/sc2/scr/ starcrafts general
sleepin but i'll brb
any eu t/ps wanna practise vs a not good zerg? :/
bw obv
>join super laggy game
>espanol veve?
>tfw 2017 and the 2nd and 3rd world can be on the internet
we fucked up somewhere
anyone watching jd?
why did he just leave that game
why are horror movies so shit
my life is worse than any horror movie
well do blog more
time to hit the ladder!
i've heard /sc2g/ has been infamous for shitposting in the past...what was that about?
ever since the repost counter went away i really don't give a shit anymore
daria is in my top 5 fav shows of all time
tfw still haven't played a single game against a human
tfw Rasmus accepts u on steam
how much of a dweeb do you have to be to care about that sc2 ai shit lls
innovation vs ai...machine vs machine...stop being jealous bwboy
hard to get back in the habit honestly
ate too much
didn't sleep well
mad dep basically
just try
gonna eat some tendies + french fries and go to bed @ 2pm
how do you make bitcoin
laddering all night till i hit 1500...
the fat vein in every tender...
left the house today
it was really hot...
crunch the numbers. they say theres an infinite amount of numbers but i'm finite and don't really understand
all that
still triple digits here;; really sad state of affairs
thats 3 numbers
it was 90~100 yesterday. good thing i didn't go out, felt like i was going to pass out near the end
or maybe it should've happened...
waited to 2am to take the trash out last night and it started raining in the 20 seconds i was out there
how much do you pay for trash
gonna head to sleep soon, don't post 2 many cuties while I'm gone ^_^
i got into kpop in 2010, since then i became a sc2 pro, visited korea to train, discovered sc2 general, got into college, stopped being a sc2 pro, graduated, got a job, yet im still here
some of you guys are nice
cool guy huh..
i need to be more assertive in tvt...
don't know
it makes me made that they want me to sort out my reg trash from recycling though, for free
yeah. sure... fucking globalists
if you had a maid you wouldn't have this problem
trying to learn terran, i still lose every game i play against people and on ladder i last a little longer tho, it's still pretty fun
bw terran is for noobs
i need to learn a build for tvt....
bw protoss is for noobs
i dropped to 1400 when trying to hit 1600...
what is the sc2 terran of bw?