Thats not a waifu edition
Thats not a waifu edition
First for Riven!
I'm going to breed CLIMBanon
xth for aggressive interspecies impregnation.
You have 15 seconds to validate your current ranking this season lolg.
go ahead....I'll wait
Somethingth for annally breaking Rengar then turning him into your loyal and slutty pussy cat!
xth for Syndra
Kled is the cutest! And my boyfriend too!
He is cute and smell very good.
Star Guardian skins activated fucking WHEN
I always get gold every season after placements and since that's enough for the skin i just stay there
Don't feel the need to climb but i understand those that do
I'm unranked and I haven't played any ranked games.
I am morally superior in that I don't discriminate against waifus. I want to breed them all. Yes especially that one.
I'm Silver 3 because I'm incredibly unlucky and get shit team after shit team
Two-tricking Poppy and Nami support. Zyra was just my ticket out of silver because apparently nobody plays a fucking tank support apart from lower elos
Now that's lewd. I'm sure I already fapped to some void mind break of Rengar getting mind broken by Kha and becoming his and Cho's corrupted void cumdump.
is kayn a higher tier jungler?
I cannot wait to buy SG Soraka.
All waifus are good
League of Ladies
>tfw Femgar is an actual concept in Riot's mind
>ywn purchase SG Soraka from a Noxian sex slave auction
Plat III.
Climbing alone as a support main is fucking horrible, I tried to abuse of ardent and shit, but when your adc is a litteral brain dead bonobo, it's lame. When I get a decent adc, it's usually the solo lanes that are feeding.
Worst part, is that I have a friend that is adc main and fucking good at it, we could easily reach diamond together but he hates ranked.
So, is there a way to build shadow kayn so that he isn't worthless late game?
Ask a Gold 300k Soraka main anything.
Especially when their bellies are big with my babies.
how many inches can you take
It won't happen because it'd trigger the sjws.
Some artist made dream daddy genderswap and got harassed super hard because of it, I really doubt riot want to risk that.
I hope they'll release a female vastaya warrior someday though.
can i watch?
Zero. I am an alpha here.
how do you use her silence pool?
Someone give me a link to all your poppy pics
don't you love it whent he enemy adc rush executioner's calling?
Will we ever get any more maid skins or did Nidalee ruin it for everyone else?
So then you are Gold5? decent enough but you can do better. Theres a guy named "Shieldy" who climbed to D3 maining Poppy in Top,Jungle and Support.
you are not even worthy of a (you) plebian
Dont you like shiny borders ? why settle for the mediocrity of normal games?dont you want a challenge?
The funny thing is Riot literally did do an official concept for it.
But them actually going through with it is another matter because sjws.
If there are dangerous channels (Katarina) I save it to cancer them. If not, I use it under cc'ed enemies so they cannot flash/dash away or to zone jungle paths.
never, maid skins are too sexist for neo-riot.
poppy is mine and mine alone
>Undertale Furfag name
Sure if you get a good job, six figures at least, and give me 90% of it.
Almost Plat 3 actually if I win my promos apparently. My MMR keeps jumping really high.
Execall is disgusting IMO. GW effect should be reduced to 25% and heals of sustain champions reduced accordingly so they can perform more consistent in every situation.
I wouldn't be surprised if they used that concept to make a female vastaya warrior though, maybe even from Rengar's tribes, kinda how they turned Ao Shin into Aurelion Sol.
League really lacks female furries compared to the males, there's just Lamb.
>financial domination
please, i can only get so erect
Never cared much for borders
I totally understand people that want these but i don't feel the need to give myself a challenge that would make playing this game a chore
Maid Xayah fucking WHEN?
What if I also demanded you get the tranny surgery so I wouldn't have to have other male genitalia in the same room as me?
Please?i got a penta with poppy on urf the other night :C
Silver 5, I stop caring and start tilting easily after losing the rank ups from silver 4 to silver 3 several times, now I'm just stuck here.
But user, Ahricuck is actually a real girl
Go to archive moe, go to the thread before last thread, go look for the last mega link.
It doesn't have everything, it has a good amount of lewds, the guy is also apologizing in his post
whats wrong user, don't you like goats?
it's pretty gross yeah, how many time was i winning lane, then couldn't do anything because enemy adc got executioner's calling
it should work like morello imo
If so I have no standards so I'll breed her too.
school in the winter/spring, gamedev in the summer.
as for actually playing, i'm high gold for sure, and if i actually grinded hard, i'm pretty sure i could eventually hit p5. (because when i play in low gold, it's always really easy, and feels like bullying silvers again)
it seems like too much time to invest, though, so i'm highly prone to throwing games if anyone's being a princess.
if an adc cries about not following my mid's roam, then i'll make sure to always let them die. making them rage is more important than winning.
if our primary initiator whines about no followup from the team, then i'll 100% lose faith in them from that point on.
obviously this mentality stops me from improving/climbing, but eh
Assgore was taken?
