>Patch 4.06 Notes
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>Patch 4.06 Notes
>Current Event
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>Job Guide
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dps queues suck
See you on Odin then
do you wanna ERP?
Yea cats
You know what I want bb
Post /smug/
6 pieces of gear @ 6% to meld to get over 500 CP. How fucked am I?
I'm not available for that right now sorry ;;
t-thanks for the /pets though
>6 pieces of gear @ 6%
My question is how did you fuck up that bad? I got nowhere near 6% when I melded mine. I still need food and medicine to hit the needed control and craftsmanship but I can still 100%HQ 320 pieces 100% of the time.
a potate a day keeps society away
>being a DPS peasant
what gender is this thing
Rhalgr's Reach is pretty comfy at night :3
Pls where to get poetics faster than 100/dungeon? I want to make weapon quest
I did not congratulate my friend on his birthday because he told me to fuck off and to stop stalking him
But now I feel bad about it!
i will carry your queues if you rape me
Is Summoner, Black Mage, or Machinist the easiest? Want a ranged DPS, but I'm a shitter and don't want to be a Bard.
Red Mage
red mage is the easiest
or Black mage if you dont like RDM
Do you want to get eternally bonded?
excus u
potates are for petting, protecting and one other thing that begins with a 'p'
name/server/marital status/sexual preference
why do you treat this game like a dating simulator
mch is pretty hard, rdm is super easy
blm is kinda hard-ish, though it's easier than it was in heavensward
mch is ungodly hard for how little reward you get though
Black Mage, which is just as easy as Red Mage
I used Vs on 100% slots and IVs on overmelds. I also fucked up my accessories. My control is 1237
Smug cat?
Isn't Black Mage sorta similar to Mage in WoW where you have to sit on top of your rune of power to do damage and if a mechanic makes you move you're fucked?
NOT punting!!
how 2 becum 1st lieutnant
>I used Vs on 100% slots and IVs on overmelds
>I also fucked up my accessories
How can you possibly fuck up this much?
black mage has long casts and likes to stand on its circle, yes
its a turret
>little reward
Please stop this shitty meme, MCH is really good right now
>Expert roulette "Temple of the fist"
>Pull two packs, they die slow fucking again
>Look at party
>BLM with Ahri in >her name with Ahri cosplay glam.
>Doesn't use AOE, so I tell >her to use it
>Casts Fire 2 once and continue to casts fire 1 after that.
>Dies on first boss, permanent "Dmg down" on second boss, and dies on 3rd.
>Clear dungeon and healer says "BLM got carried hard"
>BLM replies "Just a bad day lol"
Fuck you, fuck all the faggots who use Kirito, Naruto or any name from LoL, your cosplay is shit, your dps is shit and you wont survive the winter.
Annoyed cat.
your squadrons gotta complete a level 40 duty
No because between Sharpcast, Triplecast, Swiftcast and stutter stepping, it is incredibly difficult to get fucked over as a BLM by movement. Not to mention Aetherial Manipulation AND Between the Lines
>tfw do challenge log entries until my squadron is 8 qt female cats and lizards
Summoner is the hardest job in the game
its also the most boring job in the game to level
while also being the most tedious job in the game throughout due to micromanaging every god damn thing to your CDs to your Pets CDs and AI latency to line up things to your MP balancing so you dont run dry spamming ruin 3
What FC is comfiest FC? Balmung/Mateus need not respond.
MCH exists, shut up, SMN.
Hydaelyn's Embrace, Mateus.
>tfw got my squad of fem roes
Depends on your definition of pounding.
Man i totally forgot that these threads exist.
How are ya ?
why would you even spam the awful fucking new ruin 3?
just mash ruin 1 and start spamming ruin 3 right at the end of the fight, ruination windows literally do not matter since it's a flat potency increase and half the contagion windows don't matter since you line half of them up with bahamut which is when you'll be mashing ruin 2 instead
Who is this Nameless Feline?!
A moron
I can't eternally bond someone just on a whim, user...
I need Elezen steppies
Okay then what will it take?
who wants to give me money im on odin
compared to bard? nice meme
How much and why
I wish things could have been different
like a million or something
I feel like I'm poor
is this what it's like so early in the morning. Before all the aggro folk get on?
Not jf you don't need it for anything in particular
I wish I could have made you happy
Nice and comfy
what would you do for it?
Where did it all go so wrong?
cute nin
Yeah, I see that. not all that chemo, drama autism. It sucks that people don't play much in the mornings due to work and what have you.
I would lend you my favourite hat for a day
Is there an ideal adventurer squad setup? I'm starting to get my squad to 50 and I haven't been able to get a single one of these top tier 40 missions at anything above 2/3 for the stat requirements with the team I have right now.
I loved you so much
>Annoyed cat.
Have an annoyed elf to match.
That's clearly not worth a million. What's the hat made of?
No just use your 3 training to switch your stats as needed and grab some cuties.
Why wasn't that enough?
The skin of Lala blackmages I slew in single combat
Even with stat switching, it seems like with the jobs I have I can't actually meet all 3 requirements. I know for a fact that tactical is my weakest stat, but even if I load up on tactical with training for missions that need it, I end up not having enough for strength or mental.
iirc only way to 100% the weekly missions is to take synergies that increase stats as well, its not really worth it compared to just dealing with the RNG and having 2/3 chance so that you can have synergies that give you shit instead in my opinion
i wish you would give me more fantasias
Why did you lie to me?
i'm thirsty
Why did you tell him the sky was green?
You hurt me so much
me too
I want someone to get off to me
back off they're mine
Fact: The sky is green
I wanted to make things work, but you never bothered
>Annoyed elf.
Have a happy elf to balance.
no i'm taking direct control
Really cute duskie! Have any screenshots without the fox ears?
You spent all your time with them. I became your backup
Sam looks so fuckin cool. I'm a slut for cool swords and guns and shit.
and outfits.