PMMM/- Puella Magi Madoka Magica Side Story: Magia Record
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You should have marked this as Number 2. Reminder that this is Number 2!
>Last thread people posted a bunch of guides
>No guides in the OP
If you aren't gonna bother make a proper OP then don't bother doing anything at all.
I'm really loving this game so far. It's probably the best gacha game on the market. it managed to take all of the good things about fgo and improve on them. Bravo.
Post the guides.
>spend $1200
>Just read the notice that the license expires next month and servers are shutting down
I'm literally crying right now
QB is the best character!
What a shit op.
Previous thread;
Is this some retarded bait post or is it real?
Reminder to report and ignore the shitposter. See the Veeky Forums ban page. He's ban evading.
Furthermore proposed template for OP.
"Get the Game
Official Twitter
Game Info
MagiReco Tutorial + Menu Translations:
[Add song here if you feel like it]
Previous Thread:"
Does anyone want a pastebin linking to all the Seiyu?
It's obviously bait.
Posting the best meguca.
If your waifu is somebody else, then you have okay tastes.
>spending any money on gacha
you're doign it wrong
>spending this much money on gacha
Yeah, let't use this template next thread, but should we number it 3 or 2?
Yes, "anyone" (it's just one person) who posts crack or mentions "ack"/"crackkun" is ban evading.
See these screen shots of the ban page.
I really enjoy the fact that you take the role of a dumb little Kyuubey
I mean, it makes sense lore-wise.
You are a smol Incubator, trying to recruit as many Megucas as you can.
This thread is officially Number 2, next thread will be Number 3.
So who's your favorite of the new girls?
Which ones do you see getting popular and which ones you see getting forgotten forever?
Shield girl is really cute, wish I got her.
>See the Veeky Forums ban page.
You're right, the guy spamming crack is ban evading.
>Castable for this many turns (?)
Reminder to filter these imgur links, the phrases "one person" and "ack"/"crackkun" through your favourite Veeky Forums extension.
How long do you see this shit lasting?
I don't think she's in yet
>Reminder to filter these imgur links
Pretty good idea, we should add it in the guide
It has been going strong for over 3 years. I don't see it ending soon.
So is there any way to get Homura now?
That would make sense. So far the only OC girls I've rolled are the Chinese fan girl and the sad dark-haired spear girl.
>gets blown the fuck out
>tries to hide how how he is ban evading
>begs people to filter the proof that he's the problem
Hahah, this is actually really funny.
You literally can't stand the idea of someone not catering to your safe space.
My cute manly wife
You can get glasses Homura as a pre-registration bonus. You can also buy her from the shop.
>xddd good idea lol xdd upboated!!!
AHhaha, jesus christ, how are you so pathetic.
Why would you filter imgur links?
Oh right, because you don't want other people seeing proof that you're ban evading.
>reddit spacing
Do you have to hide root for this game?
Sure hope someone else is pushing the button. Would hate to think I'm the only one on patrol.
>only a reddit mod protects you
Can you please spoonfeed me how to pre-register? I really want the Homu.
Go back in time
The chef is also pretty cute.
>three posts
>all by the same person
>he actually thinks he's going to fool anyone
>he openly meta shitposts and starts fights for no reason
>tries to pretend that people who tell him to stop are the problem
See, the real irony here is that the reason you would report something is because you care about the rules. But then, you break the rules yourself by constantly saying in the thread you are reporting people, thus proving you don't care about the rules, you just want to censor people for saying things you don't like.
And you are the only "lolcow" here. Considering you are a low life loser who has spent the last three years trying to harass what you assume is a single person.
What's the bonus for doing 10 rolls instead of singles?
What are the coins for, I can't find anything in the shop to buy with them.
What are the limitations in the free roll?
There also a problem about get warned/banned yourself for reporting him too many times, so it's better to pick one post per his autism wave. I think that his big ones are the best choice, but it's also possible to filter 90% of him thanks to the
I prefer to think I'm Kyubey reborn as a voluptuous and emotional pink-haired First Year JK with a odd taste for dolls and a love of hats.
Why should I report him?
I'm confused. Please tell him.
P.S. Provide actual proof, I'm not just going to listen to your word.
It looks like the dev issued an update to the app (android, 1.3 -> 1.4). How do I upgrade versions?
>pretending to have a conversation with himself
>refuses to actually say why "ack" is something bad
>ignores how he is constantly making off topic meta posts which is against the rules
>ignores how he saying you are reporting people is against the rules
You just make it so obvious who you are.
I don't know why you think anyone at all is going to listen to you.
>36 rerolls and no 4* meguca
I'm dying on the inside.
I'm also reporting all his posts whenever I'm in the thread.
20% of this thread is already 1 person.
Just wow.
Can anyone give me a TLDR on how to reroll on multiple accounts at once using bluestacks?
How do I do this, by the way?
I don't really understand what a Regular Expression is so my attempts at creating a filter just give errors.
Can I please have an example?
See, the real irony here is that the reason you would report something is because you care about the rules. But then, you break the rules yourself by constantly saying in the thread you are reporting people, thus proving you don't care about the rules, you just want to censor people for saying things you don't like.
You don't care about anything other than harassing your boogieman. This is all personal for you. And again, no one listens to you because you don't post proof for anything you say.
>49 replies
>19 IP
Try harder
>xddd if pretend not to know how it filter it will make it look like there is another person who thinks 'ack" is wrong
Nah, it just looks like you are trying really, really hard to pretend you're more than one person.
See, even you, the "new person" will not name a single thing "ack" does wrong.
Yes, and? Everyone knows you're ban evading. Which means you know how it easily change your IP, you'd obvious try to pad the IP count.
>50 posts
>only meta shitposting about general culture
This is pathetic, I hope the mods terminate this general.
3 years? Really? Jesus Christ. How have people managed to live with this? And I thought Melvin was bad. This is on a whole different level. How does someone end up like this? This is mental illness level, this is not just shitposting anymore. I refuse to believe anyone sane of mind would shitpost for so long with so much dedication.
What are coins used for?
How do I upgrade my units?
Who is Melvin?
A powerlevels shitposter who's obsessed with Lancelot and believes he's the strongest Servant in all of Fate and fills entire thread with his autistic powerlevels arguments.
Melvin is the autist from /fgog/. He's mostly on the same level of this faggot. He has ruined the general.
I just to talk about MagiReco...... and maybe talk about who's best waifu.
Currently I'm getting three stars on my missions, can't stand seeing two stars on them.
Good Crack.
However you downloaded it before. apkpure or qooapp are usually the go to.
The individual Who ruined Lancelot forever
Melvin is the /fgog/ powerlevel shitposter who proclaims Lancelot is the strongest servant and derails entire threads by dragging unrelated posts into his madness.
He's also the reason why Lancelot is kind of a meme servant that everyone bullies in that general.
Melvin ain't got nothing on this guy.
Melvin at least keeps his autism contained to /fgo/
Call me back when Melvin decides to harass Nasu because he didn't portray Lancelot as strong enough or something like that.
At least he didn't spread his wings like cancer, did he?
Everytime I get a two star rank it annoys the fuck out of me because I can't read what the third mission was. I hate being EOP.
Lancelotfags in general are very autistic. You can see their shitposting going far before the LN was even translated.
Does this shitpost urobuchi's twiter?
>Melvin keeps his autism contained to /fgog/
That's not true. He's visited multiple generals and ruined threads. People are afraid to mention him anywhere just in case he sees it and visits.
That's mostly old school Melvin, the newer JETs aren't as strong.
10 roll gets you a guaranteed 2* meguca and a 3* memoria.
At least he isnt as annoying as the antikiarafag/antimebdfag
>13 out of 60 posts deleted in one go
>At lest he isnt as annoying as the antikiarafag
Lancelot is perfect shitposting bait even before Fate. I wonder if Arthurian Legendfags had discussion of the sort years and years ago.
I kinda understand to text but some enemies are pretty tough to go against so I get 2 stars, still try the same until I get it.
Hey, DUDEposting is fun.
>What are coins used for?
From the menu on the right, go to the shop button at the bottom and then cycle through the tabs below it. Second and fourth pages use coins. Probably best to save for now until things get figured out.
>How do I upgrade my units?
Top button on the menu and then top diamond lets you pour experience gems into girls. The other tabs need special materials for what looks like stat boosts and probably a way to upgrade rarity.
>I wonder if Arthurian Legendfags had discussion of the sort years and years ago.
They fucking did, french Lancelotfags and british arthurfags were writing their own fanfiction before it was cool.
You should feel sorry for all the people who his autism has touched through the years. This is the kind of stuff that destroys fanbases irreparably.
Kanoko is currently at the top
>wish is for her parents to be able to work for 30 more years so she can do what she wants
Why not just wish to become a millonaire then? Making her parents work like that seems kinda pointless when you can wish for ANYTHING.
Now is fun, back in last November (month of nothing) was insufferable
>destroys fanbases
Heh, not really. Most generals even outside of Veeky Forums rarely get above 150+ people, and that's considered active.
That's only 150~ people affected. You're deluding yourself if you think Veeky Forums generals on Veeky Forums /a/ /u/ or /whatever/ are a representation of a fanbase.
QB didn't do anything wrong!
QB did everything wrong.
Maybe she was tired of being grounded and knew if they were at work all the time she could have ragers at her house every night?
How long does it take to get 250 gems?
Is there a list of all rollable megugas?
QB did something wrong
This guy has gone well and beyond just Veeky Forums dude, that's the whole point. He goes and shitposts on Twitter, Tumblr, Pixiv, Scanlators Pages, etc.
Can't wait until we get the trap meguca desu
Are we going to see her wish bring about equal amount of despair later?
She doesn't want to become rich, she wants to be a fashion designer but since she's the only a child, if her parents retire she'll have to take over. Thus her wish.
Going to actually play now rather then babysit this thread from You Know What.
I remember I have a card so now I can actually shill MM in Bang Dream.
>saving the universe
I bet you are a dumb magical girl.
Not too long with missions to complete and logging on everyday to get your gems. Probably in two or three days.
Remember to buy the 10 tickets pack (10 rolls) for only 200 jewels (8 rolls) in the jewel shop! Expires in 8/31!
Anyone got a pre-registered account with Homura that they'd give out?
Please and thank you~
[email protected]
sent :)