>'I can only get so erect'
Invalid key :C
A girl(male)?
I want to suck Jinx's small nipple until it becomes erect
I haven't started ranked
Why would I want a name that isn't his real name
Tell me bout your league waifu
Why is she your waifu
husbandos welcome
Why would you name yourself after autistic furry shit in the first place
>mfw this disgusting furfaggot is somehow higher rank than me
>best grade S
He's small and cute, I always loved yordle boys, I love his crazy personality, and he screams power bottom!
He's also fun to play.
Not sure if she'd be considered my "waifu", but I have a powerful urge to mentally and physically dominate Xayah until she's a a submissive little slut who proudly proclaims the superiority of Humans over subhuman vastayans.
i don't have a waifu or husbando
is something wrong with me
i like asgore and asriel
copied directly from urban dictionary
>"A Manic Pixie Dream Girl or MPDG, is a term coined by film critic Nathan Rabin after seeing Elizabethtown. It refers to "that bubbly, shallow cinematic creature that exists solely in the fevered imaginations of sensitive writer-directors to teach broodingly soulful young men to embrace life and its infinite mysteries and adventures." A pretty, outgoing, whacky female romantic lead whose sole purpose is to help broody male characters lighten up and enjoy their lives."
I wouldn't say I'm brooding or soulful but I like the idea of a MPDG coming into my life and brightening my incredibly dull life
>calling a literal subspecies of human subhuman
this bait is rank. nobody is that retarded.
What are the odds ill go from bronzeII to silverV with one promo?
>get an adc
>claims hes a smurf
>does well
>top taunts him about being a smurf
>proceeds to sit in base going on an ego trip aobut how he doesnt care, he isnt actually in this eleo etc etc
>insults everyone, runs it down
>game becomes a 4v5
>meanwhile we were winning this game
>we end up losing becasue top wont stop responding to him or fighting and jungle wont stop farming
>me (janna) and Kat only ones trying to destroy inhibs which doesnt end well for us but what can you do when no one else wants to group up
>lose all our towrs later, jhin claims he'll carry us ou of this
>if we stroke his ego
>top and jung do just that
> i tell him to fuck off
>get this a minute after stat screen
I recall there's a gif similar to what you are saying.
>doesnt main olaf
what if i haven't lost a game since being placed?
>Ashe main
>She gets championship instead of victorious skin
It's already been leaked that this year it's Victorious Riven
impossible. You can only jump divisions within the same league. You could go from bronze 3 to bronze 1 but not from bronze 2 to silver V
That is bullshit, riven has championship already
I like those odds
is it because of bronze hell or becuase you cant go up a grade without hitting b1 first?
Victorious riven... are you retarded? lol what leak
>Flex 3 v 3 gold 3
Yeah , no.
Do you like taking it up the ass?
Truthfully i'm rusty and kinda suck
last season i abused armorpen vi and akali, so the name of the game was kill carries
this season made it harder to do that and i dropped a whole division trying to learn a different role
but i'm almost to back to where i was now
once i do that i'll go into flex because i want all the skin rewards
I'm not getting my ass banned ,try all the mega links in that thread, the most late one should be it.
Keep in mind, look on an archive site.
ah i see! any predictions for tomorrows bans other than orrn?
PVE mode when? I want to star guardian with Poppy!
riot giving zed small buffs is enough to ban him 100% of the time
Threadly reminder:
>unbelievably sexy
>insanely gorgeous
>body of a goddess
>poised and refined
>amazing fashion sense
>beautiful face
>loving, affectionate, and passionate
>gentle and caring
>different forms keep the sex interesting
>powerful magic with versatile applications
>excellent aryan genes, highly fertile
Will Riot ever be able to outdo Elementalist Lux?
Bird user, how do you build azir? Is stinger + T1 boots -> rylai's-> t2 boots ->nashor's a good build? Should i get zerks or sorc boots?
>Pick Rek'Sai
>Pick Kayn
Explain this one, lolbaboons
no, a girl (female)
>be good
>be bad
explain THIS
I don't have a League waifu.
Janna would be it by all rights though since she offered me the most skins of any champion thus far - chests, rerolls, my-shops.
Karma is close behind her, but in the end I have a higher affinity in everything (peeling, skillshot, timing, aggression) with Nami.
How to play urf?
>Be jungler that starts 4-0 with 3 levels up
>Be jungler that starts 0-4 and is starved jungle camps
Better jungler wins :)