old new eyosongive.us
#zamph #epic #dota2 #umadbro
old new eyosongive.us
#zamph #epic #dota2 #umadbro
How the fuck are you supposed to lane against Kled
He is like Tryndamere with no escape. Engage everytime he is out of passive and there is fuck all he can do
Reminder it's literally impossible to escape silver unless you get lucky with matchmaking and there are dozens of diamonds who have gotten stuck there because 50% of games are flat out impossible to carry. Don't let the tards that infest this general tell you otherwise.
Pick somebody who sits on top of him and farts all their abilities out his ass onto him, like Mordekaiser. Pick someone who goes even more ham than he does.
Beware of Kleds who rush Death's Dance first item.
Have CC or burst and fight him when his W is down.
wait for his W to be down before fighting him. he can't opt-out of using it if he needs to last hit, and that's where most of his damage comes from. has a pretty long CD earlygame too
How do people manage to get in Silver in the first place muchless stuck there?
I got to Silver I after 10 games placement with a rate of 7/10 and then got to Plat shortly after
>Still no Teenage Annie Legendary skin
Her ult now lets her go untargetable before dashing at a really long range towards anyone she's recently damaged, with %missing health scaling.
She also gains a full rage bar after like three Q-empowered autos and her E isn't shit anymore.
In return, she lost the ability to knock multiple people up with unburrow.
So less ever-present CC bot and more facefucking jungler with true damage and an execute with untargetability attached.
xth for CLIMBing!
cant stop WONT stop!
>there are dozens of diamonds who have gotten stuck there
I know over 15 people in real life who play this game, the only ones stuck in silver are the ones that play like a silver. There are no diamonds stuck in silver.
also did you pussy out or are you just a troll?
look at this man, you can almost feel your own masculinity diminishing, if you even had one to begin with
>every time he is out of passive
So never? In my experience, the instant he loses the bird, he gets it back right away
I have like a six second window before he regains half his health bar from that shitty bird
tfw your own team cucks you
Sometimes I cry myself to sleep thinking about my boyfriend Kled!
Victorious Shen incoming you heard it here thirst
I got Gold IV after placements game
Not that one, this one
>PASSIVE: Kled periodically enters a frenzy that grants him 150% bonus attack speed on his next 4 attacks for 4 seconds, with the final attack dealing bonus physical damage, capped at 200 against monsters.
Nigga how the fuck can you even win against someone if you dont know how his abilities work
He means his W. Kled's W isn't an active steroid, it's a passive with a cooldown. Meaning he doesn't get to choose to not use it if it's up. Watch for when he last hits and wastes his 4 empowered attacks to engage on him.
If you're having trouble with the lizard, make dodging Q your highest priority.
You never posted your ign because you know you'll get shitstomped
Also why do people lie about maining support? Just got a blitz saying he's a sup main and he did fuck all in game, causing us to lose.
His W, nigger. The autoattack buff. It has a like 14 second CD at rank one, and considering Kled maxes Q, that won't change unless he buys CDR or hits level 10, at which point the lane is basically decided already.
>dude just like wait out his passive lol
>nugga what you can fucking wait out skarl?
>lmao you tard i'm talking out his W passive not his Passive Passive
you never confirmed that you understood the terms. Please restate the terms to me in your own words so I know you aren't going to weasel your way out.
Maining something doesn't make you good.
See: Vayne and Yasuo mains.
Because he's a cheesy motherfucker, you think a support main would actually say that?
when every other new champ comes out like in every other patch
>but I'm literally this new and never saw the pattern
well you're in for a fun time huh :^)
Are you incapable of reading context?
No wonder you lose lane to bad!Jarvan.
What kinda retard are you supposed to be to think that people were talking about his bird passive instead of the one he uses the most frequently?
Do you think grape juice and wine are the same fucking thing too?
>bad jarvan
good job user!
how high up are you on the CLIMB now?
Lulu is for breeding
how is kled bad jarvan they're not even alike
like, camille could be bad jarvan but kled? what is you silver fuck even smoking
Best couple!!!!!!!!!!!11
I haven't played this game since season 3.
Has the balancing of this game impoved in any way or does it still always revolve around 1-2, certain picks per role?
>High base damage physical damage top laner with a consistent but dodgeable CC ability who builds similar items to Jarvan, has a flexible build path, and a teamfight-centric ultimate
Give me the star guardian skins already
You can pick anything and win in soloQ.
"Meta" is limited to master/Challenger and pro play.
You have 10 bans now, bans are hidden until revealed, 1 ban each person, ban can overlap
I for one am glad not having to deal with fucking Yasuo, Zed, Riven, Fiora on a daily basis anymore
For soloqueue a lot of stuff is viable, maybe some supports are a bit over the top. Competitive is more like what you're talking about.
Jarvan can build tank and still be useful.
Kled can't.
Every top laners build the same shit anyway.
up until about two months ago the picks were pretty open and varied
as of right this second though the meta is really, really strictly based around a small handful of extremely strong picks
>poppy posters
Camille j4 trundle kled renekton nasus
Change physical to magic and you have maokai
and there's way more than that out of like 130+ champions
The game has never had more diverse picks. Besides one or two picks in mid, top and AD, everyone is within about 5% of the next lowest or highest champion in terms of strength. You can pick practically any support or top laner depending on what you need rather than raw strength if the strong picks are banned, which is much easier with 5 bans per team, there are fewer utter dogshit ADs than there used to be and mid, besides Cass and Syndra being the strongest, is pretty much entirely based on who you want to play and what your team comp needs.
>yordle posters
Q change feels nice on leo
can't say I'm looking forward to clearing waves via sunlight procs though, they're gonna fade too fast for randoms to realize they can proc a wave of sunny d
Should I read a book or play some league?
and everytime you ask they get 'delayed' for 6 hours
see you on the ift summoner :^)
>tfw you'll never get carried out of bronze
read Dune
Are you an e-girl?
>silvershitter pussies out when asked to actually make himself personally accountable
Yordleposters are not pedos, they are only brothers, please retract.
i will trade u a mid gold acc for ur bronze anyday
enjoy league while u can, play bronze for fun. If u want to improve just do normals
>playing league of legends
How do I make my team have some decent logic when I'm playing Pantheon.
>I will take out their ADC in teamfights
>Just prepare to fight under my ult
They somehow nearly always manage to carry the fight outside of the circle or drive their ADC away from me.
Even when I have 20 kills 15 kills or only 5 kills in the game
Read a fanfic about league. You might even find one that's not complete ass. You won't.
I said give them to me
or else
>joyreactor water mark
go away
>good fanfiction
>literally ever
sometimes there is good fapfics. That's about it.
>Team has twitch
>Team fight going to happen
>Went into stealth
>Waddle in the middle of the enemy team
>Disappear in 0,1 second
just use the voice comms and tell your team user :^)
So competetive League hasn't improved in any way in the past 4 years? I always see how Worlds have like 50% of the Champion pool picked while Dota sits at almost 100%(for TI). How come people still aren't bored of this?
Glad to see that atleast the soloq meta is diverse.
Back in S3 I was basically spamming Carries with the Elder Lizard item and somehow got Diamond despite me being utter shit at the game.
Thanks for reading my blog!
>boosting friends acc to gold for the free champion
>alt tab into champ select a little late
>4 people hovering yasuo
>figure it's a joke
>ask if anyone wants to play him seriously, else i'll just ban him
>get no response for 20 seconds
>ban Yas
>our mid spergs completely out, 500 game Yasuo main, 52% winrate
>I'm silver 1, he's plat 5 with low gold mmr appearently
>rages at everyone while they're trying to calm im down
>goes Jhin an demands to go bot adc (i was gonna go adc)
>pick Sivir and just head mid
>flames the entire game
>we end up winning pretty easily
>again spergs the fuck out when I get an S, tells everyone to report me
>Kog walks up to you
>Demands you cuddle him or else he'll eat you
What do?
Then go away.
I used to main Jayce with a KDA of 5.5:1 until gold 5. After that i suddenly hit a wall where i got less and less impactfull. 3 days ago I started playing ardent supports every game, in my promos to gold 1 with like 20 wins 2 losses...
Shits completely balanced riot. :^)
if you're on yurop west, I'll carry you
oh would you look at that? SG Soraka recall SFX are slightly out of sync!
guess we might need a few hours to correct that :^)
yurowest? I am also bronze fag and I will carry u out. I promise.
poke him the entire lane and deny him cs until he wants to kill himself, then feed him a penta becauseI hate my shit team and kog deserves it for what I put him through
>mentioning the only exception
>+healing and shielding power: removed
>"yeah, this was a pretty stupid mechanic to begin with"
How are you guys liking the patch notes
Do you still build censer on janna/sona?
>Team has one less top shitter and one more ward whore
Color me surprised
It is not much that the role / champ / item is broken. It is that your retarded ass is now out of everyone's way
Does it still give a retarded amount of free stats to your adc?
>half udyrs bear stance speed gained on stun, stacking with active speed
I'm ebjoying it a LOT actually
sorry bud, I only play hard initiators
>Childlike and Naive
>Childlike and Naive
Ok, Corki and Heimer are off the hook too.
>12 hours since the patch
>Ornn still not in the shop
I was mid user... And i barely ever fed my lane because i was smart enough to ban Zed every time.
how are veigar and ziggs childlike and naive
Yes. Still gives a lot of stats for very little. The only question is if you should still rush it or go for redemption first.
From what I've tried, you still rush it.
>Ziggs is an explosive madman
>Disregarding the actual nature of the explosives
>Ergo; Childlike
>Veigar, a mad evil little nigga
>Disregarding the true evil of his power
>Ergo; Childlike
ur a pedo user. it's ok if u r tho, cuz this is Veeky Forums.
>disregard = childishness
Or, you know, insanity
Like a pyromaniac or a person overwhelm with power
>overwhelm with power
I got this skin in re-roll. Please tell me it is not the worst Leona skin?
I'm sorry user
But Kog should not be bullied, he should be loved!
>Trying to practice adc in norms just in case I get autofilled
>every support i get is missing one of the hemispheres of their brain
>no sighstone, 30 minute ardent, the whole 9
This sucks man