Kipoto is the best and deserves his items back (also agility pyramid [estonians btfo]) edition
>>> What is /v/scape? >> Wikis Main Website Steam Group Pastebin for OP Staff
Kipoto is the best and deserves his items back (also agility pyramid [estonians btfo]) edition
>>> What is /v/scape? >> Wikis Main Website Steam Group Pastebin for OP Staff
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Check my post, it's the first one, so it must be the best one.
What is the reason you play vscape?
>I play it because I don't want to pay for real rs and also even osrs has too many shit updates making it 'efficient'
i play because i like you people
What the fuck is Kipoto trying to accomplish how sad can you be to fuck with a ~50 population server for attention.
what the fuck is p1ng trying to accomplish how mad can you be to fuck with a ~1 population person to bully
>agility pyramid instead of pyramid plunder
wow it's nothing
shit thread btw try using a relevant image next time
i just want guthans mang.
Oh and my five crushes.
Sober odel
what do you mean by "you people"?
Round VI
>Current Wildy Territory Owners by Last Territory Activity (as of 8/23/2017):
Agility Training Area: Kipoto
Bandit Camp: Fresh
Bone Yard: Snek
Chaos Temple: Mcgarnagle
Dark Knight Fortress: Vidyuu
Demonic Island: Randy Marsh
Demonic Ruins:
Deserted Keep: Theironpie
Frozen Waste Plateu: Community
Graveyard of Shadows: Shaka Zulu
Lava Maze:
Mage Arena:
Pirates' Hideout: Kipoto -> Contested by Squidzilla (successful) -> Squidzilla
Red Dragon Isle: Huntsman
Rogues' Castle:
Ruins (central): Fresh
Ruins (lateral): Mcgarnagle
Scorpion Pit: Hubcap -> Contested by Huntsman (successful) -> Huntsman
The Forgotten Cemetery: Squidzilla
Wilderness Volcano: Hypercrisis
>IGN (alphabetical) High Scores by # of Wildy Territory Owned:
Fresh: 2
Huntsman: 2
Squidzilla: 2
Mcgarnagle: 2
Community: 1
Hypercrisis: 1
Kipoto: 1
Randy Marsh: 1
Shaka Zulu: 1
Snek: 1
Theironpie: 1
Vidyuu: 1
dont get randomed while doing the agility pyramid
First for I want to eat Wiggins boogers!
Oh yeah well mom said I want to fuck boop so there!
Why does your mom want to fuck boop?
no die again
>pay money for membership on oldscape
>wouldnt talk to anyone anyway
the only downside being that castle wars and other minigames don't run continuously
Because she's the prettiest most beautiful girl ever!
I'm honestly not sure why mods havnt increased the castle wars reward points yet. If we cant have continuous games at least make the games we do have count, 2.25x should be the standard.
I mean it's only cosmetics anyways
reminder that richfags will happily pay you shekels to play cwar rounds with them
their vanity pays very well for stupid shit
Honestly this. I don't know why you guys are so uptight about her all the time. Once you get to know her she's pretty chill.
It helps that's she's pretty hot too
wtb retards who want to stand around hours at a time, paying 100k/hour
hi boop
make it 1m for an hour and newfags will fucking FLOCK to you
If Kipoto isn't on your ignore list you're a cuck
Not boop, just one of her admirers
I am level 44 RC now should I do Nats now or Cosmic? The nature altar run is so fucking painful.
get better legs and use a super restore fagit
so you're bald? ok pal
>he doesn't know about the Abyss
quick, nobody tell him
>he got to 44 RC without even using the abyss once
>not even a fucking RC bag
the absolute madman
But I am scared
about what? running into level 9 wildy?
literally why
the only people that would try to pk you are too retarded to succeed
of who? the function estonians?
they lost the tourney lmao they're the server's biggest losers and laughing stock now
Ok, ok gonna try the abyss. Wasn't there some kind of mini puzzle to get to the altars though requiring items?
there's 5 kinds of obstacles you can do to get to the inner circle, 3 of which require an item, of which 2 require an item you can equip
basically equip either an axe or a pick depending on which skill is higher and ignore the other 2 obstacles that require items
Nice. Is it only one random challenge everytime you enter or is there multiple different ones that you can choose which one to do?
there's multiple you can choose from
not challenges, and all of them are always there
FUG this is fuggin ebin!!
>tfw dicklet
>adult swim
actually one of the most disgusting things ive seen
but you look at your face everyday?
"one of"
not surprised you have zero reading comprehension
>lumping me in with Adult Swim and Guacman
I might have weapons grade autism, but I'm not -that- autistic.
youre right, sorry man
>lumping me in with Granodd and Adult Swim
I might have weapons grade homosex, but I'm not -that- gay.
This is hot, I want in. Pm me with the details,
T. Jay Tootie
reminder Adult Swim is hypebeast
He can't be hypebeast, I'm hypebeast.
I want to marry boop!
Yo guys any ideas of improving efficiency from crafting nats from the abyss or I have to use a glory amu for tele and that's it?
you could try cheating
>Risking a ban for a 45-50 lvl RC grind
Go to shilo village where no one hangs out and script it
ye ye ye let's go for #3
fucking hell guys, the old thread died peacefully and you still gotta practice your necromancy on this general
just let it go
Quick. Post your biggest loss on death.
1.5k death runes, 1k racks, 5k minds, full rune, glory, wealth, obby cape
peep this 56
Berserker ring I bought for 27m at steel dragons.
gib somethin
Rogue's Den when?
>zerk ring
>steel drags
were you meleeing? if so, why would you ever do that
Melee has the highest dps, I forgot about it when I went afk. rip
so when are we going to get to ban Guac?
hopefully soon
i wish odel would come back so he'd be muted the majority of the time
shameless tournament POV advertising
you should have filmed some other fights :'^)
>implying any thread can die non peacefully.
Page 10!
im not btfo @frog rogue and id appreciate it if you'd stop trying to push the buttons thanks
why not
kipoto message me so we can do this thing
+1 lad, that was pretty fun to watch
Bobster what are you doing?
>ywn kick bobster in the head until he dies
why even live
>You will never shoot the cyber demon until it dies.
why even live?
@cya@From Pickles: Well reddit... Its hard for me to say this----my wife left me for her bull.
@cya@From Thread: SAVE MEEEEEEE
DEAD thread?
thank you based fresh
thank you based Fresh
thread is moving so slow everyone will know i'm gay
thanks u based fresh
thank you based Fresh
what's the cutoff for content to be considered "06-07" era? is it up till the end of 07? a specific patch? a specific day? arbitrary content?
looking at that seems to be in, and in the patches in the past almost 3 years, i only wonder about gwd and misc throne, are those possible/eventual updates?
it's until October 2007, misc and gwd are future updates
also, some examine descriptions aren't correct, should i point them out or does the staff know all of them
i'd gladly list them if it would help
we have a mantis, try to group them together if you make a report
funny meme
List in thread, bitterness and odel lurk here to shitpost but will never check mantis. Pickles is too busy working on actual fixes.
Indigo reporting back in for shitposting duty
btw join Varrock Vixens, no losers and blatant plagiarism ONLY