>Heroes FAQ and links
>SoV Links
>Links and Resources
>Heroes FAQ and links
>SoV Links
>Links and Resources
Cum inside Cumilla!
Are they gonna do an archanea character dump next? They've revealed a roughly equal amount of Awakening and Fates characters now
They'll reveal YTiki and then 2/3 more Awakening+Fates characters. There's still no armor knight option unless you count Frederick, which would be really fucking gay if he's the only armor since he's on a damn horse.
They won't.
Enjoy your Fateswakening but having Marth as the sole grandpa representative.
feh...feelin good
Cumilla paizuri sfm when
I'm still surprised they have a dedicated dragonstone weapon type.
Shh don't say that
You'll upset the whiny little fucks who will never accept that this place has become Fire Emblem Heroes General.
>rolling for summer corrin
>no blue orbs, get my second fucking summer elise after getting another one the same way
I'm still confused as to why they showed that Tiki amiibo
How would i go about breeding a +spd -hp olwen ? LnD + Blade or Fury + Blade ?
CYL banner reveal after tempest banner is over. have you save your orbs?
I'm just in it for the gacha
There will only be one other Archanea rep and that's Young Tiki. Oh but don't worry Awakening fans, the Adult version will be available as an alternate costume complete with unique voice lines
>oh boy let's do the new special maps
>barely any stamina after doing dailies
Young Tiki will be a DLC character, you need to buy her amiibo to use her.
Then once you unlock her, you can buy adult Tiki after.
Kamui in Feh when?
What is your opinion on the Tonics in Fates? Should they come back in future games or not?
I personally am not a fan of them but they ARE optional so I suppose it's no harm.
No one fucking cares, shitter.
>Roll this
>Both Tharja and Merric are the exact same IVs as the ones I already had
>-HP/+Res Tharja
>-Spd/+Att Merric
The fuck? Well, I'll take the free Bladetome, too bad I don't really have anyone to give it to at the moment.
Oh boy I can't wait for FE Switch to see posts like this aimed at SoVfags. So sick of all this SoV shilling and Fates bashing. Fucking braindead game.
Would have saved my orbs but I'll take my chances anyway and hope for the best
Who the fuck would play SoV anymore? No one plays it now, no one will play it when FE Switch comes out.
Hell, I'm not even fucking shilling SoV. It's bad in its own right too. Fates is also pretty garbage.
I think they are way too cheap
>tfw they're basically done with Echoes promotion but haven't added my favorite characters
I want to poke Kamui and have him tell me that looking is free, touching costs extra and other nonsense.
Got the same
Was hoping for Sexy Xander
80 orbs wasted
Bahahahaha FGO fags are losing their shit. I'm glad we play a superior game.
vaida with nergal's spear when
How good is she as a unit? I'm debating whether to blow orbs on S!Corrin and Elise would be my second pick if there are no blues.
Do I 5* my best friend or Valter first? She won't blow me after and Valter is sulking after standing next to Eirika for 40 levels
>4% pity rate on SS banner
>Fucking Lukas
I already have a perfect IV Lukas, who wants Fort Def?
why are they losing their shit?
nino for lolicons wait a second
Literally nino except you have to sacrifice a nino to them for them to be good.
Over what exactly.
So what is a good FE game even?
How the fuck are we suppose to make a decent flier team when all the good fliers are blue? And 2 of the spots are filled by s. Corrin and hinoko anyway so all the other blues are useless
>tfw cleared dango shop
>nothing else to do
>FEH has multiple activities going on at the same time
>new things once every few days
Her stats are very close to Nino's, with 2 speed less for 3 atk more
How should they implement it, if they decide to use it in future games, in your opinion?
>2 camilla's not even being used
Genealogy and Thracia of course. Can't wait for the eventual remakes where Reinhardt gets memed into playability, and I especially can't wait for the new cancer that spawns from this.
NuFE was a fucking mistake.
Just make them more limited, remove them from the shops completely or something
don't you mean
Great story but gameplay is shit. Map design is horrendous and gamplay mechanics are outdated. Thracia is one of the good ones though, I'll give you that.
Lilina's English voice is really cute.
Local man is fucking invincible
>not using brave axe Cherche
>not using distant counter Camilla
>not using distant counter Michalis
>not using green check Palla
>using shit waifus like Hinoka and Cordelia instead of the vastly superior Florina with Berkut's lance and water boost
blue really has too many good fliers
honkers can just be used as fodder for others if she doesn't have good IVs though
camilla with emerald axe is good to shut down all those enemy blues (goodbye thundercock)
good red fliers never ever.
our best chances right now are ashnard and aversa GHBs but who knows when those will come
They NEVER learn
Except to magic, which is everything.
Why is Reinhardt so alpha?
A somewhat better flying Olwen.
A slower, but harder-hitting Nino. Will never ever survive the cock unlike Nino, unless she's +res, so just give her LnD instead of Fury.
Shame all people jumping from gacha games to another gacha games. Stop gambling gacha shit madness
Nigga I don't even have one Hector why would I have multiple to feed to bad units
>gets destroyed by odin
Only Lilina I have is 4* +Spd/-Def, which I don't think is ideal. Lacking the proper buffbots to take advantage of anyway, but I'll keep it in mind for the future.
Tanking axes has never been more fun.
What happened?
>Vaida with the Uberspear (start with +4 bonus to all stats, bonus and hp -1 each turn)
>Galzus with a Master Sword (Brave weapon with -1 cooldown) and Galeforce (for them movestars)
>Galzus's map based on pic-related, right down to starting on the right and opening a passage to the main area on the left and Galzus himself appearing as a reinforcement a few turns into the fight
I'd like to see recruitable characters who first appear as bosses in GHBs.
>Just about lost all hope.
>4% pity broken by a -Atk M!Corrin
>Get some orbs from the new maps
>Get this roll
+Atk Rein and a +Spd -Atk Celica. My fears have washed away.
>+atk/-res cherche
So brave axe Is the best for her right?
All games are good in some aspects, but there is not a single FE game that had good gameplay, story, and maps all at the same time.
Shanna likes to accompany Celica.
It's the only Axe she wants, yes.
Good night /feg/
That map looks amazing.
I love big maps with castles and ton of shit outside.
She wants to give away her Desperation to a unit worth it, which I just did.
Also, don't tell anyone, but I got free LnD fodder. A crappy Jaffar showed up during Hero Fest.
Better than thrashia
>implying most players would last long enough to get to Reinhardt, let alone beat The Bridge of Funtimes
I'd like to see what changes they'd make to stuff like movestars in this hypothetical remake. A 'Move Gauge' like Fate's Dual Attack Gauge? Maybe Casual Mode would set fallen character fatigue to max so even amateur players need to use their whole army. I'd like that.
It does a good job of tying in game mechanics to it's story and themes. Capture, fatigue, dismounting, even stuff like Dorias granting a leadership star is very nice thematically.
Is it worth promoting and levelling the free Olivias you get from daily maps? I don't have any other dancers.
It's a pretty great map. The easiest way to clear is to use a pegasus knight to fly over that wall on the right and escape to the south since there's soldiers patrolling the houses. But if you visit the houses after rescuing children in an early chapter you can get more resources and an extra unit (Hicks the axe-horseman).
A lot of FE is "You can clear it the easy way or go out of your way for extras" and Thracia does a good job of giving you both easy exits and tempting extras.
good, post more lewd noire so he can't go to bed
>is it worth creating one of the definitive content invalidaters
Did the nip servers go down again, or are they whining about SEA players?
+Spd or +Att for Nino?
I agree that it has many thematically interesting mechanics, but it falls apart when you actually play it because the challenge it offers is just bad. FE has never had any games with both good story and gameplay. Conquest and Genealogy are two games at the far end of the spectrum with the former having absolute garbage story and characters but (mostly) amazing gameplay while Genealogy has excellent writing, characterization, and story but terrible gameplay.
PoR is easy as shit. The gameplay is not good. And the story cannot be rated as objectively good either.
O-okay. To 5*? And is it better to level them both so I have more than one for Arena Assault, or should I merge?
What happened?
Agreed with everything, except
> And the story cannot be rated as objectively good either.
I actually liked the story.
Literally the reincarnation of Thor. He should be casting nukes instead of dire thunders.
If you rolled like 10 of her, or expect to roll many reds in the future, then definitely 4*+10, it's more efficient than 5*.
+Spd gets Fury
+Atk gets DartBlow
Spd is better
I'm saying the story is not considered universally good. It has a very consistent theme, unlike SoV, but the political aspect of the game is not considered very realistic by many people. One of the best things about Genealogy's story is how realistic the political conflicts feel.
I need to play 4 and 5.
I hope all the good things they say about these two is true.
I was so fucking close to finish infernal but I needed Olivia to tank a brave hit so I gave her Ruby Sword and just because of that little change the one blue flier moved differently and that fucked up everything
And that's the only Klein I have and is -Atk
>To 5*?
5* is completely unnecessary. 4* is more than enough (none of her skills are locked at 5* except silver sword+ and you're going to swap that out ASAP) and better since you can just merge. You'll probably start getting a lot of her when you start going after some random red in the future.
>And is it better to level them both so I have more than one for Arena Assault
You can't do that. No dupes.
I never played it, but after your description of its story, I suddenly find myself wanting to pick it up. Hopefully the gameplay is not unbearable shit.
*right in your face*
Alright, thanks. I don't think I can spare the feathers to promote lots of Olivias anyway.
>No dupes.
Oh shit, forgot.
When did abusing Warp, berserk, cheesing and gimmick is good things in video game entry? Get the kagacuck's cook out your mouth. PoR is easy because it's intended to be.
This is a controversial opinion, but PoR's story feels very cliche and similar to a commoner's fantasy, with how the royalties and nobles act compared to Ike and co. It feels like the morality is very black and white and the devs want you to have certain opinions about it. Same goes for Radiant Dawn with the way the story treats Micaiah vs Ike.
That's still a lot more interesting than increasing the difficulty by bullshit group enemy placement, foes being HP sponges, retarded gimmicks like the bridge that randomly gets your unit stuck, and magic being absolutely worthless.
is she high
4* +10 or 5* both work. 4* +10 works if you summon a lot and you'll likely have a lot of Olivias laying around. Plus you can probably get one with better stats.
She gets everything she needs at 4* anyway, though I personally upgraded mine to 5* since she has one of the best stats (+Atk -Res) and I don't summon enough to get a bunch of Olivia so I figure might as well. I also like having 5*, and I had a ton of feathers laying around.