 from heroes never die to dead aim
Why though
>everything after RE0
So, everything that isn't RE0 then?
I meant in terms of release order
>Never played that piece of shit.
You should it's actually fun.
>Do they really have sex.
Yep. They snog right there in the life boat while waiting for someone to come rescue them. No "No way fag" BS here.
if the guy who would make the jill threads on /b/ is here pls talk to me about ass cunt :)
I've got to try to catch him making another one of those if he still does
I've always felt that Ada liked how earnest Leon is in contrast to her being a deep cover operative/agent in the shadows. Leon really is a turbo boyscout in RE2.
All there is is that the old VAs aren't returning and Capcom green lit an RE2 board game.
wooow kickstarter that's so fucking jewish
or did SFV actually hurt capcom pretty hard
how did re7 do?
No. Capcom just gave Steamforged permission to use the name. They're not making it themselves. RE7 sold well but 500k under the target sales.
Do crows only attack you in RE1 if you're running? Or are they infected or something
Crows attack your for existing. They most likely escaped or fed off of dead zombie bodies, seeing as in the portrait room, they're hanging around and are triggered by electric shocks
Because someone needs to do OP's job form him.
A handy (and sloppy) guide to the version differences of the first game. Id have gone into detail of the other games but as far as I know the differences aren't as extreme.
I left a link to a version differences guide for RE1-4 and CV in the previous thread. I'll grab it and start working on a pastebin
Here it is
>Story Chronology Guide
>Version differences fro RE1-4 and Code Veronica
>I'll grab it and start working on a pastebin
If you want a general it really is the best way to open.
RIP Allyson Court, you were the Claire we didn't deserve.
This is the official timeline for those that want to learn more. I also included the whole RE wiki as well.
holy fuck I just got to the residence and a snake grabbed me through the floor and I poopied my pants so hard
wait it isn't a snake
Keep the thread alive, working on a non-canon guide for the pastebin
Yeah I think he meant Plant 42
She was almost able to voice Claire again too baka.
Got a movie pastebin ready, if someone could grab an English sub link of Musical Biohazard, that would be helpful
And here is what I have so far on the OP Pastebin:
Welcome to /resh/ - Resident Evil/Survival Horror General! Please view the below pastebins if you have any questions first.
>OP Pastebin
>Current News
[insert whatever happened here]
>Story Chronology Guide
>Official Timeline
>Resident Evil Wikia
>Version differences fro RE1-4 and Code Veronica (later games lack substantial differences outside of REv1)
>Non-caon guide
>Movies guide
>Novels and manga guide
[will be added later]
>FAQ pastebin
[will be added later]
Can only find this atm
Already got Biohazard the Stage. I guess Musical Biohazard hasn't been subbed yet.
If anybody wants to do the painful task of making a novel/manga guide, be my guest. Lord knows I am tired.
Just remember to label what is and isn't canon and include the following
>both Wesker reports
>the SD Perry novels
>Marhawa Desire and Heavenly Island
>the movie novelizations
>Resident Evil Archives
Check the RE wikia for more. And if you're really bored, start up a mobile games guide.
Is there more non-RE survival horror stuff we can put?
It's only subbed in Russian unfortunately
well Dino Crisis is the obvious answer and Fear Effect seems to be making a comeback, kinda. Other than that Ionno? Parasite Eve?
We could do non-fixed camera stuff too
>page 10 10 ips
So which mercenaries mode do you guys prefer? Personally 5 is my favorite.
Am I weird in that I don't really care for the mercenaries modes? I just don't like being timed. I prefer to just go through I level, which is why I loved Rev1 and 2's raid modes.
Is 4 worth getting on the PS4 for
Someone told me it was fine
Also why is it under 10 bucks